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Would a girl be a slut...


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Originally posted by fierydesire

...if she just wanted to fuck ya and nothing more?:tongue:

No, why :confused:;)

I think it's all relative...as long as both parties know that there won't be a relationship in the future, I don't see a problem with just having sex for pleasure...if there is a lack of honesty, however...well then the girl wouldn't necessarily be a slut so much as she would be a bitch. Same goes for men :D

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Originally posted by fierydesire

...if she just wanted to fuck ya and nothing more?:tongue:

Absolutely not! It happens more than people know. Its even better when you dont even know her name and she walks up to you and says, I want to fuck your brains out! And yes, its happened... I asked what her name was when we were done and she said, thanks you were great but no names. Mysterious............

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There is absolutly nothing wrong with two friends having sex, if it is consentual and they have come to the agreement that there would be no strings attached sex, with no hurt feelings. I can't stand the double standard of girls being sluts if they have sex with men without loving them or being in a committed relationship, it takes two to tango if you ask me.

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Originally posted by njdionysus

Whats YOUR definition Lina?

If a girl did that, would YOU think she is a slut?

well..... being that im a virgin, sex for me is obviously a bigger deal than just getting off. for me, it needs to happen with emotion and feelings for the person... i dont even kiss someone unless there is something *there*.... my views on sex as of now might be different than someone who isnt in my place and has picked someone out of a crowded party and said "i just wanna fuck ur brains out" and left without a trace or even leaving his/her name.. u know? but... i cant speak from experience in the "fucking" aspect of things, so, come back to me when ive done it already lol
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Originally posted by prplhz

There is absolutly nothing wrong with two friends having sex, if it is consentual and they have come to the agreement that there would be no strings attached sex, with no hurt feelings. I can't stand the double standard of girls being sluts if they have sex with men without loving them or being in a committed relationship, it takes two to tango if you ask me.

I didnt mean friends...I see that being fine for some reason. But I mean randomly just fucking someone you don't know.

I agree with your last points, I mean this whole double standard thing...as much as I would like to believe that term is fading or becoming non-existenet its not:(

BTW, njdionysus I would want to know the name..that is kind of weird liek what tasty said ya know...

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Originally posted by linabina

well..... being that im a virgin, sex for me is obviously a bigger deal than just getting off. for me, it needs to happen with emotion and feelings for the person... i dont even kiss someone unless there is something *there*.... my views on sex as of now might be different than someone who isnt in my place and has picked someone out of a crowded party and said "i just wanna fuck ur brains out" and left without a trace or even leaving his/her name.. u know? but... i cant speak from experience in the "fucking" aspect of things, so, come back to me when ive done it already lol

You're really a virgin? and at age 21-22? Lina not only are you a beautiful girl, you've got the mind to go with the face! In today's society, girls like you are rare especially among the circles in the club scene.

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Originally posted by bobross

then u saw her in a commercial for herpes medication? :eek:

No actually, I never seen her again. It was just after college when me and the boys went to Cancun. She came up to me at LaBoom and the rest as they say, is history. (Note: People dont let your bf or gf go to Cancun, crazy thing happen there!)

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Originally posted by njdionysus

You're really a virgin? and at age 21-22? Lina not only are you a beautiful girl, you've got the mind to go with the face! In today's society, girls like you are rare especially among the circles in the club scene.


she's younger than that

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