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Is it really about the music?


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OK, Time to play devil’s advocate.

I keep hearing everyone bitch and moan that its not about the music, its about the drugs, or its about being seen, or its about hooking up etc.

Well here is my question. Why is it about the music?

I keep hearing, the music makes me feel good, it takes me to different places, it connects me to the DJ/community, etc.

And it all boils down to how the music makes you feel.

I was trying to explain this all to a friend the other day, only to be laughed at. “I can accomplish all that through meditation, I become one with the universe, travel to different planes of existence and get an overwhelming sense of joy, not to mention I can objectively look at my life see where I need work. What makes you think you need music to accomplish that?â€

I was at a loss; “because it’s a tool and makes it easier??†I lamely tried knowing what he was going to say.

“Well [some] drugs are just a tool too, why don’t you just sit home, and use that tool instead?

No matter what I said, he just thinks we are all taking the easy way out and just not taking that next step past the music and the scene.

To him we are a bunch of kindergarteners looking for enlightenment without even knowing it. I was appalled to realize that he was looking at us like we were looking at the Guido’s and tourists.

Hmmm…. maybe it is just an excuse to go have some stupid fun after all.

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i don't understand why we "need to get past the music and the scene." i'm not a little raver kid here that needs his parties and his drugs to have a good time. i go out and listen to music because i enjoy it. i've always enjoyed music. whether it be in elementary school or me on my turntables. that's my meditation. that's what makes me feel good. that's what takes me to a state of happiness. i'm artistically inclined. i like interacting with other people. coming across new experiences.

drugs are not my gateway to this.

granted meditation and all that will bring you this peace and happiness. hey that's all good. but don't frown upon me just because i'm out having a good time. do not look at me as a shallow person that depends on other things to make me happy. i depend on myself. plain and simple. i make my night. i make my happiness. if i'm willing to accept...i'm willing to enjoy.

and this by no way was directed towards you charlie. i'm just responding the general opinion of a lot of ppl. :)

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I totaly agree Phrank,

But the kandy kids, guidos, or crackheads could all say the same thing.

Originally posted by phrankadelic

that's what makes me feel good. that's what takes me to a state of happiness

don't frown upon me just because i'm out having a good time

we do what we enjoy, but then put down others (not you Phrank) for doing what they enjoy, and make fun of them because they don't get it.

Its just starting to sound hypocritical to me.

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i hear you. but hyprocrisy is in our society like it or not. some think the world revolves around them and easily don't see their faults as they point out someone elses. i myself could care less about what one thinks. i know what makes me happy and i don't need anyone to tell me what they think would make me happy. i came to realize a lot of things after the birth of my daughter. most importantly is by living life the way you feel is right. whatever floats your boat. but also to remember that the way you live your life also affects the lives of others.

music is a passion to some. like i said before, it's my meditation. if some feel that they must depend on drugs to enjoy themselves...well so be it. but to all of those that feel as if we are fooling ourselves, it's time to take a look in the mirror and see that is YOU who is fooling yourself into thinking that what YOU think is how WE should act. we are individuals. take us for what you get.

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Shroomster, the only response I would have had for your friend was "opinions are like assholes, everybody has one".

Why is it about the music? Its not. Music is a critical element of the experience. And the purpose of that experience FOR ME is complete escape. I dont want to reflect on anything some times.

He sounds like hes full of shit. So I guess when he hears something like Adagio For Strings he feels no emotion, he doesnt feel sadness or think of some thing sad.... hes dead then.

I have plenty of time to "meditate" and "focus". Besides your brilliant buddy can think of all the shit in the world he wants to but until he does some thing about it, it DONT MEAN SHIT.

Sounds to me like hes a square and cant think out of the box. But hey takes all kinds to make the world :)

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Originally posted by lavosdeldiablo

Each person has their own form of Escape its a matter of preference...

It's about having fun. That's the bottom line. Now everybody has their own "elements" of fun.

To me, it's more like a hobby. And what typically are hobbies?

Hobbies are FUN.:):cool::rolleyes::eek::shades2:

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Charlie........great thread!!!! Everyone has a right to there opinion but your buddy does sound like a

:square: !!! Sometimes, well most of the time......I have loads of fun........just hearing the TALENT!!! I enjoy the music so much......that thats' why I say it should be about the muzik........but if everyone would think the same then this world would be very boring!

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