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Tony I gave you a little Taste of Real Trance and Now Your Hooked. lol

Do You Believe In a God That Satisfies.

Do You Believe In A God That Opens Eyes.

Do You Believe In A God That Tells You Lies.

Or Do You Believe In Me.

Do You Believe In A God That Brings You Down.

Do You Believe In A God That Wears a Crown.

Do You Believe In A God That Makes You Bow.

Or Do You Believe In ME.

-Marco V

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Originally posted by djdekan

First I would like to Say, I Do this As Life, This is What I want to do. Music/Clubs etc.

Soooooo Ive been fucking everywhere JUST to See DJ's. I Dropped out of school and left all my friends and home just for Music and the Vibe of MIA.


MIA Vibe is Very Fake at Times, It goes from Your Hardcore Music Heads who will die with there genre to all the fakes jumping on the New Club every week with the new sound.

NY (Sf is 13 yrs old this week, you honestly think anywhere here can go for even 10 yrs) Twilo no words can explain it. Even Exit Now that they got there shit coming along, 3 times the size of Space and Packed every weekend. Centro (For all You Progressive peeps, mad chill, They Bring in Big Name DJ's On a Thursday Night). Vinyl (I haven't expierenced it) Now World Throwing a Commercial Spin on it all but great people.

Also Here in Mia When was the last time a damn DJ Left the room and the crowd Wanted More NEVER. PVD @ Twilo 14 hrs of TRANCE and Still wanted More, JP 24 hrs BDay, etc.

As Far As Other Citys, How the Fuck does No one Name Canada (Montreal or Toronto) Now You want a Vibe. Give me a break, They are the same way big name son Thursdays, HUGE get togethers Monthly. Im Going up for Gielen on the 22nd At Aria.

Also Im starting to get the Feel DC Is Kicking are Ass. They got a vibe In Trance that Is No OTher. Ill be up there soon.

I'll just end it with What EVERY Club Owner Here Has been Telling Me from Day 1.

"Your Music you Spin Brings in the Drug Crowd and we can't make Money that Way"

Sound Factory is not 13 years old.....maybe if you add the original Sound Factory years it is.....The original Sound Factory (in the old Twilo venue) was a legendary club that made Junior Vasquez a superstar (Frankie Knuckles was a resident there for a while too)....It had a profound influence on the dance world and many of todays DJs and producers....The Sound Factory that is today has little to do with the original one.....

but anyway......

I have been lucky enough to have had the opportunity to play in places like Twilo and Vynil in NY, Release in SF, Nations in DC and Red Lite in Montreal.....and yes these are all amazing clubs with great vibes and these cities have great scenes.....but I also think we have it pretty good down here....

Crobar is a great club with constant talent coming through....Rain is a very cool venue offering a totally different vibe with the nice sounds of DHM.....Liquid has a great resident in Stryke throwing it down every week ....Level has a well respected Trance resident in George Acosta....and @ Space (my favorite;) ) we have something which is unique in this country....a 24 hr. liquor liscense....so every Saturday we go for a 14 hour ride.....

I think it is really hard to appreciate your hometown because you will always take it for granted......trust me.....if you go on similar messageboards regarding cities like NY, SF, DC etc. (which some of you hold in such high regard) you will see the same type of complaints and gripes as we have here.....or worst!

"you don't know what you've got till' it's gone"


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Originally posted by djdekan

Tony I gave you a little Taste of Real Trance and Now Your Hooked. lol

Do You Believe In a God That Satisfies.

Do You Believe In A God That Opens Eyes.

Do You Believe In A God That Tells You Lies.

Or Do You Believe In Me.

Do You Believe In A God That Brings You Down.

Do You Believe In A God That Wears a Crown.

Do You Believe In A God That Makes You Bow.

Or Do You Believe In ME.

-Marco V

once you get pass the cheese; you get to sample the fine wine.

