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Clubplanet Nightlife Community

What did you learn on CP THIS week...! (week in review)

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. . .What I learned this week (not ALL are completely related to cp):

1) All good, intimate nightlife venues that cater to a more "one big family" kind of atmosphere will undoubtedly get fucked up by thugs because the state (read: police) don't consider it enough of a nuisance to fuck it up themsevles . . .

2) Maudy is a great ringleader for the scene and his heart shows it

3) I am a wussy who chooses not to party like I used to, and am irked at that . . .

4) I miss my former life of drugs, money and women . . .

5) I occasionally need to have my fix. . and will make an ass out of myself in public so that everyone is aware that I need said fix . . .

6) I miss getting so fucked up that I wake up in the beautiful seaside sunshine of Ft. Lauderdale on a Monday afternoon and then not worrying about it . . because 200 miles away my cohorts have already clocked me in and Im getting PAID . . . .

7) I miss throwing my hands in the air cause I've just seen god in the form of a strobe light . . . (seeing a pattern here . . . :huh: . .)

8) Gemini's rawk . . we are the party . . .

9) I have an uncanny ability to convince others to have fun with me by ingesting massive amounts of chemicals in poorly lit places . . .

10) Certain board member's members are in high demand

11) Some people are willing to drive WAAAAAY to much . . (yes I'm old)

12) This board has changed . . . in the fact that most people here don't want to read anything of substance that our more eloquent members are willing to write . . . I do believe that I made most of my friends from this board by writing to the best of my ability . . and for the few who still remember, that ability was usually VERY long winded . . .

12) That people who complain about people who write long posts . . or even WORSE make the statement that they just don't read them cause "they're too long" are narrow minded indeed . . .

13) That Dave does indeed exist in reality

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Originally posted by phuturephunk

12) That people who complain about people who write long posts . . or even WORSE make the statement that they just don't read them cause "they're too long" are narrow minded indeed . . .

...I've Learned that I always read Phuturephunk's posts....no matter how long they are;)...and feel wiser after I have read them...:)

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Originally posted by djjonstephen

What I learned::::

Tunnelbandit doesn't wipe, hence he gets boils on his ass

Actually boils develop as a result of sitting on your ass a lil too much.

I've learned that the use of the words JOHNNY FAWKING VICIOUS has died down considerably.

People take this board way too seriously.

Some people don't find my humor funny(as if I cared...no need to PM me)

Everyone is a promoter

Joeg had a killer halloween costume

That's it......

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Guest tilly
Originally posted by mugwump

we miss u Tilly!:(

I've learned that if it wasn't for you I wouldn't not be here today with all these really great friends (especially you;) ) and that I am in the biggest denial that you are actually leaving

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