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Everything posted by galve

  1. maybe u need to GO ASK ALICE.. but be warned... girl was like 12 years old and all of this happened to her in the 70s, so i'm not so sure you can learn all THAT much from her account. still, its a fun read, and a quick one. hope this helps, Costas. [This message has been edited by galve (edited 04-12-2001).]
  2. god.. i am SO cool.. replying to my own post. i found the following info on ecstacy.org ... http://www.ecstasy.org/qanda/viagra.html its basically all abt lil boys doing the e and viagra combo and having a hardon (usually quite painful and all that) for a pretty long period of time. i think the term for that is PRIAPISM. it wasnt exactly the info i was looking for so if any of u have something more interesting to add, that would be great. i'm also interested in whether or not the E trip itself was any different b/c of the viagra -- excluding of course obvious behavioral differences. thanks again, Costas. ps.. i updated my profile to include my new e-addy. i havnt posted in a while so if u just want to send me email, send it to galve2000@hotmail.com ------------------ Costas.
  3. hi kids.. i have some questions u may be able to help me w\... i've got this presentation to do for my drug policy class and i sorta decided i would do it on the sort of "post-rave" ecstasy phenomenon thats been going on for the past 2 years or so. what i mean by "post rave" is that mainstream middle america has finally discovered e and they are using it in a largely non-rave context. so basically, policy concerning e must be adjusted to deal w\ the new types of use for e. so i've been sifting though a lot of the pre-rave e-history of the US (ie houston clubs in the early 80s) and i'm finding a similar story to the current 21st century post-rave e-use. xcept 2 things are different: 1. back then e was legal... today it is not. 2. today we have viagra. so i figured i would spend my 5 minutes of fame in my drug policy class talking about non-ravers and clubers doing way too much e and viagra so they can get on some girls etc etc etc. xcept, i dont know very much about viagra. and bluelight is nowhere to be found. i guess i should have been paying attention back when the bluelight board was still around and all the subjects switched from "HOW DO I PRELOAD MY E?? " to "E and VIAGRA... HOW? WHEN? AND WHERE?" unfortunately i always thought bluelight would be around forever so i didnt bother to take notes (who would have guessed they would one day come in handy??) btw.. if the old bluelight board is still around somewhere i would totally apreciate the link. but the reason why i'm here is cause i need info on E and Viagra. i;ve heard its not such a good idea to do. i've also heard its a wonderful combination. (i guess that by using E and Viagra together people were able to have that wild, crazy sex that they always wanted to have on E but couldnt for obvious reasons) i'd also be interested to know if u guys have heard any horror stories abt the combination. any sort of mythology or urban legends surrounding the e and viagra mix will do. i;m not really looking for scientific data, just what most people have in mind when they engage in this kind of behavior. (if u do knwo of some sort of scientific study taking place, that information would be pretty handy as well.) thanks in advance for taking the time to read all this .. and for(hopefully) responding w\ something insightful.
  4. hey kids, i'm off to mykonos this comming wednesday and i just wanted to know if any of u knew who is gonna be spinning at CAVO PARADISO next saturday. during the summer, a number of the HOUSE GODS (and GODESSES of course) can be found at the decks of CAVO PARADISO -- so i just wanted some info. also.. if u could point me to a website w\ info or something, i'd really apreciate that. happy partying! Costas.
  5. hey kids, i'm off to mykonos this comming wednesday and i just wanted to know if any of u knew who is gonna be spinning at CAVO PARADISO next saturday. during the summer, a number of the HOUSE GODS (and GODESSES of course) can be found at the decks of CAVO PARADISO -- so i just wanted some info. also.. if u could point me to a website w\ info or something, i'd really apreciate that. happy partying! Costas.
  6. so i was at Groove records today and i found out abt this party thats suposedly happening at TUNNEL tomorrow. NO LAUGHING MATTER so i wanna confirm, is this for real, or are the ravers gonna be sharing space w\ the regulars? cause i havnt been to tunnel in forever and w\ all this news of "its closing" -- "its not closing" -- "junya" "blah blah blah" who knows when i'm ever gonna go back there.. the lineup looks nice.. they even have a hardcore room.. *smile* but i just want a confirmation that this is really happenning.. cause parties at the tunnel get "postponed" at the last minute all the time... anyone have any idea..? thanks for the info. galve.
