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Originally posted by hunnie818

I don't have issues....lol

BTW......STEROIDS are bad......just ask my clients ;)

Steroid ABUSE is bad…sensible use…which BTW most of the kids these days don’t isnt bad...matter of fact i could find some studies that blow smoke inf the face of all the people who claim steroids are "bad". Remember steroids are one of the most commonly prescribed meds..MEDICAL THERAPY in fact, they arent some home brew, microwaved, kithchen counter made drugs,(im talking anabolic steroids in general not the exotic ones and/or under ground ones made under less sterile conditions) they are big $$$ for the pharm. industry and very very safe if not abused and even when abused the body is phenominal with the feed back mechanisms, etc as well as the liver always heals its self even after they heaviest drugs are consumed. Steroids are prescriptions XTC and K and Coke and all that garbaeg isnt and for th emsot part have NO business being consumed by a human being.

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Originally posted by mrgqdieselny

Steroid ABUSE is bad…sensible use…which BTW most of the kids these days don’t isnt bad...matter of fact i could find some studies that blow smoke inf the face of all the people who claim steroids are "bad". Remember steroids are one of the most commonly prescribed meds..MEDICAL THERAPY in fact, they arent some home brew, microwaved, kithchen counter made drugs,(im talking anabolic steroids in general not the exotic ones and/or under ground ones made under less sterile conditions) they are big $$$ for the pharm. industry and very very safe if not abused and even when abused the body is phenominal with the feed back mechanisms, etc as well as the liver always heals its self even after they heaviest drugs are consumed. Steroids are prescriptions XTC and K and Coke and all that garbaeg isnt and for th emsot part have NO business being consumed by a human being.

Hey Dr. Anabolic.....I was kidding....I'm actually a fan of proper steroid use...I agree w/ you 100% ...taken properly you sustain minimal damage if any and they are very effective ......As for Xtc, K and Coke...i'm not going to say I've never tryed it but I don't take any of those drugs anymore......the effects of those synthetics are way worse on the liver......i like brain cells....i try to keep them...i also like muscles so i try to grow them....:D

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Originally posted by rdntheshortbus

Did somone say three kits back to back????????

Aside from being expensive...... I think I would pop......

especially when mixing it with insulin.....

Well not wanting to agree with these fools…back to back, hence “long term use†is the smartest in terms of most benefits received from the GH, low dose, long duration is the most efficient for GH use. And also 3 kits may be a lot to you but a buddy of mine does 1 kit per week, he’s 310lbs off season and still very lean at that weight…so someone his size, sadly “needs†that dose. If I was to do GH it would last me at least 5 weeks with each kit, even though i only go up to 240 in the offseason, i just find no reason to take such obsurd doses of drugs.

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All I have to say is a moderate and sensible cycle, post cycle therapy, anit-esto. meds, monitoring of health by a Dr. and juicing is safe...

My cousin...one of the biggest Juice Heads to walk the planet...juiced from 1984-1992...with little to no time off between cycles....He used everything from A-bombs to 20 5mg Dbols a day, Over 1-1.5g of test per week....He was so fucked up he went to rehab for the juice, paine killers and all the other shiot that went along with it.....He has so many medical problems and is truly fucked. Becareful....dont go crazy with the sauce....Start out small and realize diet, GENETICS and training are more than 80% of it......

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My only question is this......................WHY?, I see only two circumstances in which using juice is a sensible idea.

1) You're a pro bodybuilder (and not an amature one that gets paid nothing). I'm talking about someone whose living depends on the way their physique looks year round so they can keep their contracts and do well in contests.


2) You're a football player (pro/amature/whatever) that needs the size and strength to keep from getting yourself squashed.

Outside of these two scenarios (of course barring situations where it's prescribed for therapy also), I see steroid use as cheating, as an easier way of obtaining what natural guys take the time and effort to work for. And listening to some of these guys bragging about jabbing a needle in their ass, heh, just makes me laugh.

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Originally posted by ou812

My only question is this......................WHY?, I see only two circumstances in which using juice is a sensible idea.

1) You're a pro bodybuilder (and not an amature one that gets paid nothing). I'm talking about someone whose living depends on the way their physique looks year round so they can keep their contracts and do well in contests.


2) You're a football player (pro/amature/whatever) that needs the size and strength to keep from getting yourself squashed.

