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<raises hand with confidence>

I'll bid my old Coleco Vision, An original Tony Hawk skateboard, 12 Original Star Wars Figures, 2 Cabbage Patch Dolls, 18 sheckels, a liter of goats milk and the dingo that ate the baby! Alright... fuck it... I love him but I'll even throw in my Dj Garfield CD Collection... Sorry buddy... they are the real thing, these Level glasses! I can always buy another one of your collections (can't I?)


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If we do, Ill hunt down my GI Joe with the kung foo grip and the hole in the back of his head so you could look through his eye.

Now if only I could find my Incredible Hulk stretch armstrong where you could stretch out his arms and legs and they would return to normal.

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Originally posted by shroomy

If we do, Ill hunt down my GI Joe with the kung foo grip and the hole in the back of his head so you could look through his eye.

Now if only I could find my Incredible Hulk stretch armstrong where you could stretch out his arms and legs and they would return to normal.

Alright we've got to stop this.. I was just typing the words "kung-foo" when I heard my email bling from your reply! Old I say... just damn old!

I have to go... My favorite episode of the Monkee's is on! You know.. the one where Mickey Dolenz... oh nevermind!

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oh man! pitfall! i looved that game too! i still have it in a box with all the other games along with the atari somewhere....damn...i have to find it now!

ok..as far as the bid.....hows about i throw in my heman (yes, girls can play w/him 2!).....heman's tiger...i can't 4 the life of me remember the poor kitties name now=o/.....skeletor...skeletors skull castle thinga ma jig...and last but not least...sheira! hee hee hee. damn i loved that cartoon! and if im the lucky winner after all this of those classy plastic glasses....i may even throw in my transformers collection out of pure joy!:tongue:

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OK so what was that thing anyway? it used to float around didn't


BTW I was at a club one night and some guy that looked just like skeletor asked me to dance :rolleyes:

I was like thanks, but no thanks.

What about Pac-Man guys ???? It's the only one I've ever been kinda good at...:laugh: :laugh:

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holy cow!!! orko! that pic definitely is taking me back!!!! lolololol........wow.......

ok....what about those cats?...damn..someone help me out...i just went blank on thier names now...it was a cartoon ab like these super hero/fighting cats....aw man! i cant believe i 4got what they were called now! oh well...whenit comes back to me i'll let u know =/

oh...and what about the gummy bears???? gummy bears...bouncing here and there and everywhere.............

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