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Jackie Nova record coming out this summer! I saw her website. DAMN, she's HOT!!

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#1 You need to learn the difference between "your" and "you're". "You're" means you are, "your" means something that you own. Maybe if you had half an education, you would know that, you twit.

#2 I'm sure you are a refined music critic with a wealth of musical knowledge and a respectable background, but a lot of people disagree with you, including me.

#3 Jackie Nova's song "What You Mean To Me" is on CD compilations with the likes of Madonna, Jennifer Lopez, Pink, Deborah Cox, Luz Davina, Enrique Iglesias, Shakira and Tamia to name only a few. I refer you to "KTU Platinum Series, The Beat Of New York Volume 10", and "Factory 11", as well as several other compilations.

#4 I refer you to DJ Danny Shafer, DJ Deka, and DJ Rennegade, who all have had "What You Mean To Me" in their top 10 playlists. The song is played in clubs in Minneapolis, Chicago, New York, New Jersey, Miami, South Beach, LA and Atlanta.

#5 I refer you to a post on THESE message boards posted by the user "cgm" into the subject thread called "what songs get you amped in a club?" It was posted on March 26th, and "What You Mean To Me" was in her top ten as well. I refer you to everyone who has answered my post so far, only one of which I actually know personally (johnnybling). I refer you to Jim Heinz, the awesome remixer who does remixes for Jackie Nova.

So, I guess all of these people are wrong, and crazy, right? You know more than all of them, and whoever put Jackie Nova’s songs on those compilations must have been high on crack, right? You’re (notice the spelling) the one who knows better.

Am I a fan? Yes I am. I think Jackie Nova is great, I’ve always loved Jim Heinz’s remix of her song, (obviously I’m not the only one) and I like her new R&B stuff a lot. And yes, I think she’s hot. If you disagree, that’s your prerogative, but you don’t have to be an asshole about it.

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lol no matter what u say her songs still suck. look at the djs u named lol dj renegade? who the hell is he? dj deka, who?dj shafer, what? ""Jackie Nova's song "What You Mean To Me" is on CD compilations with the likes of Madonna, Jennifer Lopez, Pink, Deborah Cox, Luz Davina, Enrique Iglesias, Shakira and Tamia to name only a few"" give her a fuckin cookie, whoop de do. im still sure none of luz divinas songs are released on any cd compilation so please stop all that nonsence. and i wouldnt be to proud if my song was being spread around like herpies and on napster like programs and exit vs sf and nyc dropping bombs on esctasy night at the tunnel cds u can buy at a fleamarket. those arent compilations those are junk BOOTLEG cds. :laugh: and please tell me ur kidding about that jim heinz thing lol that is such garbage. ur a funny guy, try posting this thread on the nj board u might find a fan over there u slut.

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Hey dickhead. "nonsence" is spelled nonsense. I thought you'd know that one really well since it's all that comes out of your brain. Anyway, there's nothing I need to say further, you make enough of a fool out of yourself all by yourself. I'll just watch along with everyone else.

For instance, if you hate Jackie Nova so much, why bother posting at all? Every time you post something here, her name goes back to the top of the list. Along with her website, for everyone to see and decide for themselves. So, you're sort of helping her out, in a way. Keep doing that, smart guy.

I don't have to make anything up, lots of people here know "WHat You Mean To Me" and Jim's version of it, and lots of people love it. Some people don't, and lots of people do. So what you say means very little.

Finally, I know Jim Heinz. And he IS in fact going to remix another one of Jackie's songs, and that will be the bomb too. Do you know him? If so, ask him. If not, shut the hell up. Either way, you don't know shit.

But, keep fighting with me about this, by all means. Great way to keep everyone's attention away from what you think sucks, you fool.


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i didnt know this was a spelling bee? you poking fun at my spelling mistakes means absolutly nothing. maybe if i could spell your artist could sing. life sucks dont it? fyi i dont "hate" her, i dont even know her. if she wants to become a star she better learn how to take criticizm, and maybe you should learn to u schmuck. a real good way to promote her is by making up 5 different accounts on clubplanet and replying to your own posts lol. why dont u get off ur fat ass and go hand out some cds insted of wondering what mr. gotti is gonna say next. oh boy u know jim heinz, why dont u have half of jackies cookie u loser. if the song was such a masterpiece how come his right hand man jonathan peters never even played the song once? ill tell u why because it SUCKS! get some real djs to play her songs and maybe ill stop. get digweed or tengalia or howells or cox to play her record if its so great. dj renegade doesnt count.

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You guys both need to get a life!! How much time have you guys spent on this thing?

Look, I looked at her site. Shes not all that. Whatever. She has a nice figuer I guess. So what is she supposed to be the freakin latin Britany Speers? Who cares what she looks like? Anyone can have abbs and an ass if they work out. All you guys care about anyway is "oh I would do her oh, I wouldn't do her.

Her music is all right. I hate that Janet Jackson type of crap, so its not my thing.

But my POINT is who cares?? Ur right when you say that people need to learn to take critisism if there going to be a star.

But, one thing gotti, I go to SF almost every saturday, and JP DOES play "What You Mean To Me". He hasn't played it in a while, but he HAS played it.

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