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Whats up with Vinyl?

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I have some friends coming down from Boston this weekend and they want to go see Tenaglia @ Vinyl on Friday. I've never been there and I probably wont even make it on Friday, but I wanted to get some answers to their question, Whats up with Vinyl?

Is Tenaglia spinning there this Friday?

Where is the dress code?

What is the crowd like?

Best time to get there?

Cover charge?

Do they search you at the door?

Whats the party policy?

Strict bouncers?

What time does Tenaglia spin?

Anything else they should know?

Much appreciated,

music is the answer!

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Your sig pic RULES!!

I think DT is spinning this friday, there is no dress code, the crowd is diverse and respectful. DT really gets going around 4 or 5am, but its up to you. Cover is $25. Sometimes they snap on a rubber glove and go searching, be careful. HAve fun!

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Is Tenaglia spinning there this Friday? Yes, absolutely!

Where is the dress code? Be Yourself, anything goes.

What is the crowd like? Black/white/asian/raver/clubkid/guido/afterhours/ very diverse

Best time to get there? 4am.

Cover charge? 25 unless on guestlist 20 or Robs or Danny's Guestlist I think its like 17 or 7$, i dunno.

Do they search you at the door? Yes, lightly.


Strict bouncers? They are dressed up like normal club kids, there is about 4 that walk around and snag you, its cat and mouse in there, dont get caught, or just dont do drugs!

What time does Tenaglia spin? depends if someone is opening.

Anything else they should know? Your in for a musical surprise and a party that will never be forgotten in NYC nightlife history.

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Originally posted by djustinh

Is Tenaglia spinning there this Friday? Yes, absolutely!

Cover charge? 25 unless on guestlist 20 or Robs or Danny's Guestlist I think its like 17 or 7$, i dunno.

Thanks for the info Justin, I've heard Tenaglia spin, just not at Vinyl. Do you know how I/we can get on one of the guestlists?

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