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John Walker will not do life in prison....

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Originally posted by sassa

Well! Guess it's a crime to be compassionate for a kid who clearly got into something bigger than he realized...John Walker should be tried and held in prison, but not for life.

He knew exactly what he was doing. Because he's a traitor - he's not mature now? He went down the wrong path? Misguided? All that is bull! He's over 18, he played the game and lost - BIG TIME! I have no mercy for him and I hope some the victims families get a chance to spit on that peice of garbage!

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sassa - i always love reading your view of things but anyone picking up a gun and trying to kill people should be held in jail for life..i don't beleive in the death penalty

he sided with the terrorists

whats to stop him from commiting an act of terrorism if he gets out..no parole

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figures someone in Southern California would feel this way--

they aloof from the daily obituraries in every paper since 9/11- or the missing posters that were all around town Or the firehouses that have shrines bc so many lost. Must be nice to live without the daily reality of a terroist attack especially when a fellow ADULT --NOT KID-- had knowledge about 9/11 or more attacks.

?But I guess he and members of AL Queda sholud be treated withthe midas touch? Tell that to all the orphans!!!

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Originally posted by sassa

Well! Guess it's a crime to be compassionate for a kid who clearly got into something bigger than he realized...and my opinion won't rub off so well on most people..so why do you fucking care what I think anyways.To some of the assholes in this thread who have attacked me before I even said one fucking word...Telling me to move to Afghanistan is truly one of the most ignorant things I have ever heard...and how much more ignorant can you get by saying that I'd want to shake bin Laden hand's...only because I think this kid doesn't deserve life in prison... with all the comments about how he should die and all...you're not worth it. :rolleyes: :bigfinger

John Walker should be tried and held in prison, but not for life.

I notice that the only thing that comes out of you is completeley against the grain just for the fact to disagree.


You are ignorant in your little california town I bet you are a tree hugging hippee. Life this prick should get life and his parents should share a cell with him. The news only portrays the aftermath I work in the manhattan and this garbage can desrves everything. and If you can't take the criticism stop spewing diahrea from your mouth:mad:

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