  7. hey kids, i was looking though a flier for an upcomming party by LADY LIFE and i noticed TONY VERSUS listed in the thank you's section. i havent heard that name in AGES, and i was just wondering if anyone knows what Tony has been up to lately. apparently, he;s still promoting -- or he's at least somehow involved w\ this nightlife stuff. i used to see him out and about or on line once in a blue but for all i knew he had dropped completely off the face of the earth. thanks for the info. galve.
  8. hey kids, just wanted to ask if anyone knows whats going on this thursday at LIMELIGHT. i think 7/6 is the jungle party (us vs the world) or something like taht, but i may be getting my weeks confused. i havnt been to a party since STARSCAPE so i'm sort of dying to get out and do something and i figure this will be the only thing worth it for a while. also.. anyone go to KONKRETE last night? how was it? thanks for the info and happy 4th, galve.
  9. hey kids, i've decided to make the trip down to this years STARSCAPE, and i have my tickets. xcept i dont have directions. i've actually been to this spot twice (for last year's STARSCAPE and for the SUNRISE FESTIVAL back in azugust of '98) but i wasnt responsable for driving in either insatcne so i dont really know how to get there. the ULTRAWORLD website doesnt include directions but instead says that directiosn will be given out w\ tix. well, i got my tix on tuesday from Satellite. i trecked out there in the pouring rain b/c the ULTRAWORDLD website said they had VERY few tix left. the other reason why went on tuesday is cause i figured the rain would mean that the store wouldnt be as crowded as it usually is. well... it was PACKED. there were people everywhere. plus satellite is in the process of moving i believe so it was even crazier than usual. usualy, i avoid that shop like the plague, (b/c its so crowded, b/c they hate ravers, b/c they think they are too cool for us mere mortals, etc etc) but sometimes u just gotta suck it up and go deal w\ them. anyway. i stepped up to the counter and somebody shoved the tix into my face and i just left thinking that directions would be available on some sort of info line or the web. unfortuantely, i was wrong. i e-mailed them yesterday explaining the0 situation, but i donte xpect a response what w\ all the last minute planning they are taking care of. i figured i would just do a MAPQUEST search on the park where STARSCAPE will be held. (its printed on the ticket) but since i dont have internet access at home (my modem line has been acting up since the thunderstorm last week)i cant do that at home and i keep forgetting to bring the tix w\ me to work. (ever since my 1st presale tix party, i've had this fear that i'd loose the ticket b4 the party and so i wouldnt get to go. so i usually travel w\ my tickets as little as possible -- i'm sure most of u understand) the spot is Fort A-something Park in Bmore, MD. if someone could \let me know what the correct name is so i can do a mapquest search, i'd love u forever. even better, if u could forward directions to my email address, i'd LOVE taht. i was gonna call satelite and have them fax me directions b/c i really dont feel like trecking back there (and it would take them all of 2 seconds to do so) but somehow i doubt they will be willing to accomodate me. so i come to you all. i know a bunch of u are going so i figure u have directions and suff. thanks for all your help. xoxo Costas. ------------------
  10. i believe Satellite still has tix. and the sell them for 42$ FLAT. xoxo Costas. ------------------
  11. hey kids, i'm facing a dilemma. although i had orginally opted not to go to this years STARSCAPE, i've been convinced otherwise by some post-raver friends of mine who will also be attending just for old-times sake. xcept i just found out that GONZO will be at the LIMELIGHT on the same evening. here's the problem: GONZO happens to be my alltime favorite dj EVER(!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) and b/c i've been away so long, i havnt heard his speak in MONTHS. so... what should i do? what would you do? i havnt been out raving in a couple weeks.. and STARSCAPE should be cool. and i'm bound to run into a whole bunch of friends down in Bmore who i havnt seen in like forever (which is really the reason why i'm driving down all taht way for the 1st place) but... i LOVE gonzo. and i LOVE limelight. also.. i know what to expect at STARSCAPE.. and this is a good thing. but what will happen at LIMELIGHT is anyones guess. will it bring back some of the old limelight kids?? maybe.. but i doubt it. most of them have way too much grey hair bellow that PunkyColor bleach job to risk leaving the safety of their homes. either that or they are no longer