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Originally posted by codica3

Derb was ok, I was enjoying them for most of the set, but towards the end it got a little.. um.. unbearable.. :blown:

Great to chill with all my CPers.. I sacrificed the night at Exit to be with you guys instead of my normal Friday-nighters, and I am hearing so much shit for it.. so next week.. I will be back at my home.. (and I will be dragging a few of you back home with me) ;)

OK Derb got really annoyin, tru

but like I said

WHY ARE YOU GOING TO EXIT???????? It was nice to meet you though, before you getting sucked back into the black hole. ;) ;)

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okay so its sunday but i been partying all weekend and Im not done partying yet so imma take this small break to give my take on friday nite...

my first week chillin with the stage crew for the majority of the time--I agree with what Msoprano said...only place in rocy where i dance is on the stage:D See Cody I can dance a lil bit--

Musically, Johnny played great--I wudda got there earlier if I knew he was opening but Im glad I caught FLOOOOWWWW...and Outa Space was also nice....onto Derb

Starting with derbis pissed me off something fierce but the Stage crews "KTU, KTU, KTU chant set me at ease--i was cracking up--but he did play some good shit--lots of project,derb stuff obviously, arome, hennes and cold (the sound of rock!!) Mixing wise he was tight--a bit cocky as each mix came in he threw his headphones off and just rocked with his cig in his mouth--but the mixes were tight nonetheless--

his programming took a severe hit in my book when he tried to bring his set down by playing ChooChoo (every fuckin day) and Miami but thats when i left--all in all i liked derb--give him a 6 outta 10--

Lemme see if i can remember everyone here.. Trancer,Rdancer,Godfadda,Doubtness,Big Art,Bigpoppa,xtcgspot, Linabina (u leaving early again??!!:D ) Cody, ronin, legend, blazeny, dom capello, my boy mike, nicakiss, I know more of ya'll were there but im shot--now I gotta go upstate to spin

next week ya'll...peace

Mike BuGouT

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Originally posted by djmikebugout

Lemme see if i can remember everyone here.. Trancer,Rdancer,Godfadda,Doubtness,Big Art,Bigpoppa,xtcgspot, Linabina (u leaving early again??!!:D ) Cody, ronin, legend, blazeny, dom capello, my boy mike, nicakiss, I know more of ya'll were there but im shot--now I gotta go upstate to spin

next week ya'll...peace

Mike BuGouT

yo mofo...u forgot me... i will never forgive u


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airatomic--holdin it down-- i see u playa...Im just too cracked out today--me and my boys from college went thru 4 kegs at a party last nite--I vaguely remember the NE Patriots somehow winning a football game in the snow on a blown instant replay call but thats about it--so friday nite is an even more distant memory--

but my bad bro--anyone else i forget?

Mike BuGouT

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Originally posted by doubtness

Codi, you wuss!

Stand up for yourself, stand up to what you believe in!!!!


Stop letting them push you around!

LOL you don't understand Steve.. it's just the way it is.. Friday night doesn't feel complete without my clubbers.. :( :( :(

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Originally posted by boreese

OK Derb got really annoyin, tru

but like I said

WHY ARE YOU GOING TO EXIT???????? It was nice to meet you though, before you getting sucked back into the black hole. ;) ;)

Heh.. I don't care what anyone says, Exit is still my home (for now) so I must return to it next week.. well I want to anyways.. Spacegirl.. :D

But, um.. my Exitheadz were mad at me.. they bitched me out all weekend (and I'm still hearing it) so I dunno.. I just try and please everyone.. seems like I put people before myself.. :(

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Originally posted by roninmess

STFU! Take your 'personal ad' out of your signature you fawkin pimp. LMAO! aaaahahahaha


I was gonna, but I cant now!!

And Helen, WHAT THE FUCK!!!!

You edited that message!! I want my parenthesis and extra A's back!! :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

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