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To Club Owners and My Fellow CP Peeps :


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WMC is now over. However, WMC has left me wanting more. I want to see and hear; some of the incredible talents, that I got to experience during conference. I appreciate the local talent we have, Oscar G, Edgar V, Eddie S, etc. but I want to hear and see more, of the global talent that is out there. My friend made a comment, during conference he said " Miami clubbers are not demanding enough", and to a great extent he is correct.

We are not demanding enough to our club owners; we our way to willing, to accept what is put before us. Sure it is great that, we have dj’s like, Tiesto, PVD, DT, Deep Dish, and the like coming down often. But why can’t we get more global talent? There is so much music out there, and we are watching it go by. Miami is suppose to be, the gateway to the Americas. Yet, our dance music scene; doesn’t really reflect that.

As an additional thought dress codes, and ratios (i.e.; making it a hassle for single guys, to enjoy a venue, etc); are not what the dance music scene is about. It’s about people of all sexes, orientations, and ethnicities, social and economic backgrounds coming together to enjoy music. Loose the dress codes and ratios, and let people celebrate the music and "be themselves ".

So there it is people. This our scene .. Are we going to be content, to sit back and argue about types of music ? Or can we be a little more aggressive, and demand more for our scene? It doesn’t take much effort, to go into a venue website, and shoot an e-mail off to a club owner. Tell them what you like and dislike, and offer some suggestions. Sitting back and bitching about our scene won’t change it. Being aggressive, and offering suggestions; will in time make a difference.

Just my thoughts..

Peace, Sobeton

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i agree...carl cox, quiver, max graham, tall paul and others that we dont get to see or hear alot of..we also should recognize there are other "local" djs that a great, that we dont hear about....miami has alot of local talent, that doesnt get heard b/c of club politics...i think owners should allow new talent to mix into the scene...oscar g, edgar v, padilla, acosta...those are known names...but what about the up and comers that dont get a chance to shine...new clubs get opened and they fill the dj spot with recycled djs...they are great djs but maybe people want to hear something new...they should be more open minded when it comes to talent, instead of going for the old thing.....as far as dress code and guy to girl ratio...wishful thinking in south beach...

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man i dont know about this one .........we get major djs playing here almost every month throughout the year.

true some come more than others but damn........

then when clubs get talent .everyone wants to be on the list and get comped.

why dont you guys travel and see what other US cities have better clubs, djs and stuff???????

dress codes suck.

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Originally posted by klubveteran

man i dont know about this one .........we get major djs playing here almost every month throughout the year.

true some come more than others but damn........

then when clubs get talent .everyone wants to be on the list and get comped.

why dont you guys travel and see what other US cities have better clubs, djs and stuff???????

no doubt we get dj’s coming down here every month. most of the time it’s the same dj’s. most clubs don’t give comps.; for special events. I’m already paying $20-30.00, to go to a club on a typical nite. charging a bit more, wouldn’t exactly kill me. bring the talent; promote it properly and the people will come.

I been clubbing all over the world. with new york being my favorite spot. since it’s were I grew up. believe me the miami scene, needs a shot of adrenaline. complacency sucks !!

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Originally posted by sobeton

Are we going to be content, to sit back and argue about types of music ? Or can we be a little more aggressive, and demand more for our scene?

I'm going to walk right up to club space and DEMAND that they let me in for free.

These are my DEMANDS clubspace! Meet them or pay the consequences!?!?!?!

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Originally posted by sobeton

As an additional thought dress codes, and ratios (i.e.; making it a hassle for single guys, to enjoy a venue, etc); are not what the dance music scene is about. It’s about people of all sexes, orientations, and ethnicities, social and economic backgrounds coming together to enjoy music. Loose the dress codes and ratios, and let people celebrate the music and "be themselves ".

This part of your post reminds me of


Imagine there's no dresscodes.

Imagine there's no cover charge.

Imagine there no drug use above us only sky.

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Originally posted by georgeacasta2

This part of your post reminds me of


Imagine there's no dresscodes.

Imagine there's no cover charge.

Imagine there no drug use above us only sky.

that’s very humorous Lee. but not surprisingly it’s the type, of stimulating dialogue. I’ve come aspect . you never let me down..
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Lose the dress codes, and institute an asshole code. If club security has you down as a known jerk or sees you acting as such, out you go. No exceptions.

I'm really tired of the pimp-daddy big baller shit that most clubs let happen. I'm glad that my two favorite clubs, crobar and Liquid minimize this, but still some get through and tend to fuck up a good night....level for one has turned into a thug paradise (3x a week hip hop?), and it looks like some of the new clubs opening up are gonna be the same.

A tourist code would be nice too :).

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Spundea starts it's bi-weekly residency at liquid in two weeks. And Tall Paul will be spining at Liquid in four weeks. Liquid gives no hassels at the door and offers you the best sound and lighting on the beach. We also bring talent that the other clubs don't. (ie, confucious, Ashley Casale etc. So this owner is doing what he can to make things good for you clubbers. Your friend, Billy Shaw

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I'm a bit biased on the issue, but I can back Billy up in saying that Liquid has the friendliest door in Miami right now. There's a wait, like any other club, but it's usually short, and not due to any pick-and-choose BS.

