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Too few people for too many clubs?

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First let me start by saying that I am not a promoter...I am avid NJ club goer (who is also an amateur DJ looking to get onto the scene one day) :)

Just wanted to say that I think there isnt enough business to go around in NJ for the amount of clubs. Lets face it....there's too many clubs in Jersey and not enough people who listen to the this type of music to fill them.

Bunkas and Abyss were doing fine on Saturdays until Image and Platinum moved into the picture. Now instead of 2 clubs being packed on the weekends...we have 4 clubs that are half filled each week. THere just isnt enough people to fill all these places in NJ. My opinion is one of these places needs to differentiate themselves from the others....which I see Bunkas doing...and they are smart for doing that. They are getting outside international talent....because they know that they will attract NJ people who normally go into the city to see these DJ's. Very few clubs have DJ's that spin trance.....except for Platinum (John Michael)...but not on Fri's or Sat's. Correct me if I'm wrong...but Dave Ralph on a Fri...will be the first time a DJ that spins trance will be spinning on a weekend in NJ (at least that I can remember) (Max was on a Thurs)...and I think we will see a great turnout....but a crowd that is somewhat different from the normal crowd we see every week there.

By having 4 or more clubs that all bring in DJ's that spin the same NY progressive house tracks (not dissing any DJ's...I love all the NJ DJ's currently...Kirk and Sal are off the hook!)....you are asking for the same crowd to spread itself out over 4 or more clubs. Why not attract a different crowd....the trance crowd...to one of these clubs and bring in a new crowd of people, rather than trying to scramble every week to convince (via promoting) the same crowd to go to this club or that club. This trance crowd is there...Bon Solid saw this last month with Max graham and the amount of new people he attracted by bringing in Max. Hopefully Bunkas can continue to do this and differeniate itself from the other clubs in NJ and maybe another club or two will think about doing the same......

Any thoughts?


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hear hear! wow, FINALLY, someone who understands. true, many "commercial" people have never heard of dave ralph and u can say the same when sasha and digweed started twilo and look what they did to the friday nites. i love our NJ/NY dj's (RS, SP, Manny, Andrew Mendez and many others they're good but they are commercial and they will play what people want to hear cos that's what they want to hear, they play to the consumer masses. when u have 4 clubs playing the same music on a given night the club population will be divided amongst those clubs. any clubs u go to in jersey is the same sound, everyone will agree on that. we're trying to bring in a new atmosphere to NJ which is no one is doing. DR already have a monthly residence in Philly and in a month Carl Cox will be there to guest DJ (anyone know CarlCox? Paul Tall?) and look what DT has done to Vinyl, ridiculous. once people get the word about the new music, the ELITE crowd and TRUE clubbers at heart, they will COME OUT and pack the clubs. PLEASE DO NOT CALL YOURSELF CLUB GODS and get respect from us when you limit yourself to 2 to 3 clubs and follow one DJ from one venue to the next, it's nice and sweet of you to do that and i commend you for supporting them and the clubs BUT you are not a CLUB god... YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE! and going to miami during the WMC does not qualify you as a true clubber, you are going there to hang out to hear the same dj's and the same jersey/new york crowd you see up here, what's the point? save yourself the money and stay home. sorry i drifted there, anyhow... we close at 2 for some 3 but if the music is there people will come, places like LA London and Boston have early closings but u know what, people pack those places. people don't go out because certain clubs close early, true later openings is a plus but if people hear the music is good they will come out for that. we want people to hear good music NOT hit music, that's what KTU is for... know the difference. so there...

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Originally posted by carusomaas11

First let me start by saying that I am not a promoter...I am avid NJ club goer (who is also an amateur DJ looking to get onto the scene one day) :)

Just wanted to say that I think there isnt enough business to go around in NJ for the amount of clubs. Lets face it....there's too many clubs in Jersey and not enough people who listen to the this type of music to fill them.

