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Make me smile please... i got a stomach virus


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so sunday morning i set my alarm to wake me up at 10, and maybe attempt to go to factory, but i couldnt get up, so i fell back asleep till like.. 4 in the afternoon... the whole time im sleeping im like ugh i feel so nauceous and idk y.... so i wake up.. drag myself to the bathroom.. and my virus kicked in when i start vomiting in the toilet.... :puke:

its now 10:23am on monday, im missing the first day of my monday classes, and ive been in bed since about 5am sat night/sunday morning........ i need some cheering up cuz i feel like such shit. now that i think about it, im happy i never made it to sf, or i woulda been miserable....

pa-pa-pa pleeeeeeeeease make me smile :(

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aww lina... :worry2: that sucks honey... :(

dunno if this will make you feel too much better but listen to my morning so far...

went to bed at 6:30 this morning cause i was on the phone witha friend just having one of those convos that goes on forever...

wake up at 9:00am and lay in bed comtemplating whether i should drag my ass to class today or be a dirtbag and go back to sleep...

decide dirtbag is not the way i wanna start the semester... get up, run to the bathroom, do like the bathroom stuff and get to class...

walking to the door of lecture hall and see a paper taped onto it... read paper...


this dorky kid was standing in front of the sign and icome and im like, muthafucka!!! wtf did i get up so fuckin early for??? and im like kinda yelling, cursing and shit and he gets all scared, which me laugh...

lol... really dumb story... a sorry attempt in makin you feel better... hopefully the boys will come through and tell you how hot and sexy and oh so kissable you are, even if you are puking and sick...


~:heart: feel better~

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Ohhh, I am so sorry hon... I had that in Dec. while I was upstate at my mom's boyfriend's... one of the most horrible experiences of my life...

Anyway I hope it ends soon... and since no boys have said it yet... I'll tell ya how "hot and sexy and oh so kissable you are, even if you are puking and sick"... lol... feel better girlie. :heart:

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Originally posted by linabina

so sunday morning i set my alarm to wake me up at 10, and maybe attempt to go to factory, but i couldnt get up, so i fell back asleep till like.. 4 in the afternoon... the whole time im sleeping im like ugh i feel so nauceous and idk y.... so i wake up.. drag myself to the bathroom.. and my virus kicked in when i start vomiting in the toilet.... :puke:

its now 10:23am on monday, im missing the first day of my monday classes, and ive been in bed since about 5am sat night/sunday morning........ i need some cheering up cuz i feel like such shit. now that i think about it, im happy i never made it to sf, or i woulda been miserable....

pa-pa-pa pleeeeeeeeease make me smile :(

i feel so bad for u sweetie. if my friggin car wasnt in the shop (again!!! :mad:), id come over and make ya feel better. maybe bring ya some chicken soup, or more gingerale, lol. and i'd give ya a real BIG HUG!!! :heart:
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