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As our great President said last night...


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Originally posted by shadygroovedc

Oh, give me a fucking break. Why don't you give me one piece of evidence that Bush is a numbskull. Instead of jumping on the media bandwagon, why don't you pull up his political record and tell me how he fucked something up due to stupidity. So what if he isn't the most eloquent of people. He's doing a fine job. If you don't agree with his policies, then that's fine. But don't insult the man's intelligence. And fucking 85% of the population feels comfortable enough with him to give him their approval. And if you can't get past the third grade playground media jabs about Bush not being as eloquent as others, well then you've got your own issues.

And at least he's not sleeping around with his interns while there are issues to be resolved in the country. He's putting his heart and soul into his job. And to fucking call him a numbskull with nothing to back it up is ridiculous.

Make you own decisions. Stop jumping on the bandwagon.

FIRST OFF if you wanna start on WHY BUSH ISNT ONE then we will have a debate..first off there goes the ideology of why did they have so many problems with the votes in Florida, that never ceases to amaze me how Bush's other son happens to be governor..when you are a former baseball coach and then you become a president, and the only thing you do know is how to strategize a "game" plan, then we have a problem, its good to have a family name but not to have that and no freaking common sense of what the hell they are doing with our country, He was very good about the 9-11 incident i do give him credit, but however you dont discredit THE Colin Powells input on what should be done on national television and second guess someones extpertise of thats WHY hes is secretary of defense...when your speeches are of no content and no power it makes you wonder who the hell he has even writing his damn speeches..we will see how the economy goes...thats fine if Clinton fucked up...he had other good qualities about him that helped A SOCIETY FOR WOMEN AND MINORITIES..so there that goes for some bullshit media bandwagon crap im on eh??? now do tell me what he has done differently besides trying to lower taxes and the same bullshit ass "ideas" for this country...Bush hasnt been tried yet to execute the dealings of a country yet except the 9-11 incident which i think any (PRESIDENT for that matter which it really isnt that its call the congress and the senate that give the FINAL SAY SO)...would do...furthermore, dont FREAK THE FUCK OUT JUST BECAUSE SOMEONE DOESNT LIKE A POLITICAL PARTY THAT YOU LIKE FOR WHATEVER REASON>>>its called a free country and a freedom of speech...i am deeply involved in the political issues and the political satire of this whole country so DONT INSULT MY INTELLIGIENCE and say that I am just talking out the side of my neck when there are reasons behind what i say..THANK YOU AND HAVE A GREAAAAAATTT DAY!!!



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Originally posted by pgiddy

it was called for, it wasn't a presonal attack.

and as for you...wanting to be personal , keep your little five foot ass out of this, why dont you clue me in on ur political standput on this situation instead of as Shady says jumping ON HIS BANDWAGON to try to insult and further instigate this seemingly immature political debate...



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Originally posted by pgiddy

Who would you rather have Al Gore? thought so Dubya has been great so far, considering all the circumstances, Clinton fucked our economy and now we're just starting to see the repercussions of it, obviously 911 didn't help. Also please xplain why his approval rating is so high right now, I believe it's 84%?

Fuggin democrats:blown:

who said anything about pulling out a specific democrat..his personal life obviously exceeded his presdential life..let me clue you in even your dear old presdient GEORGIE was with the Enron scandal that is going on..now where was his innocence at..where are the investments gone?? why did they go bankrupt



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Originally posted by pgiddy

Who would you rather have Al Gore? thought so Dubya has been great so far, considering all the circumstances, Clinton fucked our economy and now we're just starting to see the repercussions of it, obviously 911 didn't help. Also please xplain why his approval rating is so high right now, I believe it's 84%?

Fuggin democrats:blown:

hmmmmm well tell me this dear old GEORGIE was in on the Enron scandal...where the hell has all the money gone, why did the company go bankrupt..um was he going shopping to much..or going to too many baseball games?? the point is EVERYONE has issues...whether moral or what not..Clinton had some personal problems that caused alot of disapproval but who doesnt...yeah hes our president but cant we point out at least one major flaw and everyones presidency the answer would be yes..

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A) I didn't freak out cause you had a differing opinion. Only cause you called him a numbskull with no explanation.

B) I wouldn't have insulted your intelligence if you had made an intelligent post to begin with. But don't tell me that calling someone a numbskull is intelligent.

