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How would YOU improve the club scene??

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OK CP'ers, here's a thought-provoking question that dropped into my mind after Highmay's post about Exit. Let's say that you could pick one club that you think is a sore spot in New York's scene, and have the chance to turn it around.

What club would you pick?

What would you do change it? Be specific - dont just say "door policy" - say what about it you'd change, etc.

How would you make your changes happen?

For this task, you get no super powers, no piles of money miraculously appearing out of the sky, and you may or may not have a day job depending on whether you can realistically implement your changes in a few hours each evening.

OK everyone, let's hear it!!! :bounce:

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Have a hair gel test at the door - if when you pass under a microwave beam and your head catches on fire, you MAY NOT ENTER THE CLUB.

SHIRTS ARE REQUIRED. DAMN i have when guidos take em off and funk up the club - do they not realize that muscles aren't impressive when there's B.O?!

ATTITUDES - Check them at the door. I don't know how you could enforce that but i'm sick of being not only bumped by SHOVED out of the way by someone who just wants to throw their weight around. What ever happened to "hey sorry man, my bad" or any of that other "respect people's space" kind of shit?

Sketchy Bouncers and whatever shit goes on with asians and raver and whatnot having to go in through a differnt door, or pay more $$, or go through more shit to get in... END THAT.

People are there to have a good time, not to apply for some membership to an elitist society ruled by none other than The tight black shirt crowd.

Did I mention i hate the 'tight black shirt' crowd?


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Originally posted by cintron

Have a hair gel test at the door - if when you pass under a microwave beam and your head catches on fire, you MAY NOT ENTER THE CLUB.

SHIRTS ARE REQUIRED. DAMN i have when guidos take em off and funk up the club - do they not realize that muscles aren't impressive when there's B.O?!

ATTITUDES - Check them at the door. I don't know how you could enforce that but i'm sick of being not only bumped by SHOVED out of the way by someone who just wants to throw their weight around. What ever happened to "hey sorry man, my bad" or any of that other "respect people's space" kind of shit?

Sketchy Bouncers and whatever shit goes on with asians and raver and whatnot having to go in through a differnt door, or pay more $$, or go through more shit to get in... END THAT.

People are there to have a good time, not to apply for some membership to an elitist society ruled by none other than The tight black shirt crowd.

Did I mention i hate the 'tight black shirt' crowd?


Yeah what he said!!!

And what's up with the guys today using more hair product than any girl I have ever known.

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Originally posted by joeg

I think Sound Factory would be a cool club to redo... Its got a history, its one of the last remaining older big clubs (twilo, tunnel, & LL are all gone)

eh...nah...i think the whole history kinda went the way of the OLD sound factory...

I like the LL though...that place has great possibilities...I'd like to see what Blair's done with the place.

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redo LL because of the sentimental value it has for a lot of people. for the most part it was fun..never had too many complaints about it.

but i gota run with the dress code thing man. i mean look its fine if u dotn want sweats and sweatshirts in clubs..but who can have fun n bug out when ur wearin kenneth coles?now im not saying permit everything in the club but b a little less strict with people who rock sneakers (ravers).

the whole shirt taking off business..GOTTA GO!! its like n e establishment..NO SHIRT NO SHOES NO SERVICE..and honestly i believe by implementing this ud eliminate a lot of the problems that start in clubs. its usualy these meathead motherfuckers that cant say EXCUSE ME or PARDON ME when they walk by you and knock you the fuck out.

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Take Exit...the place has potential but it will NEVER realize it as it fucks it up every single time.

1) Buy it from Marvisi...if there ever was a greedy, only-for-profit, asshole club owner, that would be him. Exit needs someone who cares more about it's patrons than a steady flow of money. Sure, Exit packs it in every Friday but it will ALWAYS have the same people because aside from those 5-6,000 regulars, everyone else in NY hates the place.

2) Get new bouncers, like others said. None of that "I'll only let you in for extra 20 because I don't like the way you look." They should be more courteous and less shady.

3) Get different door people!! That's cruicial. Turn Exit's policy around and make it more upscale, like the Saturday White Room party. If a 35-year-old drugged up FOB (Fresh Off the Boat...the asians that can't speak english that you often see lying around half-concious on the main floor) is trying to get in...HE'S OUTTA HERE. Only a dressier crowd should be allowed...you only wear sweatpants to a club? Go to Vinyl, and don't whine! And don't complain about not having fun if you're all dressed up...everyone can look nice in jeans and sneaks too, it's a matter of taste.

4) Change the security policy. LOOK, drugs are going to get in the club NO MATTER WHAT, so cut the bullshit and stop violating people by groping their private parts 25 times. Keep people's shoes on...if someone looks sketchy, they shouldn't have been allowed in by the door people in the first place, simple as that.

5) Pay less per person to promoters but KEEP THE PAYOUTS STRAIGHT!! The more honest club management is with the promoters, the harder the promoters will work at attracting the right crowd. Everyone knows how badly Exit fucks over the little promoters while the top management racks in all the cash. If they lower the price/head from $10 to $7-8 but at least guarantee that everything stays honest, it WILL make a difference.

6) Speaking of promoters, Highmay's right...Exit needs new ones. They can change the name of their parties every 20 minutes for all I care, if it's always the same promoters the ONLY thing that changes is the DJ spinning....everything else stays the same. If there's gonna be some changes, Exit needs some new promoters who will bring in the "elite clubbing" crowd, not the clueless Draper fans.

7) Can't complain about the DJs...ever since Draper's left, they've been bringing in some heavy talent. But the sound system could be improved, certain speakers don't work at times and the volume levels get messed up. Also, bring the DJ booth back to the 2nd floor, where Junior's is. What's the point of having the DJ booth on the dancefloor...waste of space!

8) Concentrate on the little things...like heating. Sometimes it's too hot/too cold in certain rooms. Also, stop fake advertising!! (*ahem* free refreshments :rolleyes: )...that just pisses clubbers off. Don't promote the party with S&D or other big-name djs UNLESS THEY'VE ACTUALLY SIGNED THE CONTRACT. That makes the club and it's management look like a bunch of morons. Maintain a professional attitude (I know it's hard in this business) and your club will get treated with respect in return.

Ok I know this was long and I'm sure a lot of you will disagree with some/all of my points but that's just my opinion on how to improve Exit. Peace

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I would take any club..because i think they all need HELP.

They all need better sound systems,

I think they should educate a crowd... {you are now feeding from the vibes of Trance, Welcome to our House}

Better ventilation, some windows..please... great A/C's

I think smoking should be restricted to a certain area..because i personally am tired of people burning my clothing, and vomitting/choking on smoke.

Oh, and better visualization, wierd lights and different colors and shapes is very 80's.

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i think vinyl should have a hot tub off to the side...that way i'll get to see the beautiful people come to the clubs like TT wanted...if she's next to me i'll splash her :laugh:

i think i replied to a thread asked the meaning of vanity? well we're exercising vanity by talking about changes that club owners probably won't see or won't change because it affects them in the pockets...

best way to make changes it to start your own club anyone wanna start one with me? hehe we'll call it Club K for kevin. :laugh:

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