"Everyone was always asking me what style i played, which is hard to explain with all the definitions of dance-music there are today (not to mention what people think they mean...). So i decided it was time for my own project to let them know what i was about. It had to be tough without getting agressive, and melodic without being cheesy. That's how the 'v.ision' project was born. It was a reflection of the sound i played." - Marco V

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Oscar I have always agreeded with your points. But do you think the Trademark Space is Gonna be around for another 10 yrs and with a crowd that holds true to such a place. I have already seen and felt the vibe begin to vanish. I love the Place to death. But I dont see Much in the future as far as a step foward in the electronic music scene in MIA.

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Originally posted by djoscarg

I think it is really hard to appreciate your hometown because you will always take it for granted......trust me.....if you go on similar messageboards regarding cities like NY, SF, DC etc. (which some of you hold in such high regard) you will see the same type of complaints and gripes as we have here.....or worst!

"you don't know what you've got till' it's gone"


Thank you Mr "G".

Oscar has been to all these places that psuedo clubbing know it all soldado and punk ass miami hater nolimit jk has been posting about.

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Don't get me wrong.....my view is not a pro-Space view....it is more a pro-Miami view (thats why I mentioned all these other great clubs as well) Being born and raised here in Miami....noone has been more frustrated over the years about the local scene than me, but, with that said, since I have lived here my whole life I am able to recognize the huge advancements we have made.....beleive me! I agree with most of you guys....and I agree 100% that we have alot to learn....but I also think we need to recognize that there is some cool shit happening here right now and we should support it and take full advantage of it....it takes a very small percentage of cool people in a club to create a cool vibe (because the rest of the people just follow their lead) let's be that percentage....and watch our scene develop.....

As for Space....who knows....10 years for a club is highly unlikely!!!

let's just enjoy it while it lasts:)

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Originally posted by djoscarg

but I also think we need to recognize that there is some cool shit happening here right now and we should support it and take full advantage of it....it takes a very small percentage of cool people in a club to create a cool vibe (because the rest of the people just follow their lead) let's be that percentage....and watch our scene develop.....

As for Space....who knows....10 years for a club is highly unlikely!!!

let's just enjoy it while it lasts:)

Indeed. The only word I would add is "contribute". support, and contribute to the scene and watch it grow.
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Wow...so much to reply to...prepare for a long ass reply....

First off...about that Marco V quote...I don't know if you all know, but he is banned from this country for 10 years. He was supposed to play here in ATL a few months ago and his traveling papers weren't straight or something. He got detained at customs and they banned him from this country for 10 years. He might have it straightened out now...but he's been the butt of many jokes because of it...moving on.

Starting from the top,

Everyone's opinion is gonna be biased because everyone on here is into different genres. My opinion on clubs, vibe, etc. will differ from you all mostly because I'm not really into the whole trance/progressive scene.

How do I rate a good club???

Who the club brings.

Nice DJ booth...if the DJ is happy, I'm usually happy.

Good ventilation and dance space.

Clear sound system.

The people are who make a club as well. My favorite place to party in ATL also happens to be the most pretentious club here. The majority of people there suck ass, and purses jab you while you're trying to dance constantly. But they keep on bringing the DJs I want to see on a regular basis now. And once a month they throw these free email parties with a major DJ headlining. They make more than over on the bar, and occasionally they have open bar for 2 hours AND free admission AND a good DJ.

I also appreciate clubs that try to have character. And club owners/managers who actually listen and give a damn about clubheads (props to Liquid!) score major points with me.

How do I rate a bad club?

Poor DJ setup...constant skippin and trainwrecks can make an otherwise good set go bad.

Crappy system.

Souless, non grooving people.

Size really isn't a factor...Yes I love plenty of dance space even more than the next wo/man, but sometimes smaller clubs can have a more intimate set than larger clubs.

Soldado...I agree with what you said about the overall vibe of cities. "While Mia has a good vibe ...NYC SF vibe cant be touched."

It IS hard to explain...I also agree with Dekan that Miami has a certain fakeness to it. I've only visited twice, but I've felt it. I can't really explain....

