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What is the strangest thing you have seen at a club when you are messed up??

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Originally posted by gothzane

Me going down on my girlfriends girlfriend @ limelight.

One too many vodka shots that night...oh boy.


lol i forgot...then the same girl at her house party

we were all having screwdrivers. (vodka & OJ)

She starts bugging out , cringing in the corner

"Get away, get away youll spill me! Get away!"

Poor thing thought she was a cup of orange juice.

I find the strange ones....*shrug* :laugh:


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Heretic909 has the funniest story though.

Someone about a firealarm going off in a club

and this guy goes up to it and starts petting it.

Going Shhhhhh ...wispering to the alarm that everything will

be okay.....

very strange


I saw this old chinese guy huging the amp at east flamingo once

then he started humping the walls.....i guess he liked the vibe.


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Oh man...I can't even remember now, but I've definitely bugged out...NYE, I was seeing all sorts of shit :laugh2: I know I had like 30 of you crackheads over and I couldn't even see straight! That night my friend thought she saw Mo from the Simpsons and she also thought that a guy with really short hair had a Beatles haircut. She was quite surprised when she saw him the next time :D

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This one time at Factory, I was on the 2nd level overlooking the dancefloor and I kept thinking that I was looking at a parking garage....the dancefloor was empty and there was this one car driving around in circles. I got all confused too because...why the hell would there be bangin' house music in a freakin parking garage?? :eek: Then I realized where I was...

The most hilarious has got to be the story about the kid who kept talking to his own reflection in the mirror thinking he was talking to the bouncer in front of some VIP room and wasn't being let in :laugh: I forgot who posted that one...

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Originally posted by joeg



:hat: :hat: :hat:


. . Oh . . I see how it's gonna be . . all you little VAGINAS wanna talk shit while the Phunk is out getting errands done . . . well fine TALK SHIT . . but you know what? . . . when all of you hat guy fetishists are still workin at Fridays when you're 40 I'll be gracious enough to invite you over to mow my lawn . . . bwwaaaahaaahaaahaaa . . . :laugh: . . .

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I'll preface saying that this was more than a few years ago....

I was at Fantasy Ranch (Tampa), and suddenly everyone in the place looked like they were wearing neon rimmed glasses. This lasted for quite a while....I think a couple people actually WERE wearing those vile things, but for some odd reason, EVERYONE was wearing them. I think I also ruined a pair of pants that night by not paying attention to the fact that my lit cigarette was burning a huge hole in them.

Black geltabs are just really bad. I know this now. :eek:

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Originally posted by roha3000

I swear I saw a bearded lady at Vinyl at the Roger Sanchez party. I told everyone I was with and they looked at me like I was crazy, but I know what I saw. Its a bearded lady I tell ya. That just can't be a guy. And wow what a hairy face.

BTW, I didn't realize Boa Boy's mum ever came over here from down unda...

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there was one time at exit... last year for my bday... the lil dolls hanging by that lil juice bar by the stage downstairs, my friend thought they were chinese chefs LOL..... that same night- i went to the bathroom with xtcgspot <gary> ::we were goin out at the time::.... and i came out b4 he did... but i thought i saw him standing by the rail waiting for me... i look over at him, and he motioned for me to come to him... so i did... and when i went up to his face to kiss him i got close enough to focus and realize that he wasnt my bf at all... just some guy standing there looking at me like i had 3 heads :laugh2:

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this is the best one thats ever happened to me...........

at exit for tiesto last month, randall and i were walkin around the club lookin for gary and his friend alex... we were walkin on the second floor passed the bar... and some dude stops me.. randall kept on walkin.. and he stops me and says "any luck yet?" ::mind u i have not a CLUE who this guy was:: and im like "huh??? :confused:" and hes like "arent u the one whos looking for 2 guys??" and i looked at him all confused, then looked over at randall, then looked BACK at that guy... and he was GONE!!!!!!!!!!! nowhere in sight...

i have no idea if he was real or not... but the funny thing is, is randall saw him too... so i dont think i hallucinated him ::but in a way i think we both did:: but if he WAS real...... how the hell did he know that i was walkin around looking for 2 guys?!!?!?

and the worst part is... ILL NEVER KNOW!!! :blown:

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a weird thing I THOUGHT I saw---- Fuctory, a guy was leaning on the bar...I swore his arm was a huge vaccuum...as I was walking over to say WTF... I snapped out of it......... oh yeah, and having a conversation with the kids I teach at work..only, they weren't with me at the club

a weird thing that was real----Fuctory, S&M? they shocked a guy by shoving florescent lights up his ass and hanging chains on him

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One time at Exit (before renovations), i was sittin on one of the ledges on the second floor.

I opened my eyes and these two muscle heads walked passed me and I thought they were wearing bikini tops.

I tried to focus , but it still looked like they were wearing bikini tops, then they were gone.

I remember being all confused and shit, I will never forget that.

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