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Attn To All The People Who Hate On Sf

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Originally posted by spragga25

But in that, she ripped on Roxy....no?

Umm your point is? Explain yourself please. The point of my post was I was posting about Vinyl which in my opinion is a better club so what?

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Originally posted by girly

Umm your point is? Explain yourself please

No worries! I will.

You stated eariler that you shouldn't go to sf if you don't like and to stop bashing it...

But you have said in the past that you don't like Roxy and bashed that...just wanted to put that out there.

Peeps in here like Roxy and if y'all don't like that - become a Moderator and delete the shit!

Peace :cool:

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Originally posted by spragga25

No worries! I will.

You stated eariler that you shouldn't go to sf if you don't like and to stop bashing it...

But you have said in the past that you don't like Roxy and bashed that...just wanted to put that out there.

Peeps in here like Roxy and if y'all don't like that - become a Moderator and delete the shit!

Peace :cool:

Big difference between bashing and expressing one's opinion. To say "Vinyl is a shithole," is bashing. But for me to say I don't like Roxy because I don't like the music and the crowd is just too young for me is just expressing my opinion. That's what this board is all about. :cool:

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Originally posted by spragga25

No worries! I will.

You stated eariler that you shouldn't go to sf if you don't like and to stop bashing it...

But you have said in the past that you don't like Roxy and bashed that...just wanted to put that out there.

Peeps in here like Roxy and if y'all don't like that - become a Moderator and delete the shit!

Peace :cool:

Yes i don't like it so I don't go. I never bashed it though. There is a difference between saying you don't like a place and actually bashing it the crowd, the dj etc. I said enough of Roxy posts lets talk about a better place called Vinyl. Thats not exactly bashing on Roxy. If i was to bash Roxy there are things to say but I don't because CLUBPLANET=ROXY..people choose to say specific nasty things about Sf because its not their scene. And its simple if you feel you don't belong there then don't go. As i do with Roxy..

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Originally posted by girly

If i was to bash Roxy there are things to say but I don't because CLUIBPLANET=ROXY..

There ya go...you just did!

Clubplanet=Roxy? So what?

I've never been Vinyl myself, so I'm not entitled to say anything about it.

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Originally posted by spragga25

There ya go...you just did!

Clubplanet=Roxy? So what?

I've never been Vinyl myself, so I'm not entitled to say anything about it.

Wait a minute because you are totally misunderstanding me here. I said clubplanet= Roxy thats why I won't bash roxy. I'm not saying that its a bad thing that everyone here goes to Roxy by any means at all. I'm saying its my opinion and i don't like it and whatever the reasons are I don't post because i know everyone on here goes. thats all.

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Originally posted by spragga25

There ya go...you just did!

Clubplanet=Roxy? So what?

I've never been Vinyl myself, so I'm not entitled to say anything about it.

I know Ingrid can defend herself, but I totally agree with that statement she made. It's not hard to see that Clubplanet = Roxy. I don't think that's a bad thing. I don't see how that's bashing. I think she's trying to make the point that as soon as someone posts one negative comment about Roxy, 100000000 jump down that person's throat it seems because CP = Roxy.

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Now this is some bull shyt!!!:mad:

Honestly, if people forgot, then let me remind them:

This is a "POST" you can write whatever you feel, no matter how crazy or dumb it might sound. So for anyone to actually reply, "you shouldnt post nothing bad about S.F, you are just a hater"....C'mon, W.T.F!! Anyone is intitled to write what they damn well pleases to. Personally i like S.F, shyt im even trying to promote the damn place;)

But dont yall go knocking anyone who doesnt "feel" the same way as you do..........In the long run, your azz is the one who looks like a true HATER:tongue:

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Originally posted by o-jay®

I know Ingrid can defend herself, but I totally agree with that statement she made. It's not hard to see that Clubplanet = Roxy. I don't think that's a bad thing. I don't see how that's bashing. I think she's trying to make the point that as soon as someone posts one negative comment about Roxy, 100000000 jump down that person's throat it seems because CP = Roxy.

It's the same with Vinyl...my point is that she said something about posting about better places (in her opinion) like Vinyl...That's a swipe at Roxy (indirect - but I can read between the lines). She posts here saying to stop bashing SF.

