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anyone know SQL ????


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got a ? for ya. whats the diff between the SPOOL command and the COMMIT command??

also say im writing in tables and relations. how do i save my worksession, not the query results, but just the schemas of the tables so i can edit and create new ones in the future? what command lets me save this worksession?? thanx

oh and one more ?

how do i bring back the last typed command line so i dont have to retype the entire table schema? like if i just typed in:

SQL> create table Student(

sname varchar (20),

sid number,

address varchar(30),

primary key (sid)), <--- i accidentally typed , instead of ; and pressed enter

how do i get all that text back without retyping the whole schema again? thanx

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Hacker is right btw....questions about how to bring up the last command and stuff vary depending on your interface. Are u using the interface Oracle provides for the client? or a package like SQL Navigator? or a terminal emulator like Reflection?

SQL is great...pure logic.

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Originally posted by barvybe

Hacker is right btw....questions about how to bring up the last command and stuff vary depending on your interface. Are u using the interface Oracle provides for the client? or a package like SQL Navigator? or a terminal emulator like Reflection?

SQL is great...pure logic.

wtf????:confused: :confused:

I thought you were a mythology major in college?

I guess Harvard myth. program is really well rounded!!

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