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TRON SEQUEL UPDATE (Secret "link" promo from DVD)

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Cinescape recently spoke with 'Tron 2.0' writer/director Steven Lisberger who confirms that he is indeed actively working on the sequel, and is looking in an unexpected place for inspiration to the computer combat tale.

"I wrote the first two drafts an then Richard Jeffries was brought in and he did a rewrite," Lisberger said. "Hopefully we'll be looking at [the script] around the beginning of the year."

He also said he was looking to Joseph Conrad's "Hearts of Darkness" (book on which "Apocalypse Now" was based) for inspiration. "There are some Conradesque elements to it, having to do with the character of Jeff Bridges'."

Coming Attractions reports that Disney and creators of "Tron 2.0" may be trying to advertise the film in a similar fashion to "A.I."


At the start of the Tron 20th anniversary menu screen, a cryptic promo is seen. After several moments of watching 80's computer graphics and designs (looking as if they're straight out of the original Tron movie) flash over a rolling timeline, the promo ends on the year 2003 and a web address flashes on the screen: http://www.tronkillerapp.com/

When you go visit that website you're given the impression that you have entered a restricted site by accident. A multiple answer question prompts you for your "Level 6" security clearance. Regardless of the answer you select, you are then taken to a screen where you appear to receive a communique from somebody trapped in the system:

Please...I need your help... System wide failure imminent... Must destroy system corruption... Will continue contact shortly... Do not believe their lies

cool shit!

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Cool site.

Note to people that have pop-up disablers installed, turn your shit off to view the message from the 'trapped' individual.

That shit is mad industrial. For those not into the industrial scene, 'true' industrial has always been about the combination of technology and darkness, along with what is being done to you.

I'm interested in seeing what kinda soundtrack they put together for this flick.

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Originally posted by idrthrbclbng

thats pretty fuckin cool...

Mugz -- a couple of weeks ago when the 'mugz 2.0' designs came out on you avatar & sig, I wanted to ask whether 'mugz 2.0' was tron themed...

Anyway, H909 - i agree about the soundtrack - let's hope it ain't oakenfold...

I vote for ORBITAL, Juan Atkins, Ritchie Hawtin, Squarepusher

DJ Hyper and perhaps a small doze of Aphex Twins.

I'd buy that for a dollar!:idea:

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