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Delerium Fairy takes a holiday! See y'all later!

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Just wanted to say "BYE BYE" to all my lovely NY peeps, as I am taking a desperately needed vacanza to Guatemala. I have been a little MIA for a while and I miss lots of you, and I want you to know its nothing personal, I'm not "quitting the boards"- just hitting some REAL jungle.

I also wanted to warn anyone expecting a visit from the delerium fairy over President's Day weekend- IF YOU SEE ME AT DT/DD YOU HAVE DEFINATELY TAKEN TOO MUCH!!!! Find a friend, get some water and slow DOWN! That's an order.

But fear not, she will be in FULL EFFECT for CarlCox, and expects to be paying many happy visits to her delerious friends all day at the South Street Seaport!

So if I don't see you all until then have a great two weeks, and I'll think of you all as I lie by the shore, with my headphones pumping, my sunglasses down, and my eyes closed, and visions of Cox dancing in my head. ;)

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Sai Sai Sai Sai :D:)

Well, Have a great vacation. I'm sure it's very much needed, for work must be stressful as usual. Bring back a nice tan!

We'll be seeing you at Cox (your's truly may even meet him :shades: .), but don't worry, i'll tell carl that saisha said "whuzzup:

Papa smurf will be missing you :)

PS, that MUD coffee is Grrrrreat :tongue:

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Originally posted by gmccookny

Sai Sai Sai Sai :D:)

Well, Have a great vacation. I'm sure it's very much needed, for work must be stressful as usual. Bring back a nice tan!

We'll be seeing you at Cox (your's truly may even meet him :shades: .), but don't worry, i'll tell carl that saisha said "whuzzup:

Papa smurf will be missing you :)

PS, that MUD coffee is Grrrrreat :tongue:

You checked out the MUd ppl...aren't they amazing?!

So explain to me why you should tell Carl wassup for me, rather than just bringing me with to meet him????? :D

So lets see if I got my to do list right:

1) Get tan for Papa Smurf

2) Get bone for Siceone

3) Get hug for clubkat

4) Get hot tamale insane pepper for Mugz

and DONT get malaria for Joe....

Did I miss anything?

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