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WMC through the eyes of joeg

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Well, its been 5 days since i've posted, and my hands might as well be shaking like a junkie as I type this because I just walked in the door, threw my shit on the floor, and proceeded to load up cp...

ok.... lets start from the beginning...

Newark International Airport, 12 noon, Friday... Arrive, meet up with phuturephunk... kill time, get on the plane...

Bag is too packed to fit in overhead... goes to baggage claim...

Fly to North Carolina, xfer to miami...

Land in miama, approx. 7pm... Greeted with phone calls from LM & thehacker stating that our hotel reservations (made 2 months ago) don't exist... they've been on the phone for hours trying to make shit happen. I go to baggage claim... no bag...

I think... fucking A... of all the people in the airport I have to be the one to lose my bag... OH WHATS THAT YOU SAY??? I'M NOT THE ONLY ONE??? DaVe, Ron, AND myself all had our bags lost... NICE.

Whatever... we land a hotel not too far from the one we reserved... and we hit a cab to south beach... (me, ron, phunk, kris, & LM)

Ok, so ron brings over some vodka & oj... we start the flowin... and wmc is officially underway...

Kris is running a rediculous fever, and I thought he was going to die in the airport... so he heads off to sleepyland... me, phunk, & lm head to opium garden to see whats up... We get there, and they're playing pick and choose with a mass (not a line, a MASS) of people... ehhhh ehhh not havin that... so we walk like 15 blocks all the way up to billboard live... same shit same day, fuckit... So we head to space (a $15 cab ride)... I get rejected because I'm wearing shorts (HELLO????? LUGGAGE LOST.... but they don't care).... so I tell phunk & lm to go have a good time... no sense in fucking up their night...

$15 cab ride to the clevlender (a bar) to meetup with ron, kristy, & bog... shoot the shit... blahblahblah... they're going home...

4am... and a discontent joeg thinks about what he wants to do...

4:30am... and 15 blocks down the road back at opium garden...

I get in... and make my way to the breaks room, and catch the tail end of hybrid's set (pretty f'ing good)...

close out... walk down the beach... back to the hotel... get some sleep...

Saturday morning.. (time is such a blur)

My baggage arrives...

LM & phunk walk in after closing space out...

we all head down to the beach... chill in the sun, chill in the water... god florida is nice...

everyone splits... I head to ultra 4...

$15 cab ride... and we're there... its MASSIVE...

I find a girl outside selling tickets for $60 (the ticket booths are selling for $65 and have a 35-40minute line)... So I buy off this girl, and get on the line I can't see the end of to get in... about 45 minutes later... I'm in Ultra 4.... The most massive gathering of people to hear music i've ever seen... A-MAZ-ING...

I bounce from tent to tent throughout the night... hearing such acts as:

Baby Anne

Dj Icey - Its soooo surreal to see a sea of hundred going nuts to icey's set....

Badboy Bill

Diesel Boy/ak 1200 - I hate mc's


Scott Bond

Utah Saints - WOW

Jasp 182

Others here and there...

Go home at like 12pm... I'm exhausted... skip on going out again at night...

Sunday Morning... (no idea what time)

can't even remember who was around... everything is a blur...

whatever... meet up with apotheosis on the street... we make the observation of every car having $3000 rims..

fast forward to sunday night... me, phunk, lm, ron, pete, & T head to space... All is well, we're inside... kinda tired... but whatever...

Space is beautiful... 1 big main room, then a slightly smaller room OUTSIDE, another little room, and apparently a room on the beach or something aswell...

baby anne outside, someone inside... blahblahblah, time ticks... Icey comes on outside... the energy in the place is REDICULOUS...

there a circle half the size of the dancefloor with people doing some hardcore dancing inside... this was the highlight of my trip... rediculous stuff.... stuff we won't see in NYC for a long time... breakdancing, highstep, cipriani... aswell as some spaztic robot...

by this point pvd is RRRRRIPPPING it up inside, but i'm not really interested in all that just yet... icey goes off... duane king comes on (hes pretty good too, btw)... I kinda float around, make my way in to hear pvd playing the set of a lifetime...

its about 7am... i'm about done... I head out...



Menace leaves for nyc :(

phunk is DONE...

me & kris eventually make it to the giant hotel (thanks lainie) and get to hear dj hyper throw down a rediculous set... get cleaned up... go to world of drum&bass...

tbc, bailey, others... (I need to be able to recognize more dnb djs... there was some serious talent there...) also saw a GGGGGRRRREAAAATTTTTTTT electro breaks dj there by the name of egg foo young (yeah, I thought the name was funny too, then I saw him throw down a killer set of electrobreaks with a room full of breakdancers... niiiice)... He spins with one of those chinese hats on (like raiden from Mortal Kombat), its pretty cool to see...



Fairly unproductive... just kinda chilled...


Had lunch with the remaining members of the crew, and headed to the airport...

All in all, This trip was worth every fucking penny I spent, and every fucking minute I was there...


Missed db's sets like 3 times

Missed the plump djs/THEY WEREN'T AT ULTRA4!!!

Missed Tipper

Missed Stanton Warriors at world of dnb...

Miami's club scene seems a little portentous... luckily 90% of the people down there were from new york, or so it seemed...

You couldn't have all been there.... :(

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I arrived home at 9:00 PM last night (Wednesday). I just woke up now, (it is 7:30 PM Thusday). I am still a complete and total wreck. I can still hardly hear a thing, I think I had a fever this morning, and I have no voice at all.

Joe, thanks for a very brief recap of some of the trip, but that will just not cut it. If I ever return to full conciousness, expect some long and exciting stories. From the pandamonium of being a pissed drunk bum in Miami with no clothes, in the pouring rain to PVD throwing down the sickest set ever on this planet. WMC was way too intense for a 5 day period. This is why my brain, my body, and my internal organs are all mush right now.

Give me some time. I need to get the pictures added to my stories too. My God some of those pictures are worth a thousand words.

Lav - I am going to need your help remembering Friday night, most of it is a big blur.

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Originally posted by clubjunkie22

After reading that I feel as though I was alomst there. Too bad I had to work. At least SOME people had fun. Hey, you going to PVD at SF or are u still recovering from Miami? :D

Well thats the desired effect... If ya can't be there, atleast you can get an Idea of what went on...

I was planning on stanton warriors at centro tonight... either that or dj hyper at baktun...

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Originally posted by clubjunkie22

SF was MAD packed! I got there by 10 and had to wait in line for at least an hour. PVD was good but I kept loosing my friends in the croud. It was nutz!:mad:

stanton warriors was one of the best nights out i've had... pure energy... god I can't wait to see them again...

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Originally posted by clubjunkie22

joeg-sounds like you made the right choice. Glad you had a kick ass time! There's nothing worse than having a bad night out when you were hyped for a good one. :D

so very true...

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bumpz for da review...

donkey crap indeed.

at least it was relatively satisfying donkey crap.

(then again, anything would be after being on your

cell phone for 4 hours verbally abusing the rather

uncoordinated folks at the hotel reservation network)

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