C) Lowering my taxes is enough to have my support for life. And if you think that's a "bullshit" idea, then you try paying over $40,000 a year to the governement and liking it. I'm greedy. I want to keep my money.

D) He wasn't a baseball coach, he was a team owner. Owners don't strategize on the field. They dump money into the team. They hire people to do the day to day activities. They make decisions on the direction a team should go. Kinda like running a country.

E) The Florida votes were counted by a third party last year and they said Bush would've won anyway. And if you think that getting the support and help from Jeb is a problem, then condemn all political elections. It's called riding the coattails. Everyone does it. It's called politics. How do you a good chunk of congress gets elected? They ride the president's coattails into office. Whether democrat or republican, it happens.


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Originally posted by shadygroovedc

A) I didn't freak out cause you had a differing opinion. Only cause you called him a numbskull with no explanation.

hmm okay what a reason?? next

B) I wouldn't have insulted your intelligence if you had made an intelligent post to begin with. But don't tell me that calling someone a numbskull is intelligent.

this coming from someone that turns most of my posts into mush anyway with sarcasm and unintelligient comments?? this is hard to believe...dont say SHITTING IN SOMEONES LIVING ROOM IS EVEN MORE OF AN INTELLIGIENT PHRASE TO SHARE

C) Lowering my taxes is enough to have my support for life. And if you think that's a "bullshit" idea, then you try paying over $40,000 a year to the governement and liking it. I'm greedy. I want to keep my money.

**all the presidents say lower taxes, have we seen a president that actually has pulled this one off and maintained a smooth economy in doing so?? this country remains in debt

D) He wasn't a baseball coach, he was a team owner. Owners don't strategize on the field. They dump money into the team. They hire people to do the day to day activities. They make decisions on the direction a team should go. Kinda like running a country.

oh excuse me team owner, does this in fact make a difference, on just sitting back and having other people make decisions for you, probably not knowing how to actually do multifaceted jobs? there you are right thats what hes doing now just sitting back tryin to make sense of what is ACTUALLY going on in the game plan.

E) The Florida votes were counted by a third party last year and they said Bush would've won anyway. And if you think that getting the support and help from Jeb is a problem, then condemn all political elections. It's called riding the coattails. Everyone does it. It's called politics. How do you a good chunk of congress gets elected? They ride the president's coattails into office. Whether democrat or republican, it happens.

yes this is correct, but dear they do still in fact make the final decisions not him so like i said with terrorist 9-11 attacks and might i add even if it was freaking ELMO our country would have survived in times like this , no matter who was in power..

* any presidents has flaws, everyone has an opinion if i want to make a comment like bush is a poopy head i can, educated or not educated its my perogative, and coming from someone that utters sesame street words (that happen to be funny) in posts, such as yourself, did u want me to bring out freaking dijon and crackers to discuss this PARTICULAR issue with class?? ill make a sticky of that and post on my computer for future reference..

OK IM DONE--its too nice of a day to be ruined over who happens to be our president..



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Oh, yeah, and a couple more:

F) Can you please inform me how exactly Bush was "in" on the Enron scandal? I know he took Enron money as donations. And I know there's speculation that he may have looked the other way through all of this. But I don't know if he was actually "in" on the scandal. Plus, everything is speculation at this point, isn't it? I actually haven't followed it much cause I was out of the country last week, so I don't know what's fact and fiction. So I'll give you the benefit of the doubt. But I would think if it was proven that he was "in" on the scandal, he would've been indicted along with the board and execs of Enron, no?

G) None of your intelligent, well thought-out, if not a slightly bit run-on sentences really support your initial case that Bush is a numbskull. Partier, maybe. Unsuccessful baseball team owner, possibly. Decent governor, sure. Sleazy politician, maybe (but who isn't at that level). Numbskull? Can't see it.

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Originally posted by chynado11

[quotethis coming from someone that turns most of my posts into mush anyway with sarcasm and unintelligient comments?? this is hard to believe...dont say SHITTING IN SOMEONES LIVING ROOM IS EVEN MORE OF AN INTELLIGIENT PHRASE TO SHARE

Yes, I do say that. And people do take jabs at my intelligence when I say those things. And I'm fine with that. I laugh. And I jab back. Like I said. Dish it, and take it kid.