Bunkas and Abyss were doing fine on Saturdays until Image and Platinum moved into the picture. Now instead of 2 clubs being packed on the weekends...we have 4 clubs that are half filled each week. THere just isnt enough people to fill all these places in NJ. My opinion is one of these places needs to differentiate themselves from the others....which I see Bunkas doing...and they are smart for doing that. They are getting outside international talent....because they know that they will attract NJ people who normally go into the city to see these DJ's. Very few clubs have DJ's that spin trance.....except for Platinum (John Michael)...but not on Fri's or Sat's. Correct me if I'm wrong...but Dave Ralph on a Fri...will be the first time a DJ that spins trance will be spinning on a weekend in NJ (at least that I can remember) (Max was on a Thurs)...and I think we will see a great turnout....but a crowd that is somewhat different from the normal crowd we see every week there.

By having 4 or more clubs that all bring in DJ's that spin the same NY progressive house tracks (not dissing any DJ's...I love all the NJ DJ's currently...Kirk and Sal are off the hook!)....you are asking for the same crowd to spread itself out over 4 or more clubs. Why not attract a different crowd....the trance crowd...to one of these clubs and bring in a new crowd of people, rather than trying to scramble every week to convince (via promoting) the same crowd to go to this club or that club. This trance crowd is there...Bon Solid saw this last month with Max graham and the amount of new people he attracted by bringing in Max. Hopefully Bunkas can continue to do this and differeniate itself from the other clubs in NJ and maybe another club or two will think about doing the same......

Any thoughts?


i have a thought....

youre a geek and trance sucks:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

just kidding bro...you know im messin around...but im too drunk to reply because my reply would require too much thought


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i absolutely do...here is my (sober) reply

there are a million places to go on a friday night in jersey/nyc...small clubs, big clubs, lounges, restaurants, strip joints, etc....

the majority of people i know (not talking about CP people) go to different places every week...they arent about going to clubs all the time...they come out when a certain performer is performing, or they have comps to go somewhere, etc.....

then there are us who go clubbin everyweek, and many of us have our "spot".....and when we come on CP and start talking about "how many people were there" or "how packed the place was", its just an opinion.....one not to be trusted since many of us are promoters, and its our job to hype the club up

the point is, most people go wherever, maybe bunka one week for Hex HEctor, Platinum the next week for Tsettos, wherever....this causes the numbers to fluctuate week to week....if bunka has a slight dip in the numbers, is doesnt necessarily mean abyss had an increase

i feel there are plenty of people to go to all these clubs...its the job of the promoters to get people who dont normally go out clubbin to come out....they shouldnt be stealing business from each other

scarletpromos came to platinum on tuesday night...he told me, hed support my night, to check the place out, etc....meanwhile, hes dumping Dave Ralph @ bunka flyers out...is it legal, yes...but is it right? personally i think its a dick move:(

a call to all promoters.......work to get the non clubbers to come out..even if its different people every week...in the end, there will be more clubbers for everyone

and to all you clubbers who go to the same place every week and feel like youre in a rut(carusomaas)...there are plenty of options...try something new out?

there....now im tired:laugh:


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There is more clubs because #1 the club scene is growing every year. More people are going out as years past by 4 clubs cannot hold all of these people and #2 if u get bored of a club you have somewhere else to go.

There is not only 4 clubs in the state of new jersey that gets packed every weekend. What if people who live in north jersey dont want to travel to down south and want to stay in their area. They should get fucked because 2 clubs should be packed.

They all provide something different than the others. You forgetting about metro on fridays and saturdays as well as joeys, tribecca, and others. Each provide not all the same thing. Different looks as well as own music. And especially during summer when everyone comes home from school and goes down the shore you can still see differences in the clubs. I do not support your thought at all because the club scene cannot just deal with 2 clubs especially 2 clubs that close at 2 am.

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WHere are you going thats packed on a consistent basis? Please let us know...(and dont promote your own club in the process). Bunkas, Abyss, Image, and Platinum have not been packed consistently lately ever since Image and Platinum re-opened/opened respectively. Joeys might be packed...but I've never been there...but heard its about 1/10 of the size of any of these NJ clubs so thats not saying much. How bout Soundgarden, Tribecca, Metro Lounge?...even more of the same music, more of the same crowd, same DJ's. THere's nothing wrong with that crowd, that music, or those DJ's (heck...I'm currently part of that crowd)..but there just isnt enough people to fill 4 big clubs each night...and if you say there is...you obvioulsy dont go to these places consistently or you'd know.

