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Does anyone else watch "To Live and Date in New York" ?

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...and if so, do you hate like, every woman on that show?

They could not have picked a WORSE group of women to represent NYC women! My boyfriend says if he had seen that show prior to moving to NYC, he never would have come!

I don't know who I can't stand the most... that Leoni chick, the Barracudas or Allison the "model." Ugh!

But still, the show is totally addicting -- my friends & I are all hooked. Anyone else watch?



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I'm hooked to the show also, but the women dont represent how dating really is in NYC. They don't seem to represent the average working women who works 5 days a week in the regular office grind, which makes up for alot of the manhattan people, but hey I guess glitz/glamour will make for a better tv show.

The women are very privileged in this show, but its fun to watch were they go to hang out, I've gotten a few restaurant ideas from it.

The barracudas are the typical sex & the city crowd. I think Leoni is pretty, but she looks like a typical "LA" type gal.

All in all a good show! Can't wait for the next episode.

ps. did you see when the girl was going to a dating service and the women who ran it was charging $15,000 :eek:

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ok yeah , my moms been taping it for me at school and i'm home watching it , the undercover chick is definetly a whore ... that apartment with that shitty job ?? no way .. and they're all NOT from NYC , the baracudda's make me sick

it's a good laugh HAHA


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