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I Have A Dream review.....


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Originally posted by trancend

glowgirlnyc nice to meet you finally!

oh yeah, and glowgrlnyc is a fuckin good dancer, she puts my raver stomp to shame :D

Thank YoU...and,,,TrAnCeNd YouR RAVER StOMP RULEDDDDDDD!!!!! I LOvEd WatCHiNG You DANcE:D :D


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hey everyone...

i thought that party was good. the lighting was amazing. i thought the lighting was really good for once. i haven't seen lighting like that in a while. i didnt get to hear dj irene ....which i wanted too. blah. but green velvets set i thought was pretty good. and i really like hippie and halos set. and i also liked dave ralph ..or whoever it was ..lol...it was a good party. thought it would be more packed but it wasn't. it was nice though. just enough room to dance. and the no water bottle th ing sucked ass and made no sense lol. well lust 4 looks like the next really really good party woo hoooooo hehee.

j =)

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Originally posted by joeg

$10 for vodkaredbulls are fucking rediculous... not to mention that no bottle of water shit...

Other than that, great night.

u paid $10 but u did get alot of drink there... and ALOT of Vodka!

ahhh the whole event was alright... the basement music was OFF THE HOOK.. green velvet was crazy impressive..

$4 for a cup not even a bottle of water was the most retarted thing i ever seen!

i got my picture up on the huge screen :) with my little blinking SF hat!

oooooh yah.... them raver kiddies... should go to SF, vinyl, and exit and teach people how to keep the bathrooms clean and usuable :) not one over flowed toilet... not one un-flushed toilet... no toilet paper everywhere.. was nice!

phuturephunk - thank u :) ::MmWwAa::

JoeG - Super phunk :) LOL

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i missed Green Velvet...

how was it...

over all that night was sick, sick, sick. Lust 4 should be pretty good too though. I can't wait.

P.S I know the address for Baktun (Spelling?) But every time I drive by it seems dead. and I don't see a sign for it.

P.s.s what is LUNA? or where is it i should ask. and what is going on there?

OH don't forget PVD MARCH 29 @Roxy.

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Originally posted by thehacker

just got back from tronic treatment at guernica (the last one at G; moving over to baktun) - H FOUNDATION ROCKS>

how was Hippie and Halo??? I was gonna go...but I think Im coming down with the flu....so I gotta take it easy till Saturday cuz I wanna see Astral Projection:D

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Originally posted by glowgrlnyc

how was Hippie and Halo??? I was gonna go...but I think Im coming down with the flu....so I gotta take it easy till Saturday cuz I wanna see Astral Projection:D

amazin' as always.

only stayed till like 1.

my bloody alarm clock didn't go off.

i never turned it 'on' even tho i did set it - ARGH.

my workplace called just now.

vice president = the alarm clock you Don't want to hear.

oh well. i *was* there until 9:30 last night **again**

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Originally posted by jmuneton

P.S I know the address for Baktun (Spelling?) But every time I drive by it seems dead. and I don't see a sign for it.

they Never open before 10. (it's strictly a nightclub.)

and altho they DID get a valid legal look-at-this-guliani-now-go-suck-a-cock! cabaret license (after waiting a year!) the city tried to discourage them from remaining in business by coming up with some ridiculous 'sign fee' just so they could keep their sign outside advertising the existence of the place. hence, no sign. so it's kind of like the people that need to know, know.

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Originally posted by thehacker

they Never open before 10. (it's strictly a nightclub.)

and altho they DID get a valid legal look-at-this-guliani-now-go-suck-a-cock! cabaret license (after waiting a year!) the city tried to discourage them from remaining in business by coming up with some ridiculous 'sign fee' just so they could keep their sign outside advertising the existence of the place. hence, no sign. so it's kind of like the people that need to know, know.

I was so confused that night that I went there.....

*looks around*

"Is this Baktun?! :confused:

*looks around*

"There's no sign?"


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Originally posted by glowgrlnyc

Thank YoU...and,,,TrAnCeNd YouR RAVER StOMP RULEDDDDDDD!!!!! I LOvEd WatCHiNG You DANcE:D :D


Hey Glow... When and where are Astral Projection playing?/? I have like a TON of MP3's of them, and i always wanted to see them.

LET"s GOoooo! I'll bring PaPa again :D

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Joe - Glad we took care of that. You know how I am. I only mean the best. Anyways, Just remember that sometimes when you are 25+ looking back at the 18, you wonder what the hell were you thinking. Just dont want you to make any unnessasary mistakes.

Justin - Yeah, uhmmm..., the guys legs.... I hope he was not bothering your cutie afterwards. She is so hot, dude.....

Hacker - very very very very very cool seeing you again. We MUST hang out more often.

Bk Mike and Phuterfunk - as usual, the pleasure is all mine. How did you guys get back home? ok, I hope. Sorry for breaking out on you guys like that. Felt really bad.

Nathan - jealous?...

Crystelbella - what time did you guys leave? Only after like couple of hours seeing that hat, I realized that it is not a Sound fatory hat. I thought that it was - dumbass!!!!

glowgrl - sorry we missed you. Wouldve been really nice to see you, but I guess there is always a next time.

Papasmurf - nice meeting you. You were very funny. keep it up.

Anyone who I am not mentioning - I hope everyone had a blast. Dave Ralph was definatelly a highlight for me. This is the conversation that I had with some guy in the elevator going up to DB room

Me: Do you know if DB is playing

Guy: no. and frankie bones is not playing either.

-- the whole elevator bursts in laughter---

Me (without skipping a beat): Is dave ralph playing?

Guy: Yes. As far as I know.

Me (to shannon): cool. That's all I care about.

later - the guy in the elevator was Frankie bones. So I don tknow what he looks like - sue me! I made such an ass out of myself!!!!!!!

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Originally posted by gmccookny

Hey Glow... When and where are Astral Projection playing?/? I have like a TON of MP3's of them, and i always wanted to see them.

Jan. 26th @ Amazura Balloom in Queens

Synthetic - Sahdus presents:


Plus More...


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Originally posted by tottallyoff

Anyone who I am not mentioning - I hope everyone had a blast. Dave Ralph was definatelly a highlight for me. This is the conversation that I had with some guy in the elevator going up to DB room

Me: Do you know if DB is playing

Guy: no. and frankie bones is not playing either.

-- the whole elevator bursts in laughter---

Me (without skipping a beat): Is dave ralph playing?

Guy: Yes. As far as I know.

Me (to shannon): cool. That's all I care about.

later - the guy in the elevator was Frankie bones. So I don tknow what he looks like - sue me! I made such an ass out of myself!!!!!!!

Yo , that is something else, Tot. Off( sorry, fergot ur real name, please remind me) :D

I\When everyone started laughing, you must have been like "What the Fuc|< ?/?"

You ARE WAAAY OUT there, dude ;)

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Originally posted by glowgrlnyc

Jan. 26th @ Amazura Balloom in Queens

Synthetic - Sahdus presents:


Plus More...


Heeey, thanks, glow :D I've heard about Synthetic Sahdus parties, this should be Great!

PaPa thanks you :)

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Originally posted by tottallyoff

Me: Do you know if DB is playing

Guy: no. and frankie bones is not playing either.

-- the whole elevator bursts in laughter---

Me (without skipping a beat): Is dave ralph playing?

Guy: Yes. As far as I know.

Me (to shannon): cool. That's all I care about.

later - the guy in the elevator was Frankie bones. So I don tknow what he looks like - sue me! I made such an ass out of myself!!!!!!!


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