Why not have one of these clubs....differeniate themselves. Bring in different music and see if people that normally dont go out to NJ clubs come out to it. I will predict they will...as evidenced by Max at Bunkas...and what we will see with Dave Ralph there in 2-3 weeks.

Sydnie said it correctly...."we want people to hear good music NOT hit music". Hit music is "what KTU is for". If just one club kept that theme...they'd bring in a different crowd and pack the house....in my opinion.

As for the summer scene...we'll thats a whole other ballgame. More people go out in the summer, alot of people get shore houses so they are closer to clubs, etc. I'm talking solely about Sept to May here...sorry if I wasnt clear.

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Originally posted by carusomaas11

WHere are you going thats packed on a consistent basis? Please let us know...(and dont promote your own club in the process). Bunkas, Abyss, Image, and Platinum have not been packed consistently lately ever since Image and Platinum re-opened/opened respectively. Joeys might be packed...but I've never been there...but heard its about 1/10 of the size of any of these NJ clubs so thats not saying much.

Its not the size that counts, its the motion of the ocean (the ocean of course being the DJ spinning) :D Seriously, I personally dont like to go to places that are packed all the time. I like to chill with people that are more into the music and scene rather than looking to just get wrecked or whatever. Dont get me wrong, I love Abyss, and S.F Sunday mornings are a must, but sometimes people just wanna go somewhere laid back where they can actually talk with someone and not have to walk with their elbows up just to walk 15 feet away. I love Platinum Tuesdays, maybe Abyss Wednesdays, Tradewinds Thursdays cuz its close, Abyss Fridays or Vinyl, and Saturday is always changing. Jersey gives you so many options, thats what makes it great. Whatever floats your boat...

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Originally posted by carusomaas11

First let me start by saying that I am not a promoter...I am avid NJ club goer (who is also an amateur DJ looking to get onto the scene one day) :)

Just wanted to say that I think there isnt enough business to go around in NJ for the amount of clubs. Lets face it....there's too many clubs in Jersey and not enough people who listen to the this type of music to fill them.

Bunkas and Abyss were doing fine on Saturdays until Image and Platinum moved into the picture. Now instead of 2 clubs being packed on the weekends...we have 4 clubs that are half filled each week. THere just isnt enough people to fill all these places in NJ. My opinion is one of these places needs to differentiate themselves from the others....which I see Bunkas doing...and they are smart for doing that. They are getting outside international talent....because they know that they will attract NJ people who normally go into the city to see these DJ's. Very few clubs have DJ's that spin trance.....except for Platinum (John Michael)...but not on Fri's or Sat's. Correct me if I'm wrong...but Dave Ralph on a Fri...will be the first time a DJ that spins trance will be spinning on a weekend in NJ (at least that I can remember) (Max was on a Thurs)...and I think we will see a great turnout....but a crowd that is somewhat different from the normal crowd we see every week there.

By having 4 or more clubs that all bring in DJ's that spin the same NY progressive house tracks (not dissing any DJ's...I love all the NJ DJ's currently...Kirk and Sal are off the hook!)....you are asking for the same crowd to spread itself out over 4 or more clubs. Why not attract a different crowd....the trance crowd...to one of these clubs and bring in a new crowd of people, rather than trying to scramble every week to convince (via promoting) the same crowd to go to this club or that club. This trance crowd is there...Bon Solid saw this last month with Max graham and the amount of new people he attracted by bringing in Max. Hopefully Bunkas can continue to do this and differeniate itself from the other clubs in NJ and maybe another club or two will think about doing the same......

Any thoughts?


