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Originally posted by dgat

Here's your first lesson Georgie




You can get back to me when you get a clue dumbass

Spelling lessons from a monkey! No thanks air head. After your mom's done spell checking my every post tell her to remember to give you a banana and put you back into your cage.

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Originally posted by johnny13

Let me just finish this little fight between dgat and Ga2.

Bottom line GA you are a dumbfuck!!!!!

Say all you want about me GA because I have more education than this whole board.

Dgat see ya at Ultra!!!!!


Preschool and kindergarten doesn't count loser and your moms home schooling isn't cutting it either. If you had half a spine you'd show your face at one of the meetups. Since you don't I guess you have a 1/3 of a spine because a 1/3 of a spine would be more consistent with your hieght.

BTW, I think you should let pea brain defend himself. Furthermore, I think pea brain should dump your psuedo educated, vertically challenged pussy ass and find a taller boyfriend.

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Spelling lessons from a monkey! No thanks air head. After your mom's done spell checking my every post tell her to remember to give you a banana and put you back into your cage.

Georgie my little grasshopper, your lack of intelligence has become far too overwhelming... Nice response, what are you in grammar school resorting to tactics involving mom's....unreal what a dumbshit little punk you are. What's next, I know you are, but what am I? or My mom is so fat....??? Get a clue!!!

BTW...You and Mikeydny would make the best of friends, that is if you two losers haven't found each other already!!!

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Learn how to click on the quotes link monkey so when you quote someone you won't see --->[quote<--- in the middle of their quote.

This is what I call funny.

Originally posted by dgat

Very nice gesture, but it's unfortunate that Liquid's WMC lineup can't compete with the other venues. There's not a night I'd rank Liquid better than the 3rd, if that, for the best party to attend!!!!

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: I needed a good laugh from you chimp. Whenever you wake up and stop pretending to know anything about music just accept the fact that your an ignorant nitwit! You and Johnny know NOTHING about music. The only thing you idiots probably know is procreation and both of you morons have even managed to fuck that up by being GAY lovers. Just die already and get it over with there's nothing else for you to do on this planet.

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Georgie you act like a 8 year old little girl..."Just die already...," what a pussy, and now you've resorted to the gay jokes. You better watch out, your planeteer buddies might take offense to such remarks about gays!!!

Bottomline little Georgie-boy, is that you're a nobody, and will never amount to more than a waste of space, you're on a dead end path, there's no hope for you here, so take out your raft and float back!!!

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Originally posted by georgeacasta2

You and Johnny know NOTHING about music. The only thing you idiots probably know is procreation and both of you morons have even managed to fuck that up by being GAY lovers. Just die already and get it over with there's nothing else for you to do on this planet.

:laugh: :laugh:

:laugh: :laugh:


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What happened to lesson #2 Georgie, deleting posts to try and seem like your not the dumbfuck you really are, then going back and editing previous posts...What an embarrasment you've become, it was all fun and games, now you've stooped even lower than I thought possible. Why'd you have to go and ruin a good thing???

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Originally posted by dgat

What happened to lesson #2 Georgie, deleting posts to try and seem like your not the dumbfuck you really are, then going back and editing previous posts...What an embarrasment you've become, it was all fun and games, now you've stooped even lower than I thought possible. Why'd you have to go and ruin a good thing???

What a goon, your so sad that you have to make shit up to look good. You probably forgot to click on submit!

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dgat, if you get into a war of wits you really should at least try to come armed.

Everyone here loves GA2 while you are universally ridiculed, you better hope your mom keeps paying Johnny13 to be your friend or you are going to have to start blowing him again.


Originally posted by johnny13

Say all you want about me GA because I have more education than this whole board.

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

Johnny, it is better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak up and remove all doubt.

or to quote a man who may be less educated (you dont have education, dumbass) than this entire (not whole you dipshit) board but is certainly smarter than you.

"Stupid is as stupid does"

and by that standard, your one stupid mother fucker.

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Listen, Is this the best comeback you've got retard? Calling a woman a slut, very lowclass. That is why I choose to pay no mind to you. BTW, did you win the 2nd grade spelling B championship? You can't spell for shit either asshole......... Fucking idiot.... I'm so done with your dumbass.... Sweet Dreams Dgat......

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Originally posted by dgat

Shroomy....come armed, please:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: , I will own anyone on this board!!!

OK my intelectually hindered friend, care to put your money where your mouth is? (and no, don't go putting your money on Johnny's dick)

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Keep checking every single one of my posts for typos.........good tactic loser you only have 1031 more posts to check........Seriously, who wears the panties in your relationship with Johnny? It must be you because your the one that always has sand in your clit. Keep picking on girls princess that's more your style. Let Johnny handle the male to male arguments.

BTW, I mispelled "looser" on purpose since I'm sure your going to be wasting half of your day checking my posts for grammatical errors. Get back to me when your done with this grammer checking assignment.

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This is some good drama :)

Let me fan the flames further...consider this statement.

You've resorted to pussy tactics, using your moderator privileges...

I hardly consider it a pussy tactic. I think of it more as using the resources you have...kinda like how a cop would rather use the taser or his nightstick than beat you with his fist.

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