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So I Finally Caught Highmay At One Of His Cheerleading Functions

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Okay maybe it's just me - but I think you played this out after Balky. I'm cool with you photoediting my picture - I put all my pics up with the understanding that they're fair game for everyone.

What bothers me about this is that you are sitting here calling Highmay a queer - explain to me how someone who has enough confidence and sexual security to take a nontraditional role before thousands of people, and who spends every day tossing America's stereotypically most-wanted girls-in-short-skirts around (come on, you KNOW how that cheerleader thing works...) could possibly come across as being "gay". And even if he was (which he isn't), are you that childish and closed-minded that you would attack him for that? A little gay quip here and there, fine - same thing as a little italian joke, a little polish joke, it's all in good fun. But direct attacks like that are just lame. Sorry. Try again when you come up with something good. You *were* doing pretty well before. :blank: too bad.

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Originally posted by vixenfoxxy

Okay maybe it's just me - but I think you played this out after Balky. I'm cool with you photoediting my picture - I put all my pics up with the understanding that they're fair game for everyone.

What bothers me about this is that you are sitting here calling Highmay a queer - explain to me how someone who has enough confidence and sexual security to take a nontraditional role before thousands of people, and who spends every day tossing America's stereotypically most-wanted girls-in-short-skirts around (come on, you KNOW how that cheerleader thing works...) could possibly come across as being "gay". And even if he was (which he isn't), are you that childish and closed-minded that you would attack him for that? A little gay quip here and there, fine - same thing as a little italian joke, a little polish joke, it's all in good fun. But direct attacks like that are just lame. Sorry. Try again when you come up with something good. You *were* doing pretty well before. :blank: too bad.

I think its actually you sweety cause it wasnt a "direct attack" as you so blatantly put it. So stop tryin to undermine this "fun" by instigating it, and accusing it of being a direct attack. And I'm sorry if this pic isn't up to your standards, but I dont recall you ever winning the "FUNNNIEST PERSON" award..so relax. Highmay is a big boy and doesnt need girls writing essays on how straight he is. :rolleyes:

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Originally posted by smokesum

I think its actually you sweety cause it wasnt a "direct attack" as you so blatantly put it. So stop tryin to undermine this "fun" by instigating it, and accusing it of being a direct attack. And I'm sorry if this pic isn't up to your standards, but I dont recall you ever winning the "FUNNNIEST PERSON" award..so relax. Highmay is a big boy and doesnt need girls writing essays on how straight he is. :rolleyes:

I do believe that award went to tunnelbandit, disqualifying you as well. Legend in your own mind. Listen, I'm not here to fight with you. I stated my piece, do as you will, and have a good night :zzz2:

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i definitely dont think its "queer" that hes a cheerleader... its actually really impressive and hot that he has the confidence to want to do that stuff :tongue: but seriously.. correct me if im wrong, but if highmay really was gay do u think people would constantly be makin fun of him for it? i think the whole butt of the joke is the fact that hes really not gay at all...... make any sense?

whatever though, didnt wanna become a part of the drama.. just wanted to put in my $.02.... its all in good fun. hes the muthafuckin highmay anyways, so hes got nuthin to worry bout ;):cool:

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