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Posts posted by NYCclub15

  1. Originally posted by myke

    its all good ma man!!!!

    every1 would get a lil crazy when u got 2000 people pouring into the joint!

    sik job at the gate like always

    see u tues @ sullivan

    Thanks bro!!!!!!!! :aright:

    a little crazy!!??? lmao, I WOULDN'T HAVE IT ANY OTHER WAY, though!!!!! I love it out there when it is like that!!!!!!

    2000 peeps, huh.....shit, if you needed any more proof, that we are doing something right!!!!!!!!!!

  2. lmfao.............thanks u for the confirmation, around like 1030am, this black dude with corn rows, walks right through might group; i did a double take, and was like nah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I DIDN'T EVEN BOTHER SAYING ANYTHING TO MY FRIENDS (who were too oblivious to even notice), not to mention JP was in the process of tearing it up, so I just ignored it..........but APPARENTLY it was COOLIO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! haha, btw, i think he looked more banged up than most of my friends!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    glad to know, i wasn't the only one who saw him! ;)

  3. Originally posted by Abstrakt

    Who the #$&@ is you?!

    lol chris...its me Ali from the LES...recognize! see you guys tonight :D

    Im especially excited to hear Des rip it up, hes off the hook, and Different Gear in the Pinky...too much!

    LMAO.......ALI!!!!! what up baby!!!!!!!! it is the good one of the duo!!!!!!!!!!!1 haha...

    u know if i just would have opened my eyes, i would have saw the "www.les.com" haha.......I AM SHOT!!!!!!



  4. see a problem with letting thorin hold the "free" drink tix for all CP members who show up b/f 11 or whatever time it was!?

    LMFAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:laugh: :laugh: Someone wasn't thinking straight when they decided that one, or maybe it was TA's decision..........hmm....................haha

    SUSHI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!??????????????????? Yet just another thing I miss standing outside, hehe!!!!!!!!!! Maybe someone will keep me in mind and bring me out a plate.:half:

  5. Originally posted by djfabioc

    Even those who have firmly resisted the sickeningly popular resurgence of swing music will like this place. Though the early crowd is a bit on the senior side the late crowd is surprisingly young hip and flirtatious.. This is one of the few spots where no one looks at you like you're crazy if you ask for a dance. In fact the swinging atmosphere encourages it. This place is the bomb for cool, dress -up night of drinking and dancing. PS. jacket required fellas

    So guys have to wear Jackets?


    WHERE DID U GET THAT!!!!!!!!!!!!????????? This our party, young and hip, yess........trendy and cool, ABSOLUTELY!!!!!!!!! no jackets, think the spa, eugene, discoteque crowd, but TEN TIMES MORE CHILL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Dress to impress, ya know

  6. OK, i know its raining out, everyone is in school mode, etc.........but c'mon peeps lets the buzz going. ITS THURSDAY NIGHT!!!!!!!! time to unwind, get silly, get crazy and let the music and the vibe of Centro take control!

    where's HOMETEAM!!!!!!!!!!

    we need some predictions on who is going to take the award tonight!

    let's go, lets get some posts going about who is coming out tonight!

    T minus 8 hours!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. Originally posted by tbomb1

    It's my sister's birthday on Saturday and we were thinking about going to Spa. Anyone been on a Sat? Any other nice clubs to go to on a sat? Any if all help would be appreciated. Thanks.

    I think zoolander was on to something...Supperclub Saturdays start this weekend...it is sure to be pumping for the grand opening. Not to mention, imo, i think it is an ideal spot to have a bday party due to the booth areas surrounding the balcony...very trendy and intimate. Give it a shot.

  8. Originally posted by litlangel24k


    word around town is that he's quite a goodlooking fellow too...

    who's better than him?? :D :D

    call my cell buddy when you have a minute.. i just left you a message. we'll see you around 11:30 :)



    Now that's more like it!!!!!!!!:D :D

    got ur message, will call u in a few....have to get pretty!!!!

    MUAH, LOVE YA!!!!!!

  9. Originally posted by ehas23

    oh man sterno, you've done it now:blown:

    :laugh: :laugh:

    you see Ermin that is the way to get a thread poppin!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I think u could take some tips from the BEAUTIFUL and TALENETED DJ Melissa.........

    btw, melissa, i think TA introduce us last summer at LIMELIGHT; i can't remember though......regardless, if you give in to your addiction, since u have to pass through the doors, please make sure you reintroduce yourself!:) hope to see you tonight!

  10. Originally posted by echostar

    ok if this isnt proof that resistance is futile then i dont know what is

    i had every intention of NOT going this thursday cuz moneys tight........until my friend who dj's at a strip bar in jersey informed me that hes bringing 3 girls from work with us tommorrow.....woohoo!

    resistance really is futile

    lmao...aren't you a little young to be hanging out with strippers? j/k ;)

    btw, got ur pm.....good looking, sorry its taken me so long to respond, been busy.......see you tomorrow!!!!!!!!!

  11. Originally posted by djklutch

    codica is ur friend good lookin? lol j/k im lookin foward to seeing ya all there, going to be a bangin nite i can feel it already . . .

    > > SaL kLuTcH

    Nice!!!!! that is the prediction i like to hear!!!!!!!!

    Can't wait to here you, Klutch...from outside!!!!!!! ;)


  12. Oh boy buddy.......

    Where do I begin.... No matter how shitty my day is going or how bad my week has been, as soon as I get to Centro @ Thursday around 9pm, everything seems to change. It seems like there is just an awesome vibe surrounding that place from 9pm all the way through to sunrise the next morning. The Crowd is absolutely amazing, combined with the phenomenal talent of DJ's an explosion of intensity just dominates this venue. Promoters are doing a great job and the staff is equally accomodating.

    Last night, like each Thursday b/f, just seems to outdo the previous weeks antics......I managed to do a walk through around 1am to check the place out....and the feeling that overcame me from the lights to whatever track ALI/MAC were laying down was just absolutely unexplainable, it gave me goosebumps....watching the crowd move to these guys was spectacular. These guys are great both personally and professionally........

    Satoshi, was equally incredible........was stuck outside for most of his set, but all my visitors surely let me know what was going on inside. It was a pleasure having him there last night!

    I just want to thank all the regulars who come out and keep this party going strong, welcome all the newcomers...brace yourselves your week is going to begin and end on Thursday nights!!!!!! haha RIF.

    one last thing i want to mention....i want to thank everyone for their patience outside on the line.....IT GETS EXTREMELY HECTIC OUT THERE, last night we were bombarded with about 250 people all wanting to get in at the same time.......FOR THOSE OF YOU THAT KEPT UR PATIENCE AND HAD TO WAIT FOR MORE THAN A LITTLE BIT, I/we apologize, but thank you for enduring.....u know what they say, good things come to those who wait!!!!!!!

    have a good weekend, and i will see everyone next week! :cool:

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