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OZ (the HBO series)

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I am never dissapointed in this show. Every episode seems even more intriguing than last. The writing is great, and the acting is even greater. I am especially interested to see how Petey Schibetta is going to react to his return to OZ. He has Chucky and the rest of the crew watching his back, but from the looks of things Petey is a bit changed since the dicking he received at the hands of the late Adibesi. I am also very interested to see what comes of the new beef between the Aryans and the Italians (since Schillinger just discovered that Pancarmo was responsible for Hank's death). I was surprised to see that they brought Schibetta back into Emerald City, since he was an embarassment to the mafia after he was raped. I was liking his character though, so hopefully he can redeem himself after such embarassment and bring the mob back into full effect. I am also curious as to whether or not the Reverend (Luke Perry) will fully recover from the burns and be able to speak; from the previews it seems as if his character will be affecting many members of Oz (spiritually speaking). Plus, the return of Koehler should spice things up a bit as well.

Amidst all the bullshit that is on HBO (Sopranos, Sex and the City, 6 feet under) Oz is by far the best of them.

Anyone else love this show?

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Chuck Zito's character is phat. I hope they do more with the mob in OZ; they've been giving them the shit end of the stick for the last season or two, and they've been taking a backseat to other crews as a result. Since Petey's father died, they haven't been the same. They had a chance at redemption with Nappa, but after being infected with HIV by Adibesi, they got fucked again. Pancarmo (Zito) is a good soldier, but he's not too smart. They need some brains behind the operation.

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I like Omar's character. The guy who plays him is a seasoned actor as well; he always seems to play stressed out or troubled characters on screen. It would be great if Omar could be redeemed, otherwise he is off to solitary for the rest of his time there. What was he imprisoned for anyway?

I am glad that they finally showed what Chucky was imprisoned for.

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Tonight's episode was fucked up. I can't believe Petey Schibetta got raped AGAIN. That shit really pisses me off; I was really hoping that he and Chucky were going to get the boys in line again. Now he's been raped once by Adibesi and again by Schillinger. What a fucking cunt.

I hope The mob can get things back into order in there. They are looking like fucking cunts lately.

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Amidst all the bullshit that is on HBO (Sopranos, Sex and the City, 6 feet under) Oz is by far the best of them.

You think that Sopranos and 6 Feet Under are bllshit? First of all, I have been an OZ fan for years, and I must say the show has gone way down hill. I still watch it because mostly everything else on TV is garbage, but its clear they have run out of ideas. OZ is the same stoty line repeated over and over. Schillingers mad at Beacher, now they make up, then he wants to kill him again, this week the Italians and Latinos get along, then the black and Latinos fight, and over, and over. The Sopranos are one of the greatest shows of all time. Always original ideas, superb acting. And Six Feet Under is one of the most innovative shows I've ever seen. Who would have ever thought- a show about a family that runs a funeral home? Maybe you don't like the story line of the foundadtion of the show but you can't call it bullshit.

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Originally posted by rudeboyyouth

Tonight's episode was fucked up. I can't believe Petey Schibetta got raped AGAIN. That shit really pisses me off; I was really hoping that he and Chucky were going to get the boys in line again. Now he's been raped once by Adibesi and again by Schillinger. What a fucking cunt.

I hope The mob can get things back into order in there. They are looking like fucking cunts lately.

Well the Arians got him now poor thing:(

Now he looks more like an ass :mad:

But hopefully the Italianos will represent and do their thing:D

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The Sopranos is a poor show not only because of the material, but the writing and the acting. The material regarding the dichotomy which Tony faces (of his two families) is not original. The only thing I do like about the show is the extra emphasis on his personal family and their dillemas. Tony's character is hardly a demanding one; aside from a hot temper (which is common among screen mafia bosses) nothing really defines his personality and makes it distinctive. His acting is terrible, and the characters who surround him are all played very poorly. The storyline of a mob boss with two families conflicting with one another has been done time and time again on the big-screen in a far more tasteful manner. James Gandolfini and the writers of the Sopranos bring nothing new to the mafia storyline of the Sopranos. What I really like about the Sopranos is the inclusion of the non-mafia elements. Everything else is nothing more than stereotypical, predictable mafia bullshit. There is nothing which sets is apart from or makes it better than a B-rate mafia film. Even the demons which haunt Tony hardly seem interesting because his character is just weak. One doesn't even know why one should care if he rises above whatever problems he faces. There is some considerable creativity regarding how Tony deals with is demons and how he balances his two lives, but other than than I find nothing really great about the show. The actors (who are in Tony's crew) bring nothing more than typical mafioso bravura to their roles, and such style has been mimiced far better on the big screen.

Oz's storylines are far more involved and thought-provoking. Aside from all the rapes and tortures which define most prison films, there are the brilliant performances by every individual in Emerald City. Since the beginning of the show, the characters have been superb (characters like Alvarez, Keane, Ordilani, Said, Beecher, Koehler, Glenn, Adibesi, Schillinger, Poet, Augustus, the Reverend, Wittlesly, several of the Hacks, etc). Each of the characters are played beautifully by actors who are far more seasoned than the cast members on The Sopranos. Also, the personal dillemas that each inmate faces are far more interesting than anything Tony, Pauly Walnuts, Big Pussy, or Multisanti could ever face. The shocking, strange, funny, and horrific elements that the inmates face are made all the more intriguing because the inmates are all bounded by the walls of Ozwald penitentary. They can go nowhere to escape to the horrors they face. They must wrestle with the side of themselves that just wants to crawl into a corner and cry while being forced to deal with their enemies not merely on a daily basis (like characters on the Sopranos may have to do), but on an hourly and even minutely basis. Regardless of how much the characters on Oz develop, the writers continually manage to play with the emotions of the audience. Just when you think things can't get any worse, they do.

Oz is by far a better show than the Sopranos. The fact that the Sopranos have earned more Emmy's means nothing. The mafia has always been and will always continue to be more appealing than gritty, grotesque, horrific prison stories. Many people are intrigued by the appeal of the mafia lifestyle, so they watch. Personally speaking, the writing, acting, and overall material of Oz is far better.

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