w\ us and have moved on to that great big rave high in the sky (they lied when they said he rested.. on the 7th day God dropped the most wicked beats u can imagine *smile* anyway... i'm rambling. basically, i dont know what i will see once i hit limelight.. and its a small spot.. and it gets stuffy.. and starscape is outdoors in the most amazing spot by the water and in the grass and by the beach.. and as much as i love limelight.. the spot for stascape absolutely kicks it in the ass. BUT... starscape is in baltimore.. and tahts kind of a treck for me. and i've been kinda lazy of late. and i dont know what the weather will be like... if its cold or raining, stascape will be %^&*ed. so. what to do ?????? your wizdom in this matter would be greatly apreciated. xoxo galve. ------------------
  12. hey kids, just a quick question aboutr saturday nights at Limelight... whats it like? ie... who will be spinning? what kind of crowd? is everyone there totally strung out on various substances?? (is it generally a druggy crowd?) i ask this b/c i was thinking of going and would like to know what to expect. oh yea.. 2 more things... whats the dresscode? how crwoded does it get..? LIMELIGHT is a small spot.. it cannot accomodate insane amounts of people... will i have to worry abt my personal space being invaded over and over again.. cause i wanna dance.. so there betetr be some room. thansk for the info. xoxo galve. ------------------
  13. the cover story of this week's time magazine is about E. i found it to be one of the most level headed articles on the subject -- especially considering it was written by a mainstream news magazine. i suggest you all pick it up and read it. the magazine also includes 2 followup articles. one on the "rave" scene and one on Sammy the Bull Grovano and how he "brought ecstasy to middle america" LOLOLOLOLOL. i wasnt too impressed by the follow up articles. (it heralds MOBY and ALICE DEE JAY as the biggest things in the rave world and, at least as far as i'm concerned, both of those acts ended their asociation w\ the rave scene long ago) still, i plan on writing to TIME magazine to thank them for their coverage of ecstasy. it was the most unbiased article i have ever seen. it offered all the posatives and all the negatives and said ...u decide, it is not our job to decide for u. anyone else seen this?? i'd like to know what u all thought. galve. ------------------
  14. does clubnyc delete posts w\ certain four letter wordsd in them? cause some of my posts have not been showing up lately and i think tahts unfair. the old boards didnt have a problem w\ language. being able to say what you wanted however u wanted to say it made this place feel more like a real "lounge" but i guess rules are rules.. i'd just like to be informed of them b4 i continue posting. xoxo galve.
  15. 1. usually.. these days i roll once or twice a year.. and i havent done anything else in what feels like forever. 2. went to the paladium for the 1st time in Feb of 95... went to my 1st rave at anchorage in bklyn shorty after. 3. took my 1st roll ever at SEQUENCE ELETE on long island back in Jan of 97. i had tried acid about a year b4 for the very 1st time. did meth for the 1st time at a party at the roxy in April of 97 (anyone remember Venus??) and i fell into my very 1st k hole a month or so after that. 4. although i do still roll on occasion, my etard phase eneded in march of 97. at that time i decided i'd wait at least 2 months between rolls -- or for the next good party (which ever comes later!!) my crackass phase ended in june of 97. i basically stopped doing everything but e xept for maybe a candy flip or 2 over the years. ------------------
  16. outdoor parties rock!! of course there is always the threat of unforeseen acts of god ruining the party... but so far Ultraworlds outdoort party record whetherwize has been solid... the sun comes out in full force.. and so do the ravers. i'm still undecided about this years STARSCAPE tho... last years was fun.. but i feel like it was the end of an era... as i expected, november's ENGAGE was chalk full of tourists, shade, and drama... i expect similar happenings this time around as well. this shit has just blown up way too much since last years STARSCAPE... but i guess time will tell. xoxo galve. [This message has been edited by galve (edited 05-23-2000).]
  17. hey everyone... ever since i got back to nyc all i've been hearing abt is this palace called EXIT.. anybody know what the deal is?? i heard its really nice.. plus i checked the addy.. its all uptown and whatever... but who spins there?? who hangs out there?? who hosts.. and .. should i bother checking it out? thanks for the info kids.. xoxo galve.
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