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Results from my horse show yesterday...

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Okay... so before you hear how I placed you have to hear the story behind it all.

This girl on my team, Kim, and I placed up last week, which means at yesterday's show we both rode at a higher level then we did the previous week. (moved from level 2A to 2B)

Now... Kim has been riding 6 years longer than me, and for some reason they placed her at my level (she really shouldnt be there but it is a retarded situation).

So, we were both in the same class... and were both set on loosing and not placing because we were riding with people who had been at that level for a while. Surprisingly enough, she took first place and I took second place!

However, while I was riding, the most fucked up thing happened.

I was riding this horse that doesn't like to have other horses near her when she is being ridden. She will kick and bite and just gets plain nasty if someone gets close (I have seen it, its not pretty). She wears one of those red ribbons on her tail to warn people that she does this, and every rider knows to stay away.

So I am doing my thing, showing off for the judge and whatnot, and I see out of the corner of my eye this girl Cantering at me at full speed. My luck would have it the girl literally runs into me on her horse, and at that point I had to think quickly. I honestly thought that my horse was either going to rear up on her hind legs to get out of the squish, start kicking and biting, or just go into a bucking frenzy ditching me on the ground. Luckily, she just froze, pinned her ears back in disgust, and we finished the second half of the class as though nothing happened.

As for the girl who ran into me, I have ridden the horse she was on before, and he is not a difficult horse to control. I also do not think she placed due to the little stunt she pulled.

Rutgers ended up taking first place as a team, and we also had the high point rider. All in all, yesterdays show was a success (despite the freezing temperatures).:D

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Originally posted by teklord310

I was there in spirit... thats is awesome! Congrats to you! Kick some tail... literally. Peace

thanks hun... hehe, i almost did kick some ass... i just couldn't identify the girl after my class was done (everyone looks the same in those silly get-ups)

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Originally posted by teklord310

Yeah they are silly. I guess you end up identifying the other girls by their booty. I mean you have to admit it, everyone has a different style ass. This is especially visible in spandex, so try that next time. Just my advice. :eek:

Well when you fear getting thrown off of a horse you are not paying much attention to the person who just ran into you... especially not thier booty.

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