But really, we cant compare MIA, SF, and NY because they are all unique in their own way. Their uniqueness is what sets them apart from each other. Its like saying, "I hate MIA because Mark Farina never plays there, but he's always in SF so therefore SF is cooler because they have better house music."

Miami is Miami.

SF is SF.

NY is NY.

Oscar...that is true what you said too. If you go to other forums people will always complain about their cities.

Atlanta is far, far, far away from any kind of well deserved recognition about our clubs.

First of all, on Saturdays all liquor pouring clubs have to shut down at 3am.

This doesnt apply to privately owned clubs here. There are only two private clubs in Atlanta that can pour liquor 24 hrs., and the city superiors are doing their damnedest to get those clubs shut down.

Until that shit gets straightened ATL will never be on the map.

But I do continue to contribute and show my love and support for the clubs that I enjoy attending until we are held in a higher regard.

....and I agree 100% that we have alot to learn

Don't we all:). Learning is progression. We will always have "a lot to learn." Thats one of the reasons we have these internet forums...people get so caught up with how many posts they can squeeze out in a day that they forget about that.

I don't know about a revolution and all, but it only takes 5-10 cool friends/people, that cozy "spot" in the club where the music sounds best, and a kick ass DJ supplying the fuel to make for a good night.

Oh yeah...and as long as WMC is held in MIA every year the city will always be considered on the edge as far as clubbing goes regardless if you all agree or not.


Okie dokie...over and out,


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Originally posted by houseb4titties

Wow...so much to reply to...prepare for a long ass reply....

First off...about that Marco V quote...I don't know if you all know, but he is banned from this country for 10 years. He was supposed to play here in ATL a few months ago and his traveling papers weren't straight or something. He got detained at customs and they banned him from this country for 10 years. He might have it straightened out now...but he's been the butt of many jokes because of it...moving on.


he actually spoke of the, incident in his website. I think he was going, to be playing at The Globe Theatre. A ten year ban for not having proper documentation. I think that’s a bigger joke. Conversely famous artist have been, caught with guns, drugs, etc at airports around the world, and are allowed to go on with their business.

P.S. no flame bro. just think the 10 year ban; seems rather severe. hope he gets it straighten out.

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Originally posted by houseb4titties

I don't know about a revolution and all, but it only takes 5-10 cool friends/people, that cozy "spot" in the club where the music sounds best, and a kick ass DJ supplying the fuel to make for a good night.

Excellent post Cassie ....the whole post! This was my favorite part of the post so I quoted it.

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you guys should be happy with the club scene in miami..shit..i was there three times already and it's fucking awesome..you have alot of really nice clubs..my girlfriend works for a big alarm company..they sell all kinds of shit to other companies like house alarms fire alarms..they also sell club stuff like lighting equipment dj equipment to companies that install for clubs..so anyway my girlfriend brings me home all these magazines..i read this one magazine it was all about clubs in miami about the lighting systems and the sounds systems installed in the clubs and the companies that install them...and this guy was saying that back in the day clubs owners would open up a club or take over a another club and they would not spend money on the club..the sounds system were not that good..but now with electronic music exploding and the club scene getting huge the clubs in miami are getting awesome sound systems club owners are spending money investing it in making the clubs look nice and sound real nice..they make the sound systems just the way the big dj's like them..a club like spin is made just for the dj like he has totally control of the club..so what this means is the nightlife (clubs)will only get better and better in miami and the big dj's will be coming for years to come..

as far as new york goes i think miami is much bettter right now..

