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Bloomberg's BS

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get this from his new plans....

...he wants to cut out all recycling (except paper) for 18 months, because he says it costs the city to much

...he want to cut the parks budget 10%

...he wants to cut culture spending 15%

& lots more i cant remember. I can understand the money has to come from somewhere, but recycling? wont someone please think of the children

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:laugh: :laugh: ....Lets not get the children involved in this....

But seriously, I thought the city resells that paper and makes money off of it. If you really wanna cut spending then look at the Board of Ed. The Daily News did a story about it. A budget over 4 million dollars for 7 people.....WTF?????

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finally a moayor who can reasonably look at things. recycling IS costing NY an absurd amount of money. and it is just not worth it at a time like this, with deficits. recycling is a LUXURY, not a necessity, so we can recycle when all is well, and we can put it off till later when all is not.

and believe me, jobs, healthcare, education, and security are MUCH MUCH more important that recycling, so that is where our money should go now.

bloomberg isnt building new useless stadiums, he is looking out for our city. he and giuliani will easily be the best Mayors NY has had. only Bloomberg is a bit wiser when it comes to money management.

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Originally posted by nycmuzik2000

If you really wanna cut spending then look at the Board of Ed.

Seriously, they put ugly scaffoldings up to do work on schools all over the city for years and only do work for a few weeks or months. those scafoldings and city permits are expensive. has to be a conspericy going on there.

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The whole recycling thing never really took off. It all gets lumped in with the rest of the garbage. Seems to be a dirty little secrect or something. Dont get me wrong, recycling is good, but what good is separating your cans, bottles and papers if the city is only going to dump them all together anyway?

P.S. I got my info from a City sanitation worker, whether or not its true I cant be certain.

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