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About dub16

  • Birthday 06/16/1982


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Newbie (1/14)



  1. dub16


    off the same website. and even more amazing! http://www.hugi.is/hahradi/bigboxes.php?box_id=51208&f_id=681
  2. For more pictures of that fat cat, go to Tub Cat . But I think this cat is pretty scary too, it looks more like a dog-
  3. For more pictures of that fat cat, go to Tub Cat . But I think this cat is pretty scary too, it looks more like a dog-
  4. Hey Rob! What's doing? Did you have a good summer? Yeah, maybe wideskies and I can meet up with you at some point. Let us know by PM or email. Cheers!
  5. Same here.... Torture's over on Thursday. Some of my friends who have finished early decided to party. I called up a buddy at 4pm today and asked what she was doing. Drinking Bacardi, she replied. Hot diggity..... that will be me.... in a few days.... Good luck to all!
  6. Nice pics, Cat! I'm gonna that's your house? Looks like you guys had fun. Ping Pong is so cute. Best of luck on the evil final exams! The torture is almost over!!!!!!
  7. What's wrong with Harry Potter?
  8. I don't see the appeal... I'll have to go with not hot.
  9. NyQuil is crap. You should try Thera-Flu. No joke. The stuff tastes like shit and makes you want to barf when you down it, but works wonders! I swear by it! You can add a lot of sugar if you like and some of it comes flavored, but it doesn't make much of a difference, still shitty tasting.
  10. Don't say that f-word please!!!!! :(
  11. Whattts Everyones Plans For Summer? Sleeping.........
  12. Why do I need rich friends? I totally agree with you. I always make friends based on personality and think it would be stupid to do anything otherwise. I didn't seriously think there were people out there that are so superficial, but I guess I'm really naive.
  13. Rob- First, Congrats on your impending degree! Whoo hoo! Secondly, everyone needs to deal with lack of academic success and this just happens to be your time and day to do it. Sorry, can't offer much advice because its happening to me. I used to have a lot of problems accepting my failure, but I've come to realize just what you have - I am the one who is mostly the cause of it. If you can figure out what the cause of your problem is (mine is complicated, bad time management, stubborness, lack of motivation, etc). So alas, sleep..... because sleep is good.
  14. I'm not too wild about the sperm bank idea. I think I would go the adoption track as a first option.....
  15. On the brighter (no pun intended) side, its days like this that keep me indoors and studying like I should be instead of wanting to go outside. Grrrr..... final exams......
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