new york fucking blows right now..between the mayor closing twilo down...all the clubs have mad tight security...the terrorist attacks..the scene is hurting real bad..the feeling in new york is a empty feeling..the sound factory with jonathan peters has it's own hardcore vibe that no other club can match..no doubt..but you can't go there every week..exit is hurting right now..space blows it out of the water..fridays at exit is a kiddie club with half asians in it..saturday sucks..but after hours with junior is awesome..junior is still a great dj but the crowd turns 100% all gay when he comes on...not one girl in the club after 7:30 in the morning..exit is a huge club picture gays all over the place kissing..it's alittle overwhelming if your a straight guy...and we have vinyl the home of danny tenaglia on fridays..which has a great vibe..and on saturday they are bring good international djs..but the club is a shithole..no liquid..they lost their liquid licscene..the club is small only holds like 1500 people..the club is a dump..and when you go to club exit they treat you like shit..they search you when come in BUT they make you take your shoes off they stick their hands down your pants trying to find shit..i'm fucking 30 years old..when i go out to a club with my beautiful girlfriend..we don't need to feel like we are going to prison when go out..take your shoes off is a joke togo to a club..there security is not working because the place is still filled with drugs..the house dealers hook everybody up...just another way of the mayor cracking down on the clubs..when you goto a club in new york they make you feel like shit...the clubs in miami when i went there all the boncers were made cool and the guys that work the doors were pretty nice to us..made the night and the vibe better...

the big dj's want to come to new york but there is no club to play at with the closing of twilo...sasha and digweed are coming to new york next week..awesome right..no..you know where they are playing at..club world..club world is own by the WWF..that's right wrestling..you know sunday night heat on mtv..that's at world..world is a wwf resturant the turns into a club on saturday nights..the place sucks..with no twilo or real club in new york right now sasha and digweed are spinning at world..

we need a crobar in new york or something..i heard someone say they are trying to open one in new york...that would be great..have carl cox and all those dj's come to crobar in new york..nice..

as far as dress code i think it's cool..some clubs should have it and some should not..have people look nice...don't make it to strict..if you no have any dress code then the club gets dirty looking people in it..then you go to that club just for the music..

miami has better weather..better clubs..nicer clubs..alot more girls..beautiful girls... i wish i could live there..as of right now you guys are real lucky..believe me..

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Honestly, guys. We have on of the BEST club scenes in the country. True, the vibe is lacking a bit (ok... a lot). Most nights you go out and the crowd SUCKS because you know that about 85% of them just flow with whatever is "hip" at the moment. It could be hip hop, rock, house, trance...whatever. They really don't care. FAKE!!!! to say the least. What are you gonna do? You'll find that anywhere you go in the country. WMC used to be an exception but with all the hype you'll start to find that more and more during conference as well. I guess that's good for the club owners, right? :(

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-Nice Post

BUT How do we have the BEST Club Scene if there is NO Vibe.

And lets all be honest if there is 5-10 real clubbers in the place You think The DJ's and Owners would keep it open if those people where the only people there. MIA realies to much on the NON-Clubber as there focal point. Take for example the Size of all the VIP rooms more then half the club is VIP, What is that shit, you dont see ANY of that Anywhere, EXIT has a little but most of it IS in another room. You think those People IN VIP Know whose Spinning, what track is on, who is the resident and who is there to dance.

PLUS has anyone been to Space Lately There getting to be Like EXIT in NYC, every time you reach in to your pocket theres a light and two security guards on your ass. It will only be time till they start searching people at the door.

I wont Be satisfied with the MIA Scence until I see what started me on this whole thing. Everyone in The Club Dancing on everything, Smiling and Bopping there Head as They look over everyone in the club.

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BUT How do we have the BEST Club Scene if there is NO Vibe.

Thats when you come to the realization that there is no scene...

just a hella lot of people who've influenced clubs, or those who think that they've influenced clubs...or alot of people just caught up into the clubs that they enjoy going to. In and out is the trend. Its rare that you find someone who's been into the dance/disco scene adamantly for 15-20+ years who is still active today. I've only met one or two people actually.

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People think it is such a big deal to be in VIP. For the most part, VIP has lost all meaning, there's nothing special in a VIP section in any club on the beach. crobar's is a farce, it's usually more crowded than the main room, and the music is mostly off the mark nowadays. Though Spin is funny, they make you think that there is a VIP section behind the DJ booth, but there's not, for some reason you can go through one entrance just fine, but not use another.

