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XS and JV and TEO and Mikey Lights.....

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given your grammar and spelling techniques, let me be the first to say about school.com, PPPHHHEEEWWWWW !!!!!

Hey Einstein, my post meant that you should make a post on another topic, any other topic, than just CLUB WHAT A MESS......go somewhere else, post about a DJ....Oh fuck it. This is going nowhere.


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Originally posted by johnnyblackroc

given your grammar and spelling techniques, let me be the first to say about school.com, PPPHHHEEEWWWWW !!!!!

Hey Einstein, my post meant that you should make a post on another topic, any other topic, than just CLUB WHAT A MESS......go somewhere else, post about a DJ....Oh fuck it. This is going nowhere.


Drama Without Me--Can't we all just get along!!!

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Originally posted by johnnyblackroc

So I guess all of those people that are there spending $$$$$$ when it is my boy TEO T spinning and not a SO-CALLED "big name DJ" aren't loyal customer's?????

WHAT THE FUCK????????? I'll take my WINTER dollars and go elsewhere!!!!!!!!!!!

p.s. Nicole, it is XS, not excess or X'S

I agree... not for nothing, but I have never seen so much promoting and support for XS by its staff until all these "big name" DJ's started playing there. I saw minimal posts about Teo and how great he is. Definitely not as much recognition as he deserves, especially by the people who work at XS and hear him every single week. Maybe if there was this much promotion and support for your RESIDENT DJ and if flyers were made up to support your RESIDENT DJ, you might not need to get all these "big name" DJ's in the club.

Just my observation and opnion after being a long-time, loyal board reader!

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Originally posted by saynotodrama

Maybe if there was this much promotion and support for your RESIDENT DJ and if flyers were made up to support your RESIDENT DJ, you might not need to get all these "big name" DJ's in the club.

Just my observation and opnion after being a long-time, loyal board reader!

:D :D :D

The voice of reason, boyzzz and girlzzz, once again!!!!!!!!!!

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Originally posted by saynotodrama

I agree... not for nothing, but I have never seen so much promoting and support for XS by its staff until all these "big name" DJ's started playing there. I saw minimal posts about Teo and how great he is. Definitely not as much recognition as he deserves, especially by the people who work at XS and hear him every single week. Maybe if there was this much promotion and support for your RESIDENT DJ and if flyers were made up to support your RESIDENT DJ, you might not need to get all these "big name" DJ's in the club.

Just my observation and opnion after being a long-time, loyal board reader!

Thank you Sayno!! I have been telling people for a long time now that He is one of the most underated D.J's in the biz. I understand that it is important to bring people into the club,but lets be real about this,how many people are going to travel,in the cold,to a resort town to hang out for 2 or 3 hours and then drive home with a FEW drinks in them??? I think that if all the flyers and all the promotiion was done for Teo things might have been alot different.To think that that lame ass "the Pulse" will be at the surf club is ridiculous!!!!!!!!!!! Teo was moving that room when all you had in there were some 609'ers who thought that they came "UP NORTH"to hang in seaside !!! just my 2 cents!
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Originally posted by cosmicgate22

Thank you Sayno!! I have been telling people for a long time now that He is one of the most underated D.J's in the biz. I understand that it is important to bring people into the club,but lets be real about this,how many people are going to travel,in the cold,to a resort town to hang out for 2 or 3 hours and then drive home with a FEW drinks in them??? I think that if all the flyers and all the promotiion was done for Teo things might have been alot different.To think that that lame ass "the Pulse" will be at the surf club is ridiculous!!!!!!!!!!! Teo was moving that room when all you had in there were some 609'ers who thought that they came "UP NORTH"to hang in seaside !!! just my 2 cents!

LMAO!!!! 609'ers!!! Whatever...in my opinion (and many others I am sure), Teo is so much better and deserves more than Seaside. I think this might be the best thing for him to be honest. Hopefully he'll get some better recognition elsewhere.

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Originally posted by saynotodrama

I agree... not for nothing, but I have never seen so much promoting and support for XS by its staff until all these "big name" DJ's started playing there. I saw minimal posts about Teo and how great he is. Definitely not as much recognition as he deserves, especially by the people who work at XS and hear him every single week. Maybe if there was this much promotion and support for your RESIDENT DJ and if flyers were made up to support your RESIDENT DJ, you might not need to get all these "big name" DJ's in the club.

Just my observation and opnion after being a long-time, loyal board reader!