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Originally posted by chynado11

and as for you...wanting to be personal , keep your little five foot ass out of this, why dont you clue me in on ur political standput on this situation instead of as Shady says jumping ON HIS BANDWAGON to try to insult and further instigate this seemingly immature political debate...



Now this is an intelligent statement "five foot ass" how tall are you? Obviously you can't read or else you would know what my political standpoint is, simply click back to the first page and re-read, you can read,right? I already know you can't type, but we'll save that for another day. However, I do not recall insulting you AT ALL, but if you want to have a political debate bring it, it was ONE of my minor's and I will gladly enlighten you and maybe you'll even learn a few things!! :laugh:

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Originally posted by pgiddy

Now this is an intelligent statement "five foot ass" how tall are you? Obviously you can't read or else you would know what my political standpoint is, simply click back to the first page and re-read, you can read,right? I already know you can't type, but we'll save that for another day. However, I do not recall insulting you AT ALL, but if you want to have a political debate bring it, it was ONE of my minor's and I will gladly enlighten you and maybe you'll even learn a few things!! :laugh:

Typing lesson #1: The period key is two keys to the left of the right Shift key on a standard QWERTY keyboard. It should be used to signify the end of a sentence. A sentence consists of a subject and a verb at a minimum. One example of a simple subject/verb sentence would be:

Vic sucks.

"Vic" is the subject. "Sucks" is the verb.

Sentences can also have objects. An object is a noun which the subject of the sentence acts upon. An example is:

Vic sucks cock.

Again, "Vic" is the subject. "Sucks" is the action verb. And in this case, "cock" is the object that "Vic" "sucks".


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Originally posted by shadygroovedc

Vic sucks.

"Vic" is the subject. "Sucks" is the verb.

Sentences can also have objects. An object is a noun which the subject of the sentence acts upon. An example is:

Vic sucks cock.

Again, "Vic" is the subject. "Sucks" is the action verb. And in this case, "cock" is the object that "Vic" "sucks".


thank you shady, i really appreciate this :mad: :mad: :mad:

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Originally posted by vicman

thank you shady, i really appreciate this :mad: :mad: :mad:

Lesson #2: Descriptive words. Adjectives are used to describe nouns. For example:

Gay Vic sucks cock.

"Gay" describes "Vic".

Adverbs are used to describe verbs. For example:

Gay Vic happily sucks cock.

The word "happily" here describes that "Gay" "Vic" is happy when he sucks cock.

A more complex example:

Gay Vic happily sucks big cock.

Here, we are saying that "Vic", who is "Gay" is "happy" to "suck" "cocks" that are "big".


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Originally posted by shadygroovedc

Yes, I do say that. And people do take jabs at my intelligence when I say those things. And I'm fine with that. I laugh. And I jab back. Like I said. Dish it, and take it kid.

hmm i wonder who can dish it and take it here..me or you..i say one word numbskull and you have a panic attack and WWIII breaks out..i think whats good for the goose is good for the gander...some self evaluation would be good on your part..trust me with all the sarcasm and pettiness that i take on this board i dish it right back..but if someone comes at me like they have fucking lost their mind and take it one step further i do the same..thanks



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Originally posted by shadygroovedc

Typing lesson #1: The period key is two keys to the left of the right Shift key on a standard QWERTY keyboard. It should be used to signify the end of a sentence. A sentence consists of a subject and a verb at a minimum. One example of a simple subject/verb sentence would be:

Vic sucks.

"Vic" is the subject. "Sucks" is the verb.

Sentences can also have objects. An object is a noun which the subject of the sentence acts upon. An example is:

Vic sucks cock.

Again, "Vic" is the subject. "Sucks" is the action verb. And in this case, "cock" is the object that "Vic" "sucks".

thanks for the once again very raunchy grammar lesson, i dont think this would be appropriate on a message board with lots of errors coming from you ..thanks for the lessons now go to etiquette school and we should all be just fine .. and also pgiddy i do believe vixen has more than once corrected you to ..its so nice to see when someone doesnt even know you can post so much shit behind a message board




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Originally posted by shadygroovedc

Oh, yeah, and a couple more:

F) Can you please inform me how exactly Bush was "in" on the Enron scandal? I know he took Enron money as donations. And I know there's speculation that he may have looked the other way through all of this. But I don't know if he was actually "in" on the scandal. Plus, everything is speculation at this point, isn't it? I actually haven't followed it much cause I was out of the country last week, so I don't know what's fact and fiction. So I'll give you the benefit of the doubt. But I would think if it was proven that he was "in" on the scandal, he would've been indicted along with the board and execs of Enron, no?

