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Stuff to know about WMC


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Is it time for Conference already? The pressure is begining to mount up, and the excitement is incredible. People are chewing fingernails, and checking bank accounts ever few minutes in preparation. There are a few important things you should take into account now that we're only 8 days and a half hour away from the official kick off (7days and 1 1/2 hours unofficially as of 3/15/02 10:30am).

1)Money: Yes, the best things in life are free... but drinks arent and drink tickets are hard to come by. Even then you have to have atleast enough for tips.

-Try to save up as much as possible between now and conference (This would have been a good idea a month ago but one week should do).

-Cut down on unnecesary expendatures (you dont have to have extra cheese on your whopper)

-If your clubbing this week dont go crazy. (A dollar saved is a dollar earned. Aviod parking garages and drinks altogether.)

2) Parking: Theres no Jitney bus that leaves you washington. If you have to take a car make sure you take ONLY 1 CAR.

- Club CarPool. We can learn many things from mexicans. Fit as many people into one car as possible.Traffic will be ridiculous as well as parking. If you know somone near you that is on the way to the same place you are (or atleast close by) Take them!

3) Housing: This applies to those of you flying in. For those of you not rented out the beach (cheers for those that got reservations) Now is a good time to find out who lives near the beach or atleast who is able to give you shelter. (Im keeping 3 people in my house from out of state). If your planning on flying or driving down here its going to be damn near impossible to find a convinient place by now so dont even bother.

4)Planning: By far the most important thing to do this WMC. If you dont know what party your going to already, today is a good day to sit down and plan out where your gonna be on what day. By now all confermations should have been in. The official and final flyers should be out. Web pages should be updated.

-Sit down with your friends (If your going out in groups) and plan out who wants to go where. Find out whos playing when and so fourth.

-Take atleast 2 hours to get into the beach (depending on how far from the beach you live. I live 5 min from the beach so i planned 2 hours ahead if you live in kendall plan 3, if you live in hialeah... leave now!)

-Let Your boss know now. This applies to those of you in the work force. (If you havent done so already) You should let the people you work for know now that you might not be all yourself next week.

-Remember to write all the important stuff down (times, people playing, addresses on paper or PDA).

-Bring a Pen! ( I know this sounds nerdy. But you never know who you'll meet or what you'll have to right down, especially early in the day (you dont know how drunk you'll be by 7 am that night.)

and Finally,

5)Have Fun: Be prepared for Dancing,sex,drugs,learning some shit,drinking,getting your hands on somones elses vinyle. And listening to phucking good music (unless you like happy hardcore or mariachi).

I hope everyone has a damn good time at conference. and i hope this post has brought some enlightenment to you guys. Till friday. Peace, love and chicken grease.


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Originally posted by fat0ny

-Let Your boss know now. This applies to those of you in the work force. (If you havent done so already) You should let the people you work for know now that you might not be all yourself next week.

Thats why I'm taking a week off of work (March 25-29th)


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