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malone ur ignorant, and you without a doubt are jewish, cause of the way you talk, have to be jewish, sooooooo stupid, sooooo ugly haha all i gotta say is this latest incursion will cause soooo many more suicide bombings its not even funny, i hope it kills sharon, israel has no friends execpt for America, and america only because there are many prominent jewish politicians,

Listen, somuchcrap, one thing's for sure: you're a big baby. I've read through all of your posts on this topic and besides the very obvious fact that you're barely literate, it would be fair to say your IQ hovers somewhere below room temperature. A lot of growing up to do. You are an embarrasment even to the discredited cause you espouse.

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Palestinian suicide bombers... malone, this is the only way they can retaliate, b/c they dont get weapons and money to buy em from US.

Israel is killing many more civilians than Palestine...

Israel is looking for every chance they can get to push even further into palesine.

Arafat doesnt have control of the country.... if you want to talk to the real leaders of Palestine, stop calling them terrorists.

which brings me to another point. Are palestinians terrorists fro trying to protect their own country? If they had tanks, and airplanes, they would surely not be labeled that.

Oh, about WW2 and the Nazis.. well Malone, since u surely know history why dont u tell us how the peace treaty went at the end of WW1. Oh yeah.. I forgot, Germany and Russia were not even invited. Dont talk about ww2 as a standolne war, talk abou it as a countinuation of WW1.

personally I think this is useless.. the violence is not getting greater, its always been like this, we just didnt care to notice it untill it hit us.

so.... lets not blow ourselves up ok? ;p

These comments are, at best, incoherent. Firstly, the Palestinian have plenty of weapons. The US isn't the only country capable of supplying arms, you know. Try Iran, or Syria, or Lybia, or the black market, for Christ's sake. You're not that naive, surely. Now to suggest that the only way Palestinians "can retaliate" is to use suicide bombers is to demonstrate a tremendous lack of confidence in the intelligence of the Palestinan people, or in their imagination. And if you truly believe this, as opposed to, say, just trotting it out because you think it's jaw-dropper, then I must say you don't have a whole lot of imagination yourself. If the Palestinians need prompting in this regard, there are countless example of "armed struggle" to choose from, some quite successful, that have not debased their "cause" by such foul deeds. And attempting to suggest that this is only so because these others hadn't to deal with an enemy as ferocious as Israel is simply laughable, so don't go there.

I cannot, for the life of me, see how anyone can believe that deliberately blowing innocent civilians to pieces is an act of war or self-defence. It surely requires feats of mental contortion that I, and so many others, thankfully, have never been able to perform. It is not the "cause" that makes one a terrorist, but, rather, the methods. So if you'd be good enough to explain to us how these acts constitute a legitimate response to Israeli "agression" than I'd be happy to learn. Why stop calling "the real leaders of Palestine" terrorists, if by their acts that's what they are. Is labelling them thus offensive in you mind?? If the term is harsh, then how much more harsh the deeds that earned this term of opprobrium???!!

The statement that Israel is killing many more "civilians" than the Palestinians warrants some elaboration. For example, whom do you consider a civilian?? Are you going to break down the figures for us into categories that have some bearing on your statement. I don't have those figures, do you?? Do you know the make-up of, say, the number of deaths on the Palestinian side who were deliberately killed by the Israeli's because they were "civilians" as opposed to being members of terrorist organizations; the numbers of Palestinian deaths that were due to cross-fire and nobody knows for sure who's responsible, but because they are Palestinian, they are presumed to be the victims of Israeli agression? The number who were suicide bombers? How can you make a blanket statement like you did, presumably to make the Israeli's appear the agressor, without even begining to answer these questions. Are all Palestinians civilians, who are not PA forces? Well??

The Israeli's have always denied having a policy of targeting innocent civilians, and have on several occasions apologized for causing civilian casualties. Civilians die in all such conflicts. That's a sad fact of war. And as you pointed out yourself, the Israeli's have a definite advantage in materiel, leading one to conclude that they must be exercising great restraint. Restraint, as opposed to recklessly targeting innocent civilians. After 18 months of conflict, the Palestinian death toll could well be in the hundreds of thousands, If Israeli's military capacity was unleashed on the civilian population. Clearly, nothing approaching this has happened, as intentional civilian deaths are not part of Israel's plan. Plain and simple. Unfortunately, though, the same cannot be said for the Palestinians. Not only are civilians considered as "legitimate targets," they are, with a few rare exceptions, the sole target. And therein lies the difference. It's not that Palestinians are not seen as been entitled to a seperate State, It's that Israel cannot permit that State to exist as a threat to itself. When the Palestinians abandon their dream of destroying Israel, then they may employ their considerable destructive energies in pursuit of a more constructive enterprise.

Finally, your reference to the World Wars is lost on me, as I don't know the context from which they are derived. It would enhance clarity were you to be more meticulous with such references in future, maybe even including the original Quote.

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malone this is a message board, calm down, haha getting so mad, haha, seriouly mad get ur old ass outta ur chair and face reality, the reality of what goin on, and stop fucking stalking my posts, loser, and as for islam being a violent religion - thats more propoganda, its soooooo taken out of context, Islam teaches you to kill infidels and non-belivers only if your people are attacked and killed first, its in self defense, if the claim about islam telling muslims to kill all infidels were true the world would be chatioc cause there are 1 billion 250 million muslims in the world and that would be chaos, at first i thought the same about islam but my girlfriend who happens to be lebanese muslim showed me different, as for the "jewish" race they are the oldest monothestic religion in the world but yet there are more buddists than jewish people more hindus than jewish people more atheists than jewish people, whats wrong here? i bet malone will give one of his SMART ASS answers old loser haha

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Originally posted by igloo


I beg to differ. There are some teachings in the Quran that do speak of violence against "non-believers", and infidels, and it does not speak to "sel-defense".

I have read excerpts where they speak of self defense like you have pointed out, but there is also passages with respects to the Prophet Mohammed, infidels, non-believers and the like, and specifically non-tolerance and the use of violence

Post these excerpts then, professor, and prove your point.

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