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Polar Plunge...(off topic, I know).......

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If anyone is traveling down to Jenkinson's in Point Pleasant, also known as the LAND OF NO FUN, hit me with a PM and I'll give you my celly so we can meet up.....MY boy BJ is usually at the very first bar after you walk in. We'll be there, probably 25 off us including COSMIC, CEEOTTER, SISTATRIXIE, etc......Give me a shout and I'll buy you a shot!!!!!!!:shake: :shake: :shake: cause it's gonna be cold in the water!

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Originally posted by johnnyblackroc

We jump at 2pm.....I might, let me reiterate, might be drunk enough to not feel it but I'd atleast like to see my junk again before Sunday morning.

I think getting up at 4:30 am has warped your brain!!!! There is NO WAY i am jumping tomorrow, i am only there for the shots of blackhause and for the support of my friends!!!! nabuc its this saturday. We will be starting very early and going all day. Ceeotter herself will be jumping as well
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Cool deal JBR, Ill be there too! I got school at 9am, bailin out of class at 10:30, then headed down. Got bunch of friends on Mahwah P.D. takin bus trip down real early.. 8ish.. Im meeting everyone down there hopefully by 12:30. Heard lots of good things, fun time, drunken mess day, good change of scenery.... Im not goin near water! (as of right now) Meet up type thing would be a goof..:D

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It is about 30 degrees right know our only luck would be if the tradewinds push some warmer gulf stream water our way but doubtful. Marine mammals love cold water uowelling opf colder water is very nutruent rich w/ krill and other tasty treats for them ooooppppps told you all I majored in marine biology

JBR can we all go to the aquarium after. a cp meetup at the seal tank:eek:

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Hey guys I just found out that I am going!!! I wish I would have known sooner JBR I would've pm'd you... oh well maybe I will be able to point you guys out... yeah the dumb asses jumping into the FOCKING ocean in February!!!! :tongue:

as for me, I will just be there with my girls drinking it up... just the way I like to do it on a Saturday afternoon!!!! (I guess no Bunka for me now tonight!!!!) :drunk:

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Good time yesterday.. Drunken mess... Jenks was too crowded and pushy. Funniest thing Ive ever seen watching guys and girls jumping into the ocean numerous times. Pt. Pleasant was freezing yesterday afternoon.. Sunlight was only warmth for short time while maniacs were enjoying an afternoon swim in the Atlantic..

Meetup would have been impossible my guess.. I had no idea the entire town would be packed for this event.. I had to park down at train station!!

Cant wait til summer!! Felt good to be standing on the beach!!!

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we didn't get there till like 4 pm, and I swear every single person in their was drunk off their asses!!!! So we felt the need to catch up entirely too quick... let me tell you I am STILL hurting today!! I drank soooo much in such a short time period, I got entirely too drunk but you know what, I was having the time of my life!!!! :drunk:

such a good time... I wish I could have seen everyone jump in the ocean... and I wish we could have met up but it really was way too crowded.

it was so so nice to see the beach again, even being in Jenks was surprisingly fun, it got me into the summer mood for like a second! :shades2:

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I got there at 4 as well..after managing to hit two drunk old men in the parking lot still in their robe and slippers and still carrying a coors light, I found a parking spot right by Jenks. Packed was not the word. I had to walk through that place alone looking for my sister b/c her cell didn't work in there...I was groped, stepped on and had my hair pulled. Needless to say by the time I found my crew I was in DIRE need of a drink...thank god they were prepared...I too am psyched for summer now...:D

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I jumped!!!!!

Not that bad ahd 12 shots before I did it though. They raised like $500,000! I had my stuffed seaotter mascot w/ me who also jumped in WHAT A FRIGGIN RUSH! Then back to the bar where I found JBR and Cosmic:)

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Originally posted by ceeotter

I jumped!!!!!

Not that bad ahd 12 shots before I did it though. They raised like $500,000! I had my stuffed seaotter mascot w/ me who also jumped in WHAT A FRIGGIN RUSH! Then back to the bar where I found JBR and Cosmic:)

Sounds like it was a lot of fun....:)

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