G) None of your intelligent, well thought-out, if not a slightly bit run-on sentences really support your initial case that Bush is a numbskull. Partier, maybe. Unsuccessful baseball team owner, possibly. Decent governor, sure. Sleazy politician, maybe (but who isn't at that level). Numbskull? Can't see it.

ummmm thats what you call black tape dear...read about it its in the books..im sure as they unfold this it will come out more and more..he doesnt have to indicted to be guilty ..

G--answer to that hahaha only amuses me...does it take you shady to cut on someone's grammar skills when they have nothing left to say because is there is none?? we all know who the "kid" is , that threw a tantrum because someone called their hero a numbskull...practice what you preach and you grow up..the last time i had someone take something literal what i said was when i was in second grade..im now a grad student ...geeez must we continue on in such childishness..you still havent named any good reasons why Bush is your hero..is it because there is none that are out of the ordinary that someone else could have done...oh whoops im sorry am i typing TOO MANY RUN ON SENTENCES FOR YOU!! :( im so sorry

maybe pgiddy can try to help you piece things together



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Originally posted by shadygroovedc

No assumption. Just a who knows if Clinton or Gore would've sent in full scale ground troops. Who knows if Clinton or Gore would've taken a hard line stance with other countries. Who knows if Clinton or Gore would've approved of massive increases in defense spending. Just a lot of who knows.

. . . . They would have . . it's proper political strategy to do so . . however it would have come without a Tax cut which means that the government could have indeed PAID for the weapons of mass distraction . . . er . .I mean destruction . . . but I guess if you're the one printing the money, it really doesn't matter how much you put into circulation . . . All that funny economic theory doesn't apply . . .

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Originally posted by pgiddy

Who would you rather have Al Gore? thought so Dubya has been great so far, considering all the circumstances, Clinton fucked our economy and now we're just starting to see the repercussions of it, obviously 911 didn't help. Also please xplain why his approval rating is so high right now, I believe it's 84%?

Fuggin democrats:blown:

. . dude. . you must be a gallup pole rep . . .

HEY . . I got an idea . . I'm gonna go down to the Concourse in the Bronx and find three people who smoke crack, ask em if they do, then go about my daily routine mentioning to all my co-workers that the entire country smokes the rock . . .

. . And as far as The Clintone is concerned. . . he didn't fuck up anything .. . hell, he'd didn't fuck WITH anything . . which is why we had such a spectacular loose-leaf paper boom the last seven years . . good, for the most part. . I will give you the fact that more people got rich . . but it really didn't "trickle" down as you republicans love to say it will . . .

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Originally posted by shadygroovedc

Oh, give me a fucking break. Why don't you give me one piece of evidence that Bush is a numbskull. Instead of jumping on the media bandwagon, why don't you pull up his political record and tell me how he fucked something up due to stupidity. So what if he isn't the most eloquent of people. He's doing a fine job. If you don't agree with his policies, then that's fine. But don't insult the man's intelligence. And fucking 85% of the population feels comfortable enough with him to give him their approval. And if you can't get past the third grade playground media jabs about Bush not being as eloquent as others, well then you've got your own issues.

And at least he's not sleeping around with his interns while there are issues to be resolved in the country. He's putting his heart and soul into his job. And to fucking call him a numbskull with nothing to back it up is ridiculous.

Make you own decisions. Stop jumping on the bandwagon.

. . . Bush is a numbskull . . in comparison to the people he has working for him . . . He did the proper thing for a numbskull captain to do . . he hired the best and brightest to bail his ass out and tell him what to do . . .

. . .That would be okay. . if we had civic minded leaders (and NO I'm not talking about the democrats . . ) , however the Republican Bible-clobbering-line-towing machine can't see beyond it's own overinflated dogma to get things right . . . Public infrastructure is more important than chasing some retards that , yes can indeed fuck with us but, no cannot do so on a scale that will do permament damage to us . . .

