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It's Days Like This I Wish I Was Illiterate and Crawling in Some Hole Right Now

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:blown: I have to go to a 9:50 class (that I have to leave for NOW) and then right after I have a midterm in Systems of Psychotherapy :blown: If I couldn't read and write and I was in some hole somewhere, I wouldn't be bothered by the problems of school and testing and whatnot. :blown: So WTF. Err.. wish me luck guys. I'm off now.. :blown:
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Originally posted by joeg


Good luck...

Well, atleast your literacy allows you to waste countless hours on here talking to us!!!


this must be some strange tertiary definition of literacy that I have heretofore been unaware of.


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I've got a serious case of the sophomore slumps. I am SO losing concentration and motivation in school and I feel all of your pain. I am so ready for Spring Break. My school, unfortunately does not recognize ANY national holidays, so I have not had a single day off since winter break. :(

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Aight guys well.. the exam SUCKED lemme just say that cause I thought it was gonna be mainly lecture material cause that is how my professor usually does it (I've had him before for a class last year) so I thought I was gonna be ok but NOOOOO.. :blown: for this exam he decides to get all technical on my ass involving things like exact specs of existential therapy and person-centered therapy and exact details of case stories and CRAZY SHIT LIKE THAT :blown: Now I really wanna be in that hole somewhere so that my grade means absolutely nothing..

And to top it all off, there is this asshole telling my best friend these lies to try and start problems, and there is MAD drama!! :blown: WHY ME.

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