I see your point here to an extent, though before i begin Iwould like to say that I noticed you only plugged Hunka Bunka positively here, ok now onward

1. Abyss (even though I work there) Has the most consistent Saturday night right now, and it is packed every week. Its not the best looking crowd(quite frankly none of them know whats goign on) but its still packed every week, and Fridays are over 1000 every week, thats a pretty consistent packed party.

2. Bunka has a very consistent saturday, its not jam packed but its crowded well over 1500 every week, but shit Hunka Bunka is huge!!! And right now with the economy those 24 yr olds who thought they were big spenders cant spend every week....

3. To be honest with you, I dont think alot of people know who Dave Ralph is so I dont know if he is gonna be New Jersey's answer to their club problem

4. You are calling for trance to be there for the trance people, Where were these trance people when Max Graham came to Sayerville?? It surely wasnt crowded that night and whats the difference between it being a thursday or a friday these days?? Your telling me a Friday is gonna make that big of a difference?? If all these people want trance and the finally got it with Max Graham why didnt they show up? Its not like Bunka closes so late?

I am in no way trying to knock Bon, he is a close friend of mine but some of the things you said were insane, I think the problem is not with the music, we get good music at all of our clubs, Richie does his tribal thing, Kirk is playing hard as hell, Rydell is playing hard, I havent really seen any club really be strugglin as bad as you think, Platinum seems to be hurting on Fridays but how can one compete with Santana, Sal Parm & Rydell, No ones saturdays are struggling that bad, I firmly believe a trance crowd is the minority here, though I do believe firmly they need to be catered to as well, and thats why I support what Bon for what he is doing, but dont single him out as the only one doing it, Abyss is having George Acosta, and Image is probably gonna bring back Tenaglia, there are people out there trying to cater to that crowd, but please dont say every one is hurting for business that bad, there are alot of places to go, and there alot of people in Jersey and I see them out every week, you want trance every week go to the city and stay out late

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Originally posted by kettleone4me

I see your point here to an extent, though before i begin Iwould like to say that I noticed you only plugged Hunka Bunka positively here, ok now onward

1. Abyss (even though I work there) Has the most consistent Saturday night right now, and it is packed every week. Its not the best looking crowd(quite frankly none of them know whats goign on) but its still packed every week, and Fridays are over 1000 every week, thats a pretty consistent packed party.

2. Bunka has a very consistent saturday, its not jam packed but its crowded well over 1500 every week, but shit Hunka Bunka is huge!!! And right now with the economy those 24 yr olds who thought they were big spenders cant spend every week....

3. To be honest with you, I dont think alot of people know who Dave Ralph is so I dont know if he is gonna be New Jersey's answer to their club problem

4. You are calling for trance to be there for the trance people, Where were these trance people when Max Graham came to Sayerville?? It surely wasnt crowded that night and whats the difference between it being a thursday or a friday these days?? Your telling me a Friday is gonna make that big of a difference?? If all these people want trance and the finally got it with Max Graham why didnt they show up? Its not like Bunka closes so late?

I am in no way trying to knock Bon, he is a close friend of mine but some of the things you said were insane, I think the problem is not with the music, we get good music at all of our clubs, Richie does his tribal thing, Kirk is playing hard as hell, Rydell is playing hard, I havent really seen any club really be strugglin as bad as you think, Platinum seems to be hurting on Fridays but how can one compete with Santana, Sal Parm & Rydell, No ones saturdays are struggling that bad, I firmly believe a trance crowd is the minority here, though I do believe firmly they need to be catered to as well, and thats why I support what Bon for what he is doing, but dont single him out as the only one doing it, Abyss is having George Acosta, and Image is probably gonna bring back Tenaglia, there are people out there trying to cater to that crowd, but please dont say every one is hurting for business that bad, there are alot of places to go, and there alot of people in Jersey and I see them out every week, you want trance every week go to the city and stay out late

Un-Biased and well said...nice. ;)

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Although this topic is subjective due to peoples preferneces in Music, however what you say is true, too many venues with the

same music.

give it a few years, NY/NJ area is were the Next Trance Revolution will take place, it is currently in LA, People will realize

what quality music is all about and get out of there K holes.

no dis to Commercial Music. Again this is all subjective.



