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Everything posted by bLizAnci

  1. the idea is not to fight....the idea is not stop using... the idea is to use with an intelligent. too many people out there going overboard. -z
  2. hmm..i wonder where you found out about pseudo? -z
  3. Just replace Germany with USA...all the same thoughts apply to both countries....actually ALL countries. Responsibilty and Education will curb the abuse of drugs...not fear and lies and propaganda produced by the government. Please comment often so the thread can stay on the top page and others less informed or new to this world can start off with an understanding or at least the ideas explained by sven below. In case some of you dont know...Sven vath is a techno Dj from Germany who apparently gives a fuck. **************Please Read in FuLL****************** Say no to Drug Hysteria - Sven Vaeth I want to say a few words concerning drugs. I already gave my opinion in the Groove #69, April/May 2001 interview, together with DJ Hell, Paul van Dyk and Westbam, but this may have been misunderstood by someone or other. Therefore I consider it important to address the issue again. I do have the opinion that drug consumption has increased and that people are handling drugs more irresponsible than in the past. But I also think that our drug policy, and the information about drugs ­ as long as it happens anyway ­ is more than poor, or better: just dreadful! In my life I took lots of drugs, and I claim that I know what is what, which drugs are ok, which are good and which are shit. But I had to grow 36 years of age, and I had to go through a Cocaine withdrawal to be stable enough to handle the topic in a more sophisticated way. So, I made some experiences, and talking about them may be helpful for others. In Germany, we have 1.7 million people who are addicted to alcohol, and another 2.7 million people who are abusing alcohol and have serious problems caused by excessive drinking. In addition to that, we have 4.9 million people whose alcohol consumption is risky, which means they take more than 30 grammes of pure alcohol per day. 42,000 people are dying as a result of alcoholism. The expenses for advertising alcoholic beverages have reached 1.2 billion DEM, and the tax revenue through alcohol consumption amounts to about 8 billion DEM. The economic damage in Germany resulting from alcoholism comes to a good 50 to 80 billion DEM. A quarter of all work accidents are attributed to the consumption of alcohol at workplaces, and an alcoholic goes sick between 40 and 60 per cent of his total working time. The expenses for hospitals related to alcohol abuse amount to 1.4 billion DEM. With nicotine, it looks much worse: We are talking about 17.8 million smokers, which include 6.8 million seriously addicted people who smoke more than 20 cigarettes a day. 90,000 of these 6.8 million are dying every year from direct nicotine consumption, 4,400 people die of passive smoking, and 1,500 babies die of nicotine in their mother's milk. The expenses for advertising tobacco products come to 600 million DEM, and the EU supports tobacco cultivation with 1.8 billion DEM per year. On the other hand, 36 million DEM are spent by the EU to dam up nicotine abuse. Something is wrong here, but with tax revenues of 20.7 billion DEM through tobacco products these facts can be ignored generously. And so it goes on and on and on. Bundesliga football players casually show their "Say No To Drugs" sticker, and as soon as the referee signals half-time, the golden beer glass comes into view on the screen. "This match was brought to you by ... Hasseröder, Bitburger, Krombacher etc etc" ... you name it. Sorry, but this is not the way it works. I can not accept this. I never heard about people dying from Marihuana consumption, but I heard a lot about people going to jail for the possession of Marihuana. I also never heard about a man raping a woman while being totally stoned, but a lot about drunken people who did it. This drug policy stinks, and is decades behind reality. There are more than enough drafts which promise better results than our current system does. Of course, the guy will walk a thousand miles for a Camel if he hasn't anything to smoke. Here you can see how addictive nicotine is. Logically, the statistics about violence can be explained through the enormous abuse of alcohol, but elaborating on this topic would go beyond the scope of this essay. Similarily, it is impossible to cover the abuse of medicine in the whole ­ only two figures: we have 1.4 million medicine addicts of which 66 per cent are female. I also don't want to talk about gambling or TV addicts. What I wanted to say is that we Germans are a people of drug-users ­ if you take all these figures together there are merely 8 