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BI CURIOUSE!? (Biennial @ Whitney kicks of 03/07) Mugwumpian ART trip!

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If any of you have never been to The Biennial exhibits

@ The Whitney then you are totally missing an incredible

experience of Eye candy, Soundscapes and a complete MIND FUCK

that you can only get from Modern art and contemporary visionaries..

This year the Biennial kicks off March 7th and

I MUGWUMP will be your tour guide!

RSVP for a CP art meetup with "Mugz"

March 7th in front of the Whitney.

We will hit up Dinner and a bar

before hand so we aren't

hungry or cranky and hopefully wind

up with a Buzz as we wind our way through the show.

After YOU are ALL INVITED to

a "Top Secret" biennial after party.

Whatya say..





(Pm me if your interested)


2002 Biennial Exhibition

The Whitney Museum of American Art will present the work of 113 artists and collaborative teams in the 2002 Biennial Exhibition, the largest Biennial since 1981, opening March 7, 2002. The Museum's signature survey of contemporary American art, the show will run through May 26, 2002. Most of the Museum will be taken over by the Biennial: it will fill the 2nd, 3rd and 4th floors, as well as the Museum's Sculpture Court, stairwell, main elevator, and Lobby Gallery, which will be transformed into a sound installation room. For the first time, in conjunction with the Public Art Fund, several Biennial pieces will be presented in Central Park.

The chief curator of the 2002 Biennial is Lawrence Rinder, the Whitney's Anne & Joel Ehrenkranz Curator of Contemporary Art, who developed the exhibition in collaboration with three of his Whitney colleagues: Chrissie Iles, curator of film and video, chose works to be shown in the Museum's Kaufman Astoria Studios Film and Video Gallery; Internet-based art works were selected by Christiane Paul, adjunct curator of new media arts; and performance and sound art by Debra Singer, associate curator of contemporary art.

The curators traveled to 43 towns and cities in 27 states and to Puerto Rico to view works; artists born in 23 countries, working in 20 states and Puerto Rico, and ranging in age from 24 to 71, will be included in the show.

"The 2002 Biennial pays tribute to the spirit and variety of American artistic practice throughout the country," said Lawrence Rinder, the chief curator of the exhibition. "Artists are exploring a wide range of media and new technologies that are giving them previously unimagined freedoms. At the same time there is a resurgent interest in traditional media and visceral, do-it-yourself practices. Not restricted by a single theme, the Biennial will expose multiple, sometimes conflicting currents, as well as extraordinary works that fall outside of any conventional aesthetic definition."

For the second time, The Bucksbaum Award, the largest award in the world given to support the work of a living artist, will be presented to one of those included in the exhibition. At the last Biennial, it was conferred on Paul Pfeiffer, whose highly anticipated new video works go on view at the Whitney in mid-December. Endowed through the beneficence of trustee Melva Bucksbaum and her family, The Bucksbaum Award is given by the Whitney every two years to an artist in the Biennial. It includes a grant of $100,000, a two-year artist-in-residency at the Museum, and an exhibition in the Whitney's Contemporary Series.

The 2002 Bucksbaum Award jury is composed of: Annie Philbin, Director, UCLA Hammer Museum; Olukemi Ilesanmi, Curatorial Assistant, Visual Arts Department, Walker Art Center; Linda Norden, the Barbara Lee Associate Curator of Contemporary Art, Fogg Art Museum, Harvard University; Maxwell L. Anderson, Director of the Whitney; and Lawrence Rinder, Anne & Joel Ehrenkranz Curator of Contemporary Art at the Whitney.


Following is a list of artists participating in the 2002 Biennial Exhibition:

Peggy Ahwesh

Bosmat Alon

José Alvarez

Maryanne Amacher


Gregor Asch (DJ Olive the Audio Janitor)

Irit Batsry

Robert Beavers

Zoe Beloff

Sanford Biggers

Susan Black

Jeremy Blake

AA Bronson

James Buckhouse

Javier Cambre

Jim Campbell

Karin Campbell

Peter Campus

Vija Celmins

Chan Chao

Richard Chartier

Tony Cokes

Stephen Dean

Destroy All Monsters Collective

Keith Edmier

Tirtza Even

Omer Fast

Vincent Fecteau

Ken Feingold

Robert Fenz

Mary Flanagan

Glen Fogel


Benjamin Fry

Brian Frye

David Gatten

Joe Gibbons

Luis Gispert

Gogol Bordello

Janine Gordon

Alfred Guzzetti

Trenton Doyle Hancock

Rachel Harrison

Tim Hawkinson

Arturo Herrera

Evan Holloway

Dennis Hopper

Peter Hutton

Ken Jacobs

Christian Jankowski

Lisa Jevbratt/C5

Yun-Fei Ji

Chris Johanson

Miranda July

Yael Kanarek

Margaret Kilgallen

Kim Sooja

Diane Kitchen

John Klima

Mark LaPore

Robert Lazzarini

John Leaños

Margot Lovejoy

Vera Lutter

Christian Marclay

Ari Marcopoulos

Bruce McClure

Conor McGrady

Meredith Monk

Julie Moos

Tracie Morris

Mark Napier

Robert Nideffer

Andrew Noren

Josh On & Futurefarmers

Roxy Paine

Hirsch Perlman

Leighton Pierce

William Pope.L


Seth Price

Walid Ra'ad/The Atlas Group

Luis Recoder

Erwin Redl

Marina Rosenfeld

The Rural Studio

Salon de Fleurus

Keith Sanborn

Peter Sarkisian

Judith Schaechter

Collier Schorr

Chemi Rosado Seijo


Lorna Simpson

Kiki Smith

Gerry Snyder

Stom Sogo

Phil Solomon

Scott Stark


Brian Tolle

Rosie Lee Tompkins

Lauretta Vinciarelli

Stephen Vitiello

Chris Ware

Ouattara Watts

Peter Williams

Anne Wilson

Lebbeus Woods

Fred Worden

Jennifer Zackin

Zhang Huan

John Zurier


Whitney Museum of American Art

945 Madison Avenue at 75th Street

New York, NY 10021

General Information: (212) 570-3676

Ticketing: 1 (877) WHITNEY


Monday Closed

Tuesday-Thursday 11 am-6 pm

Friday 1-9 pm (6-9 pm pay-what-you-wish admission)

Saturday-Sunday 11 am-6 pm

Subway: #6 to 77th Street (walk two blocks west to Madison Avenue)

Bus: M1, M2, M3, M4, M30, M72, M79 to Madison Avenue and 75th Street

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Papa's down (this papa :tongue: -), but im a little confused...

This year the Biennial kicks off March 7th and

I MUGWUMP will be your tour guide!

RSVP for a CP art meetup with "Mugz"

September 7th in front of the Whitney.

September 7th :confused:

Do we need to step into a mugwumpian time machine, zap to sept. 7th, then come back at WARP speed to march 7th and meet everyone somewhere?

What are the tentative plans, MuGzzzY? :D

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Originally posted by gmccookny

Papa's down (this papa :tongue: -), but im a little confused...

September 7th :confused:

Do we need to step into a mugwumpian time machine, zap to sept. 7th, then come back at WARP speed to march 7th and meet everyone somewhere?

What are the tentative plans, MuGzzzY? :D

I meant March 7th..



No time machines needed~

(just a way to get there on that date..

times pending)

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Originally posted by gmccookny

Hey Maudy!

I hope this is still going on! I'm down, and I hope to bring a "special someone" along for the cruise down to the Whitney.

What are the plans so far?/?

Still on bro~

Who's that special someone huh?

(Mugz gets nosey)

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