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Ahmed comes to the United States from the Middle East, and he's only

here a few months when he becomes very ill.

He goes to doctor after doctor, but none of them can help him.

Finally, he goes to an Arab doctor.

The doctor says, "Take dees bucket, go into de odder room, sheet in

de bucket, peess on de sheet, and den put your head down over de bucket

and breathe in de fumes for ten minutes."

Ahmed takes the bucket, goes into the other room, shits in the bucket,

pisses on the shit, and bends over and breathes in the fumes for ten


Coming back to the doctor, he says, "It worked. I feel terrific!What

was the problem?"

The doctor says, "You were homesick."

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The coroner is brought a man who died in a horrible fire. He thinks it might be a guy named George he met once, but the body is so badly burned that he needs somebody to make a positive identification. That task falls to George’s two best friends, Joe and Al. Joe comes over to the body and says, "He’s burned pretty bad, all right. Roll him over." Joe looks at the dead man’s butt and says, "Nope, that ain’t George."

Thinking the incident strange, the mortician says nothing, and then brings in Al to examine the corpse. Al takes a look at the body and says, "Wow, he’s burned to a crisp. Roll him over." Again, the same reply, "Nope, that ain’t George."

"How can you tell?" asks the mortician.

"Poor George had two assholes," explains Joe.

"What? How could he have two assholes?"

"Everybody knew George had two assholes. Whenever the three of us would go into town, everyone always said, ‘Here comes George with those two assholes!’"

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