per cent of the females and 12 per cent of the males who don't take any drugs at all. And these smokers and pill-takers are mainly adults of the age of 30 and older. Just think about that for a moment.... As soon as somebody dies of Ecstasy, the media are shooting down like vultures and make a big deal out of it. I always read about the bad youth and the evil raves where so many drugs are taken. What about the Oktoberfest or Karneval? Leave me alone with that hysteria and just calm down again! Where is the appropriateness in this discussion? Youth and puberty are indeed critical phases which represent the transition between one age and another, and are marked by disorientation and experimentation. Teenagers are extremely creative, have a huge will to live and are always searching for new experiences. To push these teenies into the drug-corner, and to substantiate this theory with one-sided statistics, is the classical cowardly conservative model which is practised in Germany since decades. The Rock'n'Rollers were evil and took drugs and the Hippies too, and the Punks anyway and now it is the Ravers. Please don't get me wrong! I am aware of the problems and time and again I hear about bad emergencies after the use of drugs. What I really miss is the education about drugs, and here I am in good company. Scientists, doctors, streetworkers and drugs advisors have already recognized it long ago: legalize the stuff and educate the people properly! However, the tobacco industry, the alcohol lobby and our politicians are not interested in changing the status quo, and therefore nothing will happen. In the middle of the Nineties we distributed an Ecstasy brochure at the Omen because we wanted to contribute our share to education and give the kids information about this drug. In the end, we had to change this brochure several times and all the time we were facing strong political opposition. Promising attempts were nipped in the bud, and because I know that nothing will change, I could only give you some of my experiences and tell you what I think about all this. Educate the people and tell them the truth! Don't mix drugs! Don't take the wrong stuff, drink lots of water if you take pills or smoke joints. Keep your hands off hard drugs like Heroin, Cocaine or Crack. Hallucinogenic drugs are not for the club but for the woods, and for the conversation with your god ­ no matter how he or she may look like. For ages, drugs belonged to the world view of all peoples and tribes, and they have always been part of mystical experiences and growing realization. The fact that we lost all this is not the youth's fault. We are living in a de-mystified society, and smoking ­ which was originally part of a ritual ­ has developed into a sadly-grotesque mass addiction. What used to be a pipe in ancient times, being passed round within a ceremony, is now a small disgusting stalk which is prepacked and taxed, fermented, and mixed with hundreds of addictive substances, then advertised and sold. Psychedelic and magical plants like Peyote, Marihuana, St Pedro, Ayahuasca or mushrooms are demonized, prohibited, discredited and imposed with lies. What remains is Heroin, Cocaine, Crack, Ecstasy and LSD. I personally consider this development dangerous. Even if I'm no angel at all, I prefer natural substances to artificial ones. Ecstasy surely can produce magical sensations, but mixed with alcohol, nicotine and Cocaine, this drug makes no sense. Furthermore, each user has to consider the long-term damages and must decide if he or she wants to pay the price. I will not praise this drugs into the skies because I already saw too much horrible things related with that. Everybody has to make his/her own decision about the handling of drugs.
  4. also at guernica on monday. -z "iheartjammy"
  5. Friends can make any bad ambience dramatically turn for the better....
  6. i hope people will be ready.... Mugwumpia is a crazy place.. -z
  7. i knew i should have gone... i will punish myself severly for this lack of attendance.... -z
  8. there really is only one important questions in life... chicken or fish?
  9. couldnt make it.. albyback gave me his italian anthrax.. any reviews?
  10. friends left 3 voicemails of beats from the night bastards. -z
  11. glad i was helpful.... many people say those are the best in the business... -z "albytherewednesday"
  12. attn all rookies.... shut up and spin. -z p.s. rookies please dont forget the headphones... p.p.s if there are any questions or help needed dont fear asking me. the idea is to have fun.
  13. tronic benefit at guenica..with hawtin...
  14. nice..same thoughts have gone through my mind as well. -z
  15. i'll try to come by next week... i really want to check this spot out. -z
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