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Posts posted by NYCclub15

  1. :mad: YOu sons of bitches!!!!!!!!!!!! LET'S GET A FEW THINGS STRAIGHT.....First of all, we all know, and it has been proven that HANDS DOWN I could take the title on any given night at any given event....I am a team player, and I want to see my fellow teamates enjoy the satisfaction of winning weekly Centro Award.

    Second of all, I CHOOSE not to compete as hard as my fellow competitors, for obvious reasons....however, I STILL CAN GO AS HARD AS ANY OF YOU, if not HARDER....

    Lastly, AND MAY I POINT OUT THAT this is an important one......I AM OUTSIDE WORKING MY BUTT OFF UNTIL ABOUT 4AM....I've said it b/f, everything up until 4am is merely BATTING PRACTICE, b/c once i come in, the TRUE COMPETITION BEGINS!!!!!:tank:

    :cool: :cool: :cool:

    HEHE, I CAN'T WAIT FOR THURSDAY'S.........10 hours to go!!!!

    btw, did u all check out CLUBBINGURU'S post in the "sticky thread" now there is a review!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Originally posted by az-tec

    yes..that would be disco bizkit himself......:eek::laugh: :laugh:

    :laugh: :laugh: lol, THIS IS ME, and thanks for the DISCO BISKIT/INFERNO, it is getting a bit lost behind hollywood, hehe..."DOORS BY DISCO"

    and cody, i think we met once last year at Limelight, who knows, if not we meet this weekend.......... LOOKING FORWARD TO IT

  3. Originally posted by NYCclub15

    and in response to you andy..hehe...i think everyone in on the countdown, but um, lol, i think our pre party starts tomorrow....i am already in negotiations w/ thorin for a "one drink" wednesday night....i am think maybe serafina and then ENDING up at groove jet, you know just to say hi.....:laugh:

    see everyone thursday!!!!!!!! :letsgo:

    oops i take that back, i think SASHA is tomorrow......i will do that fock it, i will call u tomorrow.

  4. glad to see everyone is clearing this up and coming to a better understand; HOMETEAM AND AZ-TEC way to take charge. King Arthur and Spragga hope to see you guys next week! :aright:

    and in response to you andy..hehe...i think everyone in on the countdown, but um, lol, i think our pre party starts tomorrow....i am already in negotiations w/ thorin for a "one drink" wednesday night....i am think maybe serafina and then ENDING up at groove jet, you know just to say hi.....:laugh:

    see everyone thursday!!!!!!!! :letsgo:

  5. Alright guys this is getting out of hand.......THIS THREAD, is for jokes only and should not be taken to the level that it is slowly rising too. Centro Thursdays is great night with great people, a great vibe and an all around great place to be.......

    Cody thanks for the mediation hope to meet you yet again, i think we once met b/f but any mutual friends of thorin is a friend of mine........Spragga and KingArthur, chill out, sorry u got caught in an inside joke; it wasn't meant to be in offense to anyone...the last thing this party is about is the bullshit that is slowly getting jumbled in this thread...so, if you want a good night and have nothing to do, COME OUT, if not no problem....

  6. co-captin DINO,

    thursdays tend to cloud the mind....anyhow, this is in response to

    thorin's email LATE FRIDAY, simply trying to generate a message board

    about the MAYHEM from the previous night....

    some terms u may not recognize (since u didn't include the

    reply ;o)....the "breakfast club" is the rare times thorin and Ermin

    happen to be up b/f everyone COMES HOME from work and they start a chat

    forum with the industry people who actually have responsibilites.....

    check out clubplanet.....oops nevermind, hehe...i see u already did,

    NICE TO SEE YA BIG GUY, and believe if you weren't one of the responsible ones, i KNOW u would be giving TA a run for his money....but then again, that is what a TEAM is for, we pick up each others slack!!!!!!!!!! Hometeam!!!!!!!!!!

    HOmeteam :2guns: +TA/TC :stupid: (substitute stupid for "sev) +SEV :direct: =ONE WILD AND CRAZY CREW!!!!!!! WHO IS BETTER THAN US!!!!!!!!!