All I'm saying is practice what you preach.

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Originally posted by o-jay®

I know Ingrid can defend herself, but I totally agree with that statement she made. It's not hard to see that Clubplanet = Roxy. I don't think that's a bad thing. I don't see how that's bashing. I think she's trying to make the point that as soon as someone posts one negative comment about Roxy, 100000000 jump down that person's throat it seems because CP = Roxy.

I didn't mean anything bad :(

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Originally posted by spragga25

It's the same with Vinyl...my point is that she said something about posting about better places (in her opinion) like Vinyl...That's a swipe at Roxy (indirect - but I can read between the lines). She posts here saying to stop bashing SF.

All I'm saying is practice what you preach.

Actually it was just a swipe at everything on this board being about Roxy when there are other places.:D

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Originally posted by pandorasboxsf

Now this is some bull shyt!!!:mad:

Honestly, if people forgot, then let me remind them:

This is a "POST" you can write whatever you feel, no matter how crazy or dumb it might sound. So for anyone to actually reply, "you shouldnt post nothing bad about S.F, you are just a hater"....C'mon, W.T.F!! Anyone is intitled to write what they damn well pleases to. Personally i like S.F, shyt im even trying to promote the damn place;)

But dont yall go knocking anyone who doesnt "feel" the same way as you do..........In the long run, your azz is the one who looks like a true HATER:tongue:

yea but we're not even talking about friday's lol!!! it has absolutely nothing to do with this argument......it's a completely different "factory"......friday nights....factory is a building...sat nights....well.....u guys know what i mean!

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it seems many of you people are missing the point..........it's not so much about where you are, it's who you surround yourself with that really matters...........I like SF for it's good things, I like Vinyl for its good things, I liked Twilo for what it was, and so on..........but what has made and continues to make my experiences at these places good is the good people I've been fortunate enough to party with.........people who aren't worried that the guy over here has no shirt on, or that the girl over there is using glowsticks.........who fuckin cares........people who do drugs, who stay sober, who dance, who sit around, who close out, who leave early, who like hookin up, who like the music...........these are the kinda people that make any club great........these are the kinda people I choose to hang with and it has made me realize that the venue itself hasn't much bearing on how good the experience will be, it's what you, and the people you are with, make of it..........guidos, wannabes, ravers, ex-rockers, skinny kids, big kids, hot chics, ugly ones.........who give a fuck really..........it's the attitude that makes the person.

if you're sitting here trying to slander clubs you don't frequent for one reason or another, you're obviously insecure with yourself and/or you lack maturity...........the sooner you wise up and learn what's REALLY important in your clubbing expience, you will be better off.........you'll be able to have a great time at any spot you choose.........more importantly, you will be able to concern yourself more with enjoying yourself and less with whether or not the guy next to you is taking his shirt off or any other things that are completely irrelevant to your night out...........it's the people like this that ruin clubs, not guidos, ravers, or a track you don't like..........

wise up(or, in some cases, grow up)


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Don't some of you who say don't bash SF Sats for its guidos, etc, also turn right around and bash the "kiddies with glowsticks"? There's always a double standard, isn't there?

Maybe next time I go to SF Sat, I'm gonna take glowsticks, lights, strings, etc, and just have a BLAST!!


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Originally posted by raver_mania

Maybe next time I go to SF Sat, I'm gonna take glowsticks, lights, strings, etc, and just have a BLAST!!


Well get in line, there's already fair number of those there. Just don't poke me in the eye.

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Originally posted by o-jay®

Well get in line, there's already fair number of those there. Just don't poke me in the eye.

lol...seriously...don't hit me with your neon accesories and we have no problem!!;)

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Originally posted by misk

yea but we're not even talking about friday's lol!!! it has absolutely nothing to do with this argument......it's a completely different "factory"......friday nights....factory is a building...sat nights....well.....u guys know what i mean!

LOL, no DUUHHHH:tongue:

I know that there is two different crowds........but im just talking about S.F in general...as a matter of fact forget about S.F, lets get on hot clubs PERIOD. If something is not your style, then so be it..........but some people just need to know that you can voice your opinion wherever they want to, dont be sccuurred:cool:

Ha Ha im just messing with ya:D

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