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Hey BG I guess Im a Dick then, but it gets done at every club by every club the only diff is that your beloved platinum is on a public street and not private property--- I wsa only doing my job and pluggn a party the promoters way with flyers in hand hitting a crowd that should be into the musid of dave ralph-- so for anyone that says promoters dont hit the streets anymore or do their jobs right -- I laugh at you cause obviously some of us still do -- Its not all about CP

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Originally posted by kettleone4me

I havent really seen any club really be strugglin as bad as you think, Platinum seems to be hurting on Fridays but how can one compete with Santana, Sal Parm & Rydell,

just for the record, PLatinum's friday number have gotten better and better every week, with around 700 for denny this past friday.....keep in mind that all of this has been done with Rutgers on winter break

and Mike, i understand its your job, and you didnt do anything illegal, but the point is, you didnt come out on tuesday to hang out,....you went to do your job, to drop off your flyers, which is fine....but dont make it seem like youre coming to have a good time and to chill if youre really coming to promote


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There are some very good points in Caruso's first post.

Granted there are a lot of clubs in this general area, but look at the business each club does. Some clubs do better than others, but that is just the way the industry works. Thses clubs are gonna have similar themes and ideas, sometimes even the same DJ's but no 2 are the same. I think HB is trying to change itself by bringing in DJ's like Max Graham and Dave Ralph. And Abyss is following suit by having George Acosta.

As far as all the commercial music goes, some people just wanna go out to have fun and hear music. They don't know difference. Just think, take Sandstorm for instance, when you first heard it, it was in a club and still "underground". Then it got big and the radio stations got there hands on it. It's played out, but it's still a great track to hear when you are out, for me anyways.... Just think of all the songs that get killed this way....

No one place is ever allways packed from my experience, except Temps on Saturdays in the summer.... Do you expect people to always be in the club ever weekend??? I have my favorites, but I like a change every now and then. Abyss has been consistently bust since they started Revoltion Fridays. Bunka on Saturdays.

I kinda like the fact that there are so many choices in the area, Sometimes you are just in the mood for something new. The spots that I hit continually go to, hold my attention for different reasons.

I am not a promoter either, but I do go out a lot. I know what a like about a club that makes me continue to go there or never go again. I am avid goer to many venues, including spots in NY.

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Originally posted by ibclubbin

just for the record, PLatinum's friday number have gotten better and better every week, with around 700 for denny this past friday.....keep in mind that all of this has been done with Rutgers on winter break

and Mike, i understand its your job, and you didnt do anything illegal, but the point is, you didnt come out on tuesday to hang out,....you went to do your job, to drop off your flyers, which is fine....but dont make it seem like youre coming to have a good time and to chill if youre really coming to promote


I am not trying to start any drama at all here, but there was not really 700 people at Platinum maybe 400-450 but not 700, and I only meant by saying hurting is their numbers arent like Abyss's (1000-1200 every week) & Metro which almost maxes out every week & Joey's doing 1000 every Friday, I never said the party has not been improving

And as far as promoters going out to do their job,lets see I have been doing it, (the flyers, the bday parties, the non-stop showing your face at every party,doing the shots with fake breasted women,the 3 hours worth of phone calls, the favors, thank god for the favors)for too long now, but lets not go there, that is a can of worms you dont want to open, so I say hats off to those promoters who went and did there jobs this week, must have paid off for you all :laugh: I know it did for me, Friday and $unday were both banging

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Originally posted by kettleone4me

And as far as promoters going out to do their job,lets see I have been doing it, (the flyers, the bday parties, the non-stop showing your face at every party,doing the shots with fake breasted women,the 3 hours worth of phone calls, the favors, thank god for the favors)for too long now, but lets not go there, that is a can of worms you dont want to open, so I say hats off to those promoters who went and did there jobs this week, must have paid off for you all :laugh: I know it did for me, Friday and $unday were both banging

And we love you for all the things you do!!!!!!

:D :D :tongue::D :D

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