I've been on the scene for a bit now, and really cannot fathom needing a 'permanent' sitting place in any of the clubs down here. If I want to sit and relax I'll go to a lounge such as Mynt or a lounge-club like Red. I'm not going to crobar, Liquid, Space, or Level to sit and relax, I'm going to dance my ass off and go through a lot of film :).

I like how Liquid, and to an extent, crobar have been doing it lately...there's comfortable chairs scattered around the perimiter of the dancefloor for a quick break from the dancing, and you needn't have VIP to sit down.

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Originally posted by pglkm

after hours with junior is awesome..junior is still a great dj but the crowd turns 100% all gay when he comes on...not one girl in the club after 7:30 in the morning..exit is a huge club picture gays all over the place kissing..

After hours with Junior does kick fuckin' ass.... I'm in the club after 7:30am, and I'm a girl..:tongue: I'm usually too busy dancin' to watch my gay friends make out... but it's all good... I just like the music.... but I miss TWILO more than you'll ever know...



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Originally posted by lolahotass

After hours with Junior does kick fuckin' ass.... I'm in the club after 7:30am, and I'm a girl..:tongue: I'm usually too busy dancin' to watch my gay friends make out... but it's all good... I just like the music.... but I miss TWILO more than you'll ever know...



have to agree with you here Lola. At 7:30 am; or at anytime. who the hell cares what type of surroundings your in. as long as the music and vibe is kicking " go fawking crazy and have a good time". I miss church at salvation !:(
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since when does exit or sound factory push the envelope as far as music is concerned?

big deal, pvd played at sound factory last week but i doubt he'll ever play there again. he's not necessarily cutting edge anyways but that's just my opinion. i think he closed out yet again with for an angel.

im not even going to bother saying anything about exit, its not even worth my time. that place is for the tourists and bridge & tunnel peeps. crap music, no vibe, and space miami drink prices.

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Originally posted by djdekan


-Nice Post

BUT How do we have the BEST Club Scene if there is NO Vibe.


Beautiful venues, great DJs coming around all the time, amazing sound systems and lights (in most places) and no 2:30am curfew (like they have in many other cities)..... there are people all around the country who would love to have the talent we get constantly coming to their town. What is lacking is a nice crowd to complete the picture (that's what kills the vibe now and then, for me).

Listen, I've probably bitched more than anyone else on this board about the all the VIP bullshit that goes on in the clubs and the stupidities that used to go on @ the door of Space as well as some of the other venues. I've never really been used to that, given the scene that I used to party in during the early 90's before I went away to school. However, there's not much that can be done to change that in the straight venues because the club owner has to PROFIT and their VIP customer is how they do it. Most of us get in for FREE and don't really drink. How are they ever going to make money off of us?

I hate the way venues are run in this city and SOMETIMES the crowds suck but I LOVE the talent that comes our way on a regular basis so I just take the good with with bad. Granted, it would be FIERCE if everyone in the venue was completely into the music but...... oh well ..... :)

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Originally posted by houseb4titties

Its rare that you find someone who's been into the dance/disco scene adamantly for 15-20+ years who is still active today....

That would be me... ok... maybe not 15 yrs (I'm only 31) but for about 12 yrs now. Should I be ashamed of that? ;)

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I have to agree with both Pod and Djdekan. Having a place to cool your heels for a bit; is very much needed. One should not have to pay extra for this; after paying to enter a club. I can’t tell you how many times; I’ve been dancing my arse off and just want to sit, have a drink, and let my legs return to me. My choices sit on the floor and risk being thrown out (yes this has happen); or sit on a random speaker, if it’s available. Contrary to popular belief; clubs don’t make the bulk of their money off VIP. If that were the case, the clubs would not be in business. The bread and butter of the clubs; are that average person who is paying $20.00, and will spend about the same on some type of beverage. VIP is simply a way; for clubs to make additional revenue. It by no means is, the foundation of their profit triangle. The VIP sections are actually getting smaller. Witness Level, Space, Liquid, etc.

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