Not for nothing but every post I ever put in included Teo.. I think Teo is an outragous DJ and gave him more pub on this board than anyone. And for all of you people who have so many great things to say where were you all winter long when Teo and the rest of the club needed your support. There are exceptions of course JBR, Cosmic , etc..
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Originally posted by cody05

Not for nothing but every post I ever put in included Teo.. I think Teo is an outragous DJ and gave him more pub on this board than anyone. And for all of you people who have so many great things to say where were you all winter long when Teo and the rest of the club needed your support. There are exceptions of course JBR, Cosmic , etc..

If I lived down there, like your exceptions do, I would have been to XS much more often. However the 145 mile, 3 hour roundtrip commute kept me from doing so!

I am just stating something that I noticed over the past few months and that is that XS has been promoted by its Staff a considerable amount and certainly much more since the "big name" DJ's have been playing there. That can't be disagreed, trust me... I have been reading this board for WAY too long now.

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Originally posted by johnneebee

Hey guys & gals....ESPECIALLY the XS employees, a newbie wishes to make a statement... I Don't think this a proper place(a message board open to the public) to discuss any probs that any workers have with others. I've seen this stuff tear a club apart internally and it wasn't fun for anybody. PPL got fired and others quit..customers were also lost due to loyalty to the tenders who left. Knock it off...kiss ad make up...(especially te ladies:D ) & let's all put our common goal in focus. We are bartenders!!Let's have some fun. Tank you....


Johnnie fear not I have sent a PM to the newbie in ????????

My point and only point is if we already booked someone whether you like them or not there can be NO negativity about we need to work TOGETHER and promote it then ---bottom line--- we all make money--our customers have fun ect ect. The truth of the matter here is that right now we have 5 XS bartenders all posting the same thing so from now on I leave the promoting to you or cody. I love being on the board for the drama, for the chat, for the peeps, and of course to promote. I have met some really great peeps from this board that I have made a point of hanging w/ when I go north. We all can't keep posting the same posts. As long as one of us does it who cares who does it.

****Saleen, my friend if we bring saqndy tempts back THEN we would really have a titty contest. There would be 3 of us for you!!!!

****JBR you are and always will be my #1 customer you support us when there is 10 people or 1000. Trust me it does not go unnoticed---you tooo cosmic.

LASTLY ****sit back and enjoy the drama****drama makes this board fun***(as long as no one gets hurt)

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HEY sayno..nice comments....I could not have said it better myself. Lori I only started promoting on here because paulie told me about this site & I thought it was cool....And did you see what happened.when I started promoting ....JBR made me feel like $hit..so This site is yours no prob...BUT. their isnt anything wrong w/ 5 ppl promotin on here...There should be more..Everyone w/ online access should be on here that works for XS..talking to ppl & getting to know other peeps in the industry..it's good networking & good business...Thats the management side of me talking. And as a bartenders standpoint..the more ppl that YOU know or meet on here..that I meet or promote to..or tht Rolls, keith, gary, nicole etc....GREAT that just means that the potential patron will know all of us..Then they will feel more comfortable going to club XS rather then a club where he/she only knows 1 person...IT does make sense!!!! EVERYONE ALL VENTED NOW?

GOooooD...now let's make some$$$$$$$$$$$$$$


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I am not saying that all five of us should not be on the board I also think it is great that we are all on here not a problem. What i did say is thta I am not going to write promoting on the board any longer we can not have all us repeating ourselves w/ all the same posts it make us look like we are desperate for cusotmers and as anyone who was there Sat

knows we are not. We are busy and one person putting up the post is all we need. Comments from everyone is great. I also was playing w/ the newbie there was no fighting. I don't want everyone to think we all hate each other, we are indeed a family and we would never be able to pull off what we did at those parties w/o each and everyone of of us. There really is no

venting. The drama was intentional. Most of on this board dramatizes each other. I have made fun and JBR and cosmic and vice versa. This board is foreveryone.

Please don't take my comment that I was not promoting on the board anymore b/c of you. We just don't need repeat posts. As for peeps I meet on the board they should go to everyone but the people that I have met don't come see me in the winter anyway they all go to Temps and I won't see them until

Memorial Day (can't wait). I by no means am I here and think I should be the only one on here. Most people don't even let themselves be known who they are. There are plenty of bartenders on here promoting but you don't know it b/c they never let themselves be known they are in the bizzzzz.

Johnny we are all jumping in the ocean on Sat at Jenks. I will be wearing the XS shirt if anyone needs to find me. Johnny you can just buy me shots after. All the men are afraid of that shrinkage thing. Does that apply to boobies????

I might not be up to the ta-ta shoot out on Sat.

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