  7. Originally posted by sevan546

    chris stern(who actually doesn't start till 3am) will give you a run for your money this week.

    :party: "AS i said, it is merely BATTING PRACTICE until the doors close and HOLLYWOOD comes in to complete the HOME TEAM!"

    sevvvvvvvyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!!!!! a rare post, i love it!!!!!!!!!!! btw, it is possible for this party to just keep on getting better and better? With this crew, I think so!!!!!!!!!!!!

    LMAO, ermin, TA/TC is a soldier...but ERMIN u def get the gold week after week.......i don't know though, SEV is on ur heels, every hour or so he comes up with a little new surprise :worry:

    oh boy, i said it b/f...THE WEEKEND BEGINS AND ENDS WITH THURSDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. Originally posted by az-tec

    Cody you just dont know....

    6am...centro fly...

    Ermin-----> :drool:

    Thorin---> :vomit3: <---Sev

    Me---> :drunk:

    steve---> :screwy:

    Stern---> :shades:

    Oh boy buddy, andy if we all LOOKED THAT good at that time it would be an improvement.........lol........BTW the glasses haven't been on in two weeks, but they will make a comeback for THIS WEEK..........one more thing, do u still have a job?

  9. Originally posted by az-tec


    Stern, Ermin, Thorin, Steve...

    between these 4 people, I will be getting fired soon...

    I already missed 4 of the last 6 Fridays at work due to them:mad: :mad:

    oh yea..and Chris and Throin thanks for gettin me to come out for 1 drink last night:rolleyes:

    funny how I got home at 5:15am:mad: :mad:


    see u fockers ina few hours to start the madness all over again....


    :blown: hehehe
  10. <sigh>

    It took me like a half an hour to read through this post, and to be honest I understand a lot of points, but the bottom line is vinyl's whole premise, is music and chilling.

    Enjoy the music, enjoy being there and hanging out with people. B-E Y-O-U-R-S-E-L-F!!!!!!!!!!



    BE COURTEOUS, and realize why you are there, b/c THE MUSIC IS PHENOMENAL and the is a place to have fun.......THAT'S all...

    To the true vinylheads, I understand your gripes, be upset about the rudeness, not the type of crowd, b/c the bottomline is people are who they are and that is what the party is built around. Hey, I am a true Pretty boy by stereotype, but when it comes to VINYL, the jeans are rolled up, the sneakers come on, and i just want to dance and have fun....At the same, the people who bring the attitudes, you are not welcomed, so keep that in mind!

    anyhow, I LOVE THE PLACE, i have been going forever, and try in make it there every week, it's where i finish my friday and begin my Saturday....Unfortunately, one thing I would like to change, is the fact that I see so many who love vinyl for what it is, and I have yet to meet you people, I hope we can work on changing that, and help to keep VINYL the place it is meant to be.


  11. Originally posted by gwyllion

    Thanks to the security that the party is still going strong....

    I'm sorry, (no, I'm not sorry) but I'm glad he kicked you and all the other ignorant people out. It's because of the people who try to sneak shit in and then be obvious about their f*cking habits who ruin a good experience for the rest of us, including your favorite DJ's.

    Let's see.. how would you feel if you knew that your party got busted for someone else's irresponsibility? There's a reason why DT says that we shouldn't do *treats*. It's not cause he's trying to be cool, but because the real vibe lies behind the music. Maybe you should listen to him sometime.

    I must say, I AGREE, couldn't have said it better myself...Respect the place, if you are familiar with the place, you will enjoy it for what is, and you will know what you can and can NOT do, or when you can and CAN NOT do it........Be there to enjoy the music and the vibe, it's not a place to get f'ed up

  12. Well, I have had quite a hiatus from the board, but the time to return seems to be right, well, let's be serious, I just don't feel like starting my homework....

    Anyhow, where we meeting up Spygirl???? ...I can't wait, for some reason, the phenomenal music that I heard this weekend really got my blood and anticipation pummping for SOBE, plus I got a couple of phat outfits, hehe...what's dates u going to be there? I am going from the 22-26....NY will fully be in the house!!!!!!


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