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Ukranian bride

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this isn't a mail ordre bride you moron. it's not like you can just click and buy a wife. i am coresponding women from ukraine directly. read carefully.

Originally posted by roha3000

I may regret posting on this one, but good fucking lord man. You are telling ppl on this board to get a life when you have to go out and buy a mail order bride? What kind of logic is that buddy? I think you need to rethink your situation. Take a look inside, you may not like what you see. Obviously the women around here don't.

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im also corresponding women from the south and midwest .

you are right that women outside northeast are better looking.

Originally posted by turpentyine

if the women in NY r not that good y don u just try other states instead another country.

try down south the women there r much better looking then the ones up north

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frankly im not looking for a wife to spend rest of my life with. 50%of marriage in US ends up in divorce.. i am just sick of being single.. and women i meet don't last more than 2 months.. i need a young bride that will be with me for at least 3 years.. they can have the green card.

you might think im desperate, yes im and i m one of millions of singles in NY who are also desperate.

Originally posted by flying_high

Well, I'm sorry entrepreneur but that's exactly my point. Do you really thing that a marriage that is based on one partner paying and the other one only entering into the marriage in order to come to the US is going to lead into a "loving relationship"??? I might be wrong but I, for my part, don't think that a 18-year old girl that is solely interesting in getting a green card is going to share her life with you for the rest of her life. I'm sorry, but I rather think that she is going to persue her dreams once she has settled in and gotten the legal rights to stay in the country.

Sorry, but this argument doesn't hold either. I'm very soon turning 28 so I do kind of know how we, "people in that age group" feel ;) Believe me, I understand that you might feel like panicing as all your friends are getting engaged or are living in happy relationships. But do you truly believe that this fear of staying alone is justifying that action? I've been alone for periods of time too...but one thing I always believed in....never compromise your love life... don't just enter into a relationship for the sake of being in a relationship...if there is one thing that I never want to feel...is having missed out the chance of true love cause I "settled for less".

Anyway, I wish you good luck...whatever you decide.

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i met these girls from match.com not mail order bride catalog these mail order catalogs don't exist , if they exist they are fraud run by mafia.. jesus people why don't you READ my statement carefully.. it wasn't a mail order bride~! just because im 'coresponding' with a woman from overseas that dosn't mean im buying a wife through a catalog , this isn't ebay.

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well dear i have a different taste in women, 99% of korean men prefer korean women but i only prefer younger white women with light skin and hair.

Originally posted by dub16

I don't know if this is of ANY relevance, but one of my past times is to read the wedding announcements in the Sunday NY Times. And apparently, there IS a percentage of people out there who marry or meet their spouse at a relatively "older" age (to me, that's over 30) and tons of people who marry young and regret it. So why are you in such a hurry? Take your time, find the right person for you, and best of luck. I'm sorry, but I can't see that getting a mail order bride would necessarily mean happiness for you and I am suspicious of the reasons why an 18-20 year old would want a 29 year old that lives in a totally different country and culture from them (plus you are a totally different ethnicity). Sorry to burst your bubble, but things like the responses you've been getting should be expected from posting at a public message board.

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Originally posted by entrepreneur

frankly im not looking for a wife to spend rest of my life with. 50%of marriage in US ends up in divorce.. i am just sick of being single.. and women i meet don't last more than 2 months.. i need a young bride that will be with me for at least 3 years.. they can have the green card.

you might think im desperate, yes im and i m one of millions of singles in NY who are also desperate.

Oh man this is even sadder...

First of all you're entering into marriage with the thought in the back of your head that it's only a temporary thing anyway....mmmh I'm really sorry to hear that.

I don't quite understand though that you seem that desperate...you're ONLY 30 years old...so what's with that rush.

Also I think to get married with someone that does it for the green card just so you've got someone staying with you for the next 3 years (what if after 2 months you really don't even like eachother anymore)??????

Don't know but it really all sounds like panic cause you're gettting older :(

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Originally posted by entrepreneur

this isn't a mail ordre bride you moron. it's not like you can just click and buy a wife. i am coresponding women from ukraine directly. read carefully.

Yeah you are right. I am a moron. And you, my friend, are a stud. A stud with a fucking MAIL ORDER BRIDE!!! Call it whatever you want you fucking loser, its a mail order bride by definition. Whether you admit it or not, I bet you are paying some sort of doughry to the parents of this jail bait gold digger. Whether they advertise on the net, or in a catalog, the concept is the same. A sad fucking loser buying a wife. Good luck, I am sure you will have a long happy marriage.

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well boy, since you are naive and clueless i won't attack you again. me a loser? you wil have to see me in person. donald trump once had a wife from Czech.. does he make him a loser??

Originally posted by roha3000

Yeah you are right. I am a moron. And you, my friend, are a stud. A stud with a fucking MAIL ORDER BRIDE!!! Call it whatever you want you fucking loser, its a mail order bride by definition. Whether you admit it or not, I bet you are paying some sort of doughry to the parents of this jail bait gold digger. Whether they advertise on the net, or in a catalog, the concept is the same. A sad fucking loser buying a wife. Good luck, I am sure you will have a long happy marriage.

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Originally posted by entrepreneur

well boy, since you are naive and clueless i won't attack you again. me a loser? you wil have to see me in person. donald trump once had a wife from Czech.. does he make him a loser??

Only if he ordered her via catalog or internet. :D

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Originally posted by tribal

hahaha entrep u are cracking me up man!! thats some funny shit, heres some ukrainian tips for you, i lived in Kiev for 6 years. ok, first, u gotta tell the girl that you are a 'klassny hlopchik' meaning a nice guy, and tell her shes got a 'krasivaya hata' meaning a sweet pad(house). gotta warn you though, these bitches are for your $$$ obviously so in the long run, you arent gona be a happy camper. gotta agree though, many many beautiful girls over there. why dont you just hit the bars over here, maybe meet a chick whos into you, not your wallet.

LMFAO!!... well i totaly agree with that, ukrianian girls are beautiful butt they all want to come to US & your $$$.. so find yourself a girl thats already here well good luck babe

TRIBAl...very original quotes.. haha how about ' krasivaya uLibka, glaza' be a gentleman!:D

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Guest saleen351

buddy, call 60 mins the tv show, there is like a 25% incurence of murder in these cases. They marry you, come over here, then have you murdered, they take your money, your property and they stay in america for ever.......

IDIOT! and I"m serious go call them.........

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