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My Girlfriend & I Are......


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think about it, long and hard before u do anything. make sure u know what u really want. every couple goes thru rough times, but u'll get thru it if u really want to. if u do somethin without thinking, like break up with her, and then u regret it afterwards, u may never get her back. and u dont want that to heppen. its the worst feeling in the world, cuz the only person u can blame is urself.

so the moral of the stroy is, just consider all options and think each one out very carefully before u make ur move. once ur sure ur doin the right thing, u'll feel alot better about ur decision, and wont regret it

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Originally posted by aboyfrombklyn

Believe me, I've thought long and hard about everything, but I still can't make up my mind. I've thought about ending it plenty of times, but there's always this one thing that always holds me back from doing it. It's called LOVE!

THEN DONT DO IT!!! trust me...if u really love the girl...then dont break up with her. just work things out. i mean..idk exactly wut u 2 are goin thru..but if she didnt actually do something..like ya know..cheat or something..then just work it out. cuz losing someone u love and then regretting it sux. and u'll just go thru hell. if the things about her that make u happy out-weigh the things that dont, then stay with her. in the long run, u'll know u did the right thing.
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I don't know if she ever cheated on me, but her constantly lying to me about other things has me wondering. She has lied straight to my face about things, turned around and told me the truth only after I find out some stuff on my own, swore up and down that she told me everything, only for me to find out she lied again. This happened a couple of times.

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I know how hard this decision is, because you learn to build your whole world around the person and bascially live through them which is very scary. Sometimes you even care more about their life than they do.

I had a relationship for almost six years but I knew he wasnt right for me as much as we loved each other and I still love him till this day. But I knew I had to get out because for us to be together down the road wouldn't work. We were on to different levels with life. You see I looked more into the future aspect of us being together and he didnt, thats when I realized that he dwells to much and doesnt like to aim for the future and I did.

As much as I loved him I knew if I stayed in the relationship I would feel trrapped, we would constantly argue over things, adn last year it was the worst year. I broke it off in September and yes I do still fell depressed over it. But I try to look at life in different perspectives and tell myself it was the right thing to do which I know deep down inside was the right thing.

I feel like I loved him but not unconditional because I couldn't accept how he chose to live his life..

I dont believe when people say they can love someone unconditional because to me unconditional means you can accept everything a person does and that is impossible because noone is perfect..

But it is four months later now and yeah I miss him but you know what when I talk to him his life still hasnt changed and I dont feel like he loved me as much as he said because he didnt change those things to better his life.

So I still dont regret my decision..

Believe me I never thought I could do it after all those years but you know what live for you and noone else, dont live your life through someone elses eyes...

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Originally posted by aboyfrombklyn

walking on eggshells, and it's driving me crazy!! I don't know what the fuck to do! The thought of leaving her runs through my head sometimes, but I don't know how I could live without her. It's just seems like an impossibility. Somebody help me!!:confused: :confused:

the evil you know is better then the evil you dont.

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Originally posted by aboyfrombklyn

I don't know if she ever cheated on me, but her constantly lying to me about other things has me wondering. She has lied straight to my face about things, turned around and told me the truth only after I find out some stuff on my own, swore up and down that she told me everything, only for me to find out she lied again. This happened a couple of times.

I know you may love the girl, but honestyly if she is a repetitive liar, thats no good. How can you trust her? Yeah you may love her and all but do what is best for you. It may be the hardest thing for you, but it my be better to do it than to go out for the mere basis of love if there are problems. There is only so much one should take, emotionally, and mentally. Perhaps you can work it out, butv if you keep having thoughts about ending it, just do it...

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Im sorry, but if she lies to you about things, thats just very shady and its a relationship that isnt true.

I cant get into it, but I went through something similiar... lies and deceit suck.

There are women out there, however, that will be truthful and be there for you in the best/worst of times without question.

I know its rough, but ask yourself what she is really doing with those lies... cause when I found out, it was devastating.

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Originally posted by fierydesire

I know you may love the girl, but honestyly if she is a repetitive liar, thats no good. How can you trust her? Yeah you may love her and all but do what is best for you. It may be the hardest thing for you, but it my be better to do it than to go out for the mere basis of love if there are problems. There is only so much one should take, emotionally, and mentally. Perhaps you can work it out, butv if you keep having thoughts about ending it, just do it...

I agree... you can't trust someone who constantly lies to your face. No matter how much you love her, that is not enough to base a relationship on. If she can't/won't/refuses to change that, you CANNOT stay with her. If you let someone take advantage of you they will. You'll just find yourself making excuses for putting up with her behavior, and the longer you do the worse you will feel about yourself (read: you'll feel like you deserve to be treated that way), and the harder it will be to get out.

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