Outside of these two scenarios (of course barring situations where it's prescribed for therapy also), I see steroid use as cheating, as an easier way of obtaining what natural guys take the time and effort to work for. And listening to some of these guys bragging about jabbing a needle in their ass, heh, just makes me laugh.

I have to agree............... Not that it matters but he's right.

My boyfriend has a wonderfully georgeous body, all natural, he works hard. It's a better pay-off.

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Originally posted by ou812

My only question is this......................WHY?, I see only two circumstances in which using juice is a sensible idea.

1) You're a pro bodybuilder (and not an amature one that gets paid nothing). I'm talking about someone whose living depends on the way their physique looks year round so they can keep their contracts and do well in contests.


2) You're a football player (pro/amature/whatever) that needs the size and strength to keep from getting yourself squashed.

Outside of these two scenarios (of course barring situations where it's prescribed for therapy also), I see steroid use as cheating, as an easier way of obtaining what natural guys take the time and effort to work for. And listening to some of these guys bragging about jabbing a needle in their ass, heh, just makes me laugh.

The only thing I disagree is the “cheating†part…who exactly are they cheating? It’s a dog eat dog world out there so why should anyone care if we are “ahead of the game†due to pharmaceutical enhamcement? And all competitions are full of juice even the “natural†shows, so even there, no one is cheating, because if you are dumb enough to enter a natural show and not know that 70% are on juice then you deserve to get beat.

I also agree that the ABUSE of steroids should be left in the hands of the stupid ass pros who make some $$ of what they do because I cant come up with any other reason why doing so many drugs can be justified.

But the whole cheating part is ridiculous…everyone works hard natural or juicers and the lazy crack heads aside….the guys on juice should be working harder than the naturals as they need to do more volume and frequency of training due to the shortend recovery time from juice, and if that’s “cheating†to get the better body…not sure what that is cheating at…lets just say for example (and this may not be the case) the juicers are “cheating†in the dating scene because MAYBE they are getting more girls? Maybe not..but just bare with me in this example… so does that mean the kid who pulls up in the BMW m5 is “cheating†because the next guy is only driving a Dodge Stratus? Just because the guy with the BMW has the $$ to buy the BMW or his parents got it for him (which is usually the case in NY/NJ area) is he “cheating†?

Most of the people who juice on this site (and in most clubs) have no business being on juice, cause for the most part they lose lots of size and/or never even look like they are juicing. I call these clowns the may/june/july juicers 'cause that is when they come to the gym and juice then leave after the summer is over. these clowns only RENT muscle.. and start crying and complaining that the guys who are big and in shape all year round "must be on tons of shit", lol not quite, but they use that excuse to feel better about themselves and the pathetic discipline and drive that they have.

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Originally posted by mrgqdieselny

The only thing I disagree is the “cheating†part…who exactly are they cheating? It’s a dog eat dog world out there so why should anyone care if we are “ahead of the game†due to pharmaceutical enhamcement? And all competitions are full of juice even the “natural†shows, so even there, no one is cheating, because if you are dumb enough to enter a natural show and not know that 70% are on juice then you deserve to get beat.

I also agree that the ABUSE of steroids should be left in the hands of the stupid ass pros who make some $$ of what they do because I cant come up with any other reason why doing so many drugs can be justified.

But the whole cheating part is ridiculous…everyone works hard natural or juicers and the lazy crack heads aside….the guys on juice should be working harder than the naturals as they need to do more volume and frequency of training due to the shortend recovery time from juice, and if that’s “cheating†to get the better body…not sure what that is cheating at…lets just say for example (and this may not be the case) the juicers are “cheating†in the dating scene because MAYBE they are getting more girls? Maybe not..but just bare with me in this example… so does that mean the kid who pulls up in the BMW m5 is “cheating†because the next guy is only driving a Dodge Stratus? Just because the guy with the BMW has the $$ to buy the BMW or his parents got it for him (which is usually the case in NY/NJ area) is he “cheating†?

Most of the people who juice on this site (and in most clubs) have no business being on juice, cause for the most part they lose lots of size and/or never even look like they are juicing. I call these clowns the may/june/july juicers 'cause that is when they come to the gym and juice then leave after the summer is over. these clowns only RENT muscle.. and start crying and complaining that the guys who are big and in shape all year round "must be on tons of shit", lol not quite, but they use that excuse to feel better about themselves and the pathetic discipline and drive that they have.