. . . You say he's done a fine job? . . but what exactly has he done . . I've been alive and working since he's taken office, and I haven't seen my federal taxes go down? . . . So tell me mister smartypants. . . who's really getting this "fine job" you're talking about? . . . Ok . . so I haven't seen my taxes go down (and NO I do not hold a burger flipping job, I do indeed take home a healthy salary . . . but you can imagine the burger flippers are, and should be a hundred times more pissed than me . . ), and I really haven't seen any benefits in any other areas . . . so what has he done? . . .

. . . I also see you're down with quoting these wonderful statistical polls . . . Refer to my above replies about the crackheads and you'll see how much creedance I give to it . . .

. . . Oh and bye the way . . . you seem to refer to Bush as your "boy" . . .but make no mistake. . even forking 40k to the govt every year doesn't mean you mean SHIT to the people that run this country of ours. . . you simply don't make ENOUGH money . . just remember that the next time you go to vote . . you're getting the scraps just like everyone else . . .

. . .You aint got Fuck You money in the bank . . so you don't count . . . just remember that . . cause the guys who make the decisions do . . .

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Originally posted by phuturephunk

. . . Bush is a numbskull . . in comparison to the people he has working for him . . . He did the proper thing for a numbskull captain to do . . he hired the best and brightest to bail his ass out and tell him what to do . . .

. . .That would be okay. . if we had civic minded leaders (and NO I'm not talking about the democrats . . ) , however the Republican Bible-clobbering-line-towing machine can't see beyond it's own overinflated dogma to get things right . . . Public infrastructure is more important than chasing some retards that , yes can indeed fuck with us but, no cannot do so on a scale that will do permament damage to us . . .

. . . You say he's done a fine job? . . but what exactly has he done . . I've been alive and working since he's taken office, and I haven't seen my federal taxes go down? . . . So tell me mister smartypants. . . who's really getting this "fine job" you're talking about? . . . Ok . . so I haven't seen my taxes go down (and NO I do not hold a burger flipping job, I do indeed take home a healthy salary . . . but you can imagine the burger flippers are, and should be a hundred times more pissed than me . . ), and I really haven't seen any benefits in any other areas . . . so what has he done? . . .

. . . I also see you're down with quoting these wonderful statistical polls . . . Refer to my above replies about the crackheads and you'll see how much creedance I give to it . . .

. . . Oh and bye the way . . . you seem to refer to Bush as your "boy" . . .but make no mistake. . even forking 40k to the govt every year doesn't mean you mean SHIT to the people that run this country of ours. . . you simply don't make ENOUGH money . . just remember that the next time you go to vote . . you're getting the scraps just like everyone else . . .

. . .You aint got Fuck You money in the bank . . so you don't count . . . just remember that . . cause the guys who make the decisions do . . .

I think I'm going to like you phuturephunk! :D

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Originally posted by phuturephunk

. . dude. . you must be a gallup pole rep . . .

HEY . . I got an idea . . I'm gonna go down to the Concourse in the Bronx and find three people who smoke crack, ask em if they do, then go about my daily routine mentioning to all my co-workers that the entire country smokes the rock . . .

. . And as far as The Clintone is concerned. . . he didn't fuck up anything .. . hell, he'd didn't fuck WITH anything . . which is why we had such a spectacular loose-leaf paper boom the last seven years . . good, for the most part. . I will give you the fact that more people got rich . . but it really didn't "trickle" down as you republicans love to say it will . . .

No I'm not a gallup pole rep...er...I mean POLL. So you don't believe in polls, then how do you recommend we judge the Pres. and measure him? I'm not even sure what you are or who your defending. Are you just debating because you dislike Bush or you like Clinton or someone told you too, what is it? Here's the most recent poll I could find, it's before the State of The Union, so I'm sure it has gone up already. http://www.cbsnews.com/now/story/0,1597,324837-412,00.shtml

Yes more people got rich during Clinton, but that had very little to do with him, he doesn't control the economy WE do. The more we make the more we're spending, simple macro economics(learned in college yrs ago, you did go to college,right?) Greenspan is the one who controls the economy, which he is trying very hard to pull us out of the recession with all the recent interest rate cuts. There is no way I am going on with this ridiculous political debate, however if the moderator cares to move it to the drama board then I will reply whenever I get a chance as I am certain this debate could go one for a LONG time. Either way you are in the minority that doesn't like our Pres. and he will be the pres. for awhile longer so I would recommend backing him. There are just too many topics, healthcare, economy, schools, military, etc.. Save the drama for another day, see ya..

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