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Does anybody have any GOOD stories involving Promoters?

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...cause all I hear is shitty and shady tales of what they do...got a fresh one this morning and I have to hold my tongue BUT it was pure shit...and it is the third one I've gotten in the last month...

I just started going out again this past year and almost forgot how bad things had gotten. Personally, I believe promoters are the worst thing to happen to the nightlife industry in the past decade.

Care to differ or confirm?

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Originally posted by trancend

yeah a few times a promoter gave me a flyer for a party, and i went to the party and it was fun....i guess thats a good story, no?

as long as the flyer worked if it involved a discount, you didnt have to wait on some long ass line manipulated by promoters, you didnt have to use ten lists to eventually get one to work and the dj wasnt based on who he/she know or what promoters he/she was associated with as opposed to pure talent...then yes, that's a good story...

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Originally posted by az-tec

there are actually a few of us out there that are honest and put alot of time, work and energy into our parties.

WE are the ones that do it because we love the scene and the music, the money is not really an issue.

This man walks the walk...

i really wish i could make it out to WMC and check that party that you have running andy...

quite simply a SICK lineup

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There are some good promoters out there....

The promoters in the upper echelons of Panorama Productions (DC) management are not in that category. But I have met some that are in it for the scene and because they love it, they're out there somewhere. I have worked with and for some of the worst, nastiest promoters out there (as you, Phatman, already know) but I still wouldn't label all of them as "cattivi mascalzoni" as it were ;)

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Originally posted by vixenfoxxy

There are some good promoters out there....

The promoters in the upper echelons of Panorama Productions (DC) management are not in that category. But I have met some that are in it for the scene and because they love it, they're out there somewhere. I have worked with and for some of the worst, nastiest promoters out there (as you, Phatman, already know) but I still wouldn't label all of them as "cattivi mascalzoni" as it were ;)

I'm sorry, but I have to disagree with you saying Panorama not having good promoters.

There's this party they run every saturday night that happens to be nationally reknowned called GLOW. True, their other parties might not be as supported financially as the saturday one (causing them to bring in low quality DJ's *cough*PeteMoutsoJoseRodriquez*cough*), but you must give credit to where credit is due. Saying that they're bad promoters just isn't giving them the credit they deserve.

Now when it comes to promoting: yes, there are good promoters and bad promoters. What I found out in my expeirience from promoting (yes, I was a promoter...long story) is that you must have a certain type of extroverted personality to go out each and every week to plug a party with featuring your people's taste in music and crowd. That can get very hard at times, and my respect goes out to the people who have done it for years with resounding success.

The problem, to me, about promoting is that all the "glamour" that comes with that title causes the wrong people to get involved in it...which, in effect, has made promoting a lost art. It seems to have been gone years ago before I even started clubbing. I've had veteran club friends tell me how putting your name on a guestlist meant line skip, comp, and VIP treatment. Now a guestlist, if you're lucky, gets you 5 dollars off the price of admission.

If the art of promoting wants to get back to its glory, forming teams with a common personality, motivation, and goal should be on the top of every nightclub's wish list. Only then will you see the return of parties with self respect and quality.

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Originally posted by highmay

I've had veteran club friends tell me how putting your name on a guestlist meant line skip, comp, and VIP treatment.

Yeah what the hell ever happened to that? Way back in the day I experienced this, but it died very abruptly it seems.

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Originally posted by highmay

I'm sorry, but I have to disagree with you saying Panorama not having good promoters.

There's this party they run every saturday night that happens to be nationally reknowned called GLOW. True, their other parties might not be as supported financially as the saturday one (causing them to bring in low quality DJ's *cough*PeteMoutsoJoseRodriquez*cough*), but you must give credit to where credit is due. Saying that they're bad promoters just isn't giving them the credit they deserve.

I think you misunderstood. We're not talking about good vs. bad promoters in the sense of set up good parties, bring good dj's to the venues, bring a good crowd. That, Panorama does. What I am referring to with panorama management is a matter of good vs. bad on a more humanistic level. The people in upper management to whom I refer are brutish, blatantly chauvanistic to the point they reach misogynistic, self-seeking, and they are liars and fakes. They are two-faced and entirely disgusting as humans and I wouldn't pick them to throw a party for my house plant, I don't care who they'd book. That's the problem phatman is getting at here - lack of respect for the clientele and the general staff, lack of regard for the human side of the scene, which is why we end up with dirty low-down conniving shitheads like that ruining the scene.

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Originally posted by vixenfoxxy

I wouldn't pick them to throw a party for my house plant

:laugh2: aight that was a GREAT line!!

but as for the rest of it...I'm not touching with a 10 foot pole...

I'll concede that your point is correct and plead my 5th Amendment Constitutional Rights.

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Originally posted by highmay

:laugh2: aight that was a GREAT line!!

but as for the rest of it...I'm not touching with a 10 foot pole...

I'll concede that your point is correct and plead my 5th Amendment Constitutional Rights.

:D :D :D

Yeah That causes a huge problem, it's my house plant's birthday in three weeks. Do you know of any good promoters that would be interested in throwing it a party?

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Originally posted by az-tec

there are actually a few of us out there that are honest and put alot of time, work and energy into our parties.

WE are the ones that do it because we love the scene and the music, the money is not really an issue.

I agree.. you just have to find the good ones.

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