Goodmorning Sunshine! :D

Go easy on them ;)

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Originally posted by NJstacked

#1. I did play college football and needed to take "supplements"

#2. Your boyfriend has a georgeous body...not a MUSCULAR BODY....Big difference...

No it is very very musular (Let me see if I can downlaod this Picture face and all .)........... He also played football, for College and he Cycled when he started to become stronger, that was many moons ago however. He works hard....... that's all.

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Originally posted by perns2002

I have to agree............... Not that it matters but he's right.

My boyfriend has a wonderfully georgeous body, all natural, he works hard. It's a better pay-off.

See this is the biggest problem out there, kids nowadays take juice yet no one can tell, there is a huge group of guys at my gym, ya know the nextel bleeping, armani skully cap wearing, capri wearing, versace blue jean cologne stinking juice heads that tend to crowd around the bench for 2 hours at a time, well they are all on juice and the sad part is some of them at best have a swimmers body and no one in their right mind would think they are juicing…remember…most guys will not tell their girls they are on juice…I had this kid come up to me last week telling me he’s on anardrol deca, gh and some other crap, and I swear to u he’s as skinny as that nerdy looking kid from that movie “the new guyâ€

So don’t be so quick to think a guy is natural.

I recall this one girl I dated a few yrs ago, told me she hated guys who took juice, she said it was “nastyâ€, she asked if I was on juice I said hell no ( cause I knew telling her would start problems) and she said “GOOD cause u have a hot body and juice is gross, I wouldn’t like you if u were on juiceâ€. Um hello? Fucking clueless people, they are funny those girls…shit I could be 280lbs and tell her I’m natural and she will like me and then tell her my friend is 200lbs and on tons of juice and she will find him “disgustingâ€

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Originally posted by mrgqdieselny

See this is the biggest problem out there, kids nowadays take juice yet no one can tell, there is a huge group of guys at my gym, ya know the nextel bleeping, armani skully cap wearing, capri wearing, versace blue jean cologne stinking juice heads that tend to crowd around the bench for 2 hours at a time, well they are all on juice and the sad part is some of them at best have a swimmers body and no one in their right mind would think they are juicing…remember…most guys will not tell their girls they are on juice…I had this kid come up to me last week telling me he’s on anardrol deca, gh and some other crap, and I swear to u he’s as skinny as that nerdy looking kid from that movie “the new guy”

So don’t be so quick to think a guy is natural.

I recall this one girl I dated a few yrs ago, told me she hated guys who took juice, she said it was “nasty”, she asked if I was on juice I said hell no ( cause I knew telling her would start problems) and she said “GOOD cause u have a hot body and juice is gross, I wouldn’t like you if u were on juice”. Um hello? Fucking clueless people, they are funny those girls…shit I could be 280lbs and tell her I’m natural and she will like me and then tell her my friend is 200lbs and on tons of juice and she will find him “disgusting”

I really doubt he is lying, He told me he did in college. I didn't freak on him for it he has no reason to lie to me. He is also a police officer, he gets tested in the Academy a lot..... they would notice a huge weight gain. He doesn't take any chances. Also, he isn't a clubber, doesn't do Drugs ever......... Doesn't spend every waking hour looking in the mirror or working out. He does have genetics on his side though, His father is built just like he is......

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Originally posted by perns2002

I really doubt he is lying, He told me he did in college. I didn't freak on him for it he has no reason to lie to me. He is also a police officer, he gets tested in the Academy a lot..... they would notice a huge weight gain. He doesn't take any chances. Also, he isn't a clubber, doesn't do Drugs ever......... Doesn't spend every waking hour looking in the mirror or working out. He does have genetics on his side though, His father is built just like he is......

I’m not saying he is I’m just making a generalization.

But as far as the cops they don’t test for juice, police officers are one of the most juiced up profession in the united states, and unless he gains 50lbs and is a wise ass to his superiors they wont ever test, it just costs too much $$ to bother.

But there is also another female on this site who is in the same boat as u, her man used to juice but said he isn’t now, then she finds out he is… but like I sad I am not talking about your man, just in general, just because someone doesn’t look like they juice does not me they are not on juice

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