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Everything posted by NYCclub15

  1. LQZ???????????????????? welcome, btw, going to avalon tonight?
  2. err, i meant wednesday night @ centro! wow, JULY, good for you! I have been trying to keep low key myself. DID I WORK THAT NIGHT? UGH! AND WHERE ARE ANDY AND STEVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. CODY, hello my dear...thought i might see you for ROGER this past weekend, whut happened?
  4. :AHEM: Excuse your doorman and Friend, would have liked a call this weekend. I left both of you messages, and heard from no one...little upset about this. anyhow, somebody call me, and let me know how things went thank you
  5. TA, was i even on the topic of anything related to what you wanted me to post about? :confused:
  6. Where do i f'ing begin...... How bout a bow to mother nature for finally blessing us with some sun. However, she is a fickle bitch. we moaned and groaned about the temp, and now she is killing us w/ near 100 degrees... speaking of degrees how f'ing hot was centro last night? both figuratively and literally...Carl Cox tore it up!? YES!? Well, from the way I lost my composure outside last night, it had to be ridiculous inside. Unfortunately I didn't make it in until 430, but the place was still jumping...ONE CRITICISM: we should have had Cox pumping throughout the whole club...any comments on that? oh, one more...WHY DID WE CLOSE @ 530!? dAMN!!!!!!!!!! Anyhow, totally off topic, sorry guys, its 8am and I am just starting to "wind down" .... The point...centro is delivering, SEVY, TA, ANDY, STEVE, et al...two weeks in a row, Cox this week, and DIGGERS NEXT...damn!!!!!!!!!!!! guys, not to mention, ziggy is back so for all u afterhour heads....ONCE AGAIN, CENTRO IS THE PLACE!!!!!!!!! CAN'T wait to see everyone next week, haha...not like i actually got to speak to anyone...sorry guys, it gets hectic out there! TA, U F'ING HAPPY!!!!!!!!!!!! my peeps (and u know who u are) y'all better RESPOND! ps i am smashed!!!!!!!!! pps MARBURY V. MADISON!
  7. well I really haven't posted in a while, but there are a few things that need to be discussed... And that mainly is the revival of Centro Thursdays. A g/f of mine asked what clubs have a good house music party, you know other than maybe the vinyls, the cheetah sundays, filter 14, etc...I told her, I really didn't know, however, CENTRO would be the reigning champ if the crowd would pick up. I know thursdays have been hard on us all, cold weather, school, work, etc. But the summer is slowly getting here, school is almost over, and the talent is just going to be as good if not better with the lineup that ta, sevy, andy and steve, et al have planned. This party for a while was the best party period, and i think that time is coming again....LETS GET THE SUMMER STARTED RIGHT!!!! WHAT A BETTER TO START OFF THE HAMPTONS or jersey shore weekends, by going to centro thursdays, then heading out east or going south!
  8. :laugh: this post is f'ing hilarious!!!!!!!! :eek: aly, i almost died when this guy misassumed that u were a stripper!!!!!!!!!!!! oh my this was just the amusement i needed today...... thank you, thank you very much
  9. hola ladies...nice to meet ya....where ya from? chris
  10. Just when u think you have time to rest....CENTRO comes into the picture...its terrible, since centro began, my weekend begins on Thursday and somehow last all the way until monday morning! Now with NYE on a tuesday, my week will begin then and unfortunately not end until that sunday......IT JUST NEVER STOPS WITH THESE GUYS AND THEIR PARTIES.... anyhow, what can I say about NYE at Centro that isn't self explanatory? Quality and Value...c'mon now, a sick vibe with a chill crowd, excellent music for only 35 beans!!!!!!! OH yeah not to mention we are going until 10 am and serving liquor until the last person leaves!!!! hmmm.....now, i know there are many choices this new years, but honestly how could u go wrong with what TA, SEV, ANDY, STEVE, et al have in store at the fly!!!!!! Its cheap, its chill, and all will not be disappointed.......... HOpe to bring in the new year with everyone at the fly! See you there!
  11. merry xmas...... haha, and what presents centro has instore...SUPERCHUMBO is back.....LAST TIME he was here, he was ripping the place apart...twisted!!!!!!! haha, i only heard a few mins of him when i did some walk throughs, but the crowd was loving him!!!!! Thursday night is just the start on yet another incredible lineup that the the centro promotional team has set up..... hope to see everyone at the xmas party!!!!! chris
  12. nothing strict at centro buddy, come as you are....comfortable but cool. hell its going to be a long night, so u better be comfortable!!!! hope to see you there
  13. OMG, lmfao...u know right b/f u enter the "NY" message board they tell u who the last poster was? well, even if u don't, u were just on my mind, and I was going to shoot a post to you asking u when u were coming back???? hehe, and in it, i was going to say, i would like a nice little hug and kiss!!!!!!!!!! then i just saw ur post!!!!!!! hehe, glad to know we are on the same level! sorry if the top was a bit confusing but you get the general idea....and in answer to ur question............ OF CAAUSS!!!!!!!!!! we missed ya!!!!!!!
  14. lmfao!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :laugh: REACHAROUND, U FUCKING LOSER!!!!!!!! hahaha...do us all a favor and bless the discoteque crowd with your presence! i am sure u will be welcomed there.
  15. lots and lots to do this thursday....... the notables....... Centro Fly: Producer OMID 16B, AND residents MAC AND ALI Limelight: Peter Rauoffer (sp?) Eugene's: xmas party... honestly, LL regular night parties haven't been too hot...eugene's is too stuffy, i guess it would be good if that's what ur looking for, but centro fly would be a phat spot to kick back and relax after ur xmas party, imo...u can hang, hear some dope beats, and be with a chill crowd.
  16. Come on guys, lets get some chatter going about tomorrow night!!!!! I KNOW THERE ARE A lot of events going on tomorrow, but as Frank said, CENTRO has been home to so many on thursday for quite sometime now...its just so comfortable in there. And besides, it's ALI's bday..him and MAC set the vibe in there with their smashing beats every week, lets celebrate! btw, Frank, hopefully i will be able to hear u ripping up from outside! Jeez, it's like the roster keeps getting better every week at the FLY! The lineup is incredible for like the next two months....tomeii, fontaine, warren...HAHA, ITS LIKE centro fly is becoming the thursday night GLOBAL UNDERGROUND!!!!! i love it, the talent is amazing!!!!!
  17. btw...will u be gracing us with ur presence this weekend?
  18. ok, ok, I am pumped for this...and speaking of not working, I think i may actually be off the whole night as well...so I am in for a treat!!!!!! I really think this is going to be the ideal MUSIC PARTY for Wednesday night; let's face other than DT @ LL there really isn't much going on, musically wise....hmmm...i think arc will prolly have someone, is it HOWELLS? whatever....its irrelevant, b/c when was the last time DIGGERS WAS IN TOWN? OH yeah, that's right, like a few months ago to hang out at Centro.... lol, not to mention all the drama surrounding the LL situation, who wants to put up with that ish, just to hear Danny, especially when u can hear danny every f'ing week at his home. At centro it will def be urself...I can't wait. this night is going to be banging...looking forward to it big time....btw, its right around the corner ps pablo, lets keep the drama for another post, ok? thanks
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