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But on a serious note sobeton, WMC left me fiending for more as well. Its a good thing that Atlanta is getting a rush of awesome talent coming through these next 3 months. The music I heard there was just so damn good (K&D flashback). Everywhere I went the music was awesome, cept for Roger Sanchez at Opium...but thats for another thread.

I agree that people need to get off their arses and travel to see some of this talent that they claim to love so much that doesnt come through your city as often. I know I do...and I will be returning to Miami next year as well. I'm going to a few other cities too. I know a lot of people who travel to parties.

You said that you all do not get enough global talent, but to me, from a non-native point of view you all do. Well at least for the progressive house/trance heads, I dont see many big *house* music djs coming through though. Plus you all are waaayy ahead of other cities when it comes to clubbing, clubbing technology, etc(another thread topic). On Saturdays, all public liquor operating clubs have to close down at 3am. Thats EVERY club in ATL except for the only 2 private ones. And the city is trying their damndest to close those 2 down. To us in Atlanta, Miami IS reflective of the broadness of EDM, thats why the conference is held there every year.

I honestly dont think that WMC would be as good if it was held in Atlanta or New York or Hawaii. For one, Miami is a sexy, classy city, but the cost of living really isnt too different from Atlanta. Its an affordable trip to make from anywhere in the US if you know how to handle travel costs. It IS the city that makes WMC so alluring for me. I wouldnt want to permanently live in Miami nor visit Miami any other reason instead of WMC time.

WMC is always a reminder for me that there is so much more music out there. You cant convince the masses of this fact, nor can you make them listen to djs other than tiesto or S&D, but as long as you go seek the tunes out yourself you in turn pass it on to a friend and the cycle goes on.

I thought that I would have a problem with dress codes and whatnot so I went and bought a new wardrobe for Miami. A few of the clubs here have been trying the dresscode thing seriously for the past 2 years or so. It sucks dancing in grrly shoes, but the music has been worth it all the time. Enough people complained about one club in particular and they changed their dress code policy to casual. This club that I speak of continued to listen to peoples comments about who we wanted to see, what beer they should have, what sucks, other suggestions. Then they gave us what we wanted. Now its the best damn club in the city! Well to me at least.

Anyway, about that ratio thing....thats one thing I fucking hated about Miami...particularly at Blue and Opium...there were soo many meatheads. And no one was really grooving!!! I wish I could have met some of you guys so that I could find some non-coked out guys other than my friends to socialize with.

But my question is...if we loose the dresscodes and ratios, then wouldnt clubs just be raves for the 21+?

No I am not bashing raves. And no I'm not talking about the ol'skool break into a warehouse raves. I mean the raves that go on today at club venues where the only difference is that their 18+ and they have no dress code.

:::gives Miami a pat on the back:::

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houseb4titties > Damn I thought my post was long. LOL I agree with most of what you said. I don’t however think losing the dress codes, and ratios. would really pose that much of a difference. at some point club management, will have to use some discretion. there are some pretty responsible 18 and over "dance music heads "; who because of the behavior of their peers. miss out on a lot of talent. I still think Miami is a bit behind; in comparison to other cites i.e. New York, DC, etc. but so to; I am on the inside looking out.so my perspective could be, a little jaded.

WMC made me realize there so much more talent; I want to experience. like you said" as long as you go seek the tunes out yourself you in turn pass it on to a friend and the cycle goes on. " that is so true. I think I’ll be doing a lot, of that the rest of this year.

anyway, I really appreciate you taking, the time to share your thoughts. It’s the type of dialogue, I wanted to foster through my post. Next time your in miami give a shout out, and if the sobeton clubbing tour makes it to Atlanta. I’ll definitely be looking for you. :)

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Originally posted by georgeacasta2

If our demands are not met we can go on STRIKE!!!!!


I'm not quite sure what " Free Liqour" is. But it would be nice to have "Free Liquor". Grey Goose and Cranberry. so tasty! Si bon ! damn who would have ever imagined ( that word again..),a country known for such fine beaujolais. would come up with such a good vodka.
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OK, that last one with the three mexican roof fixer - looking guys was fucking FUNNY as SHIT!!!!! You're the best, Lee!!!

Tony: I wish it was as relaxed @ the clubs as it is during WMC all year round but that would be bad for my pocket book and my career b/c I would never be able to get myself out of the clubs. That used to be my main problem back in the day and is the reason why it took me so long to finally finish school. :drunk:

Diego: You're pretty happy about that drought, aren't you? :tongue:

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trust me, i know enough about that drought that made me want to leave.

it's simple, get the hell out of miami for a bit. go see the world. see how they do it on the other side of the pond or how they do it on the west coast. chances are, they do it different everywhere else and you'll enjoy the change.

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