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Posts posted by katari

  1. I have noticed in soulseek that people share their entire computer. I'm not sure if they realize it when they do that.

    If you want to see what others can see, put yourself on the list and browse your own files.

    Only share your music directory. If you don't know how to do that ask someone. A lot of important information maybe stored on your computer that you don't want others to access.

    I know I'm stating the obvious and I apologize, but i've seen several people do that. I could access their windows folder !!!

  2. I know the feeling. One person tried to download everything ... AT THE SAME TIME!! And to top it off it failed. So all my songs were in cue to some guy who i couldn't even connect to.

    SO I deleted him. :laugh:

    It's only fair to let the people who are more respectful take my songs.

    This one time, some one was connected at 100kbs to me and took a song, so i got all excited. When I tried to download ... I coudn't even browse his/her files. That's what pisses me off the most.

    People download one at a time ... or send a message warning the guy that you like a lot of his songs.

    Someone needs to write a book on internet etiquette(sp?)

  3. From download.com I downloaded audacity a couple of days ago. It allows yout o cut and paste mp3 files.

    So what you could probably do is cut and paste one track after another. Audacity allows you to zoom in so you can avoid spaces.

    Actually, if you want to simply change the cues you can get away with working with 2 tracks at a time.

    1) Put two tracks together

    2) Make sure there's no funny jumps(in sound) where they meet.

    3) Highlight the region you want as a track and cut it out.

    4) Save that as a track.

    5) Add the next track to the remaining file you were editing.

    As a caution, you should probably make backups of all the tracks. I haven't used audacity long enough to know how stable it is.

    Good luck

  4. Originally posted by salgo

    all the dj's on here, where do you play and what nights?

    I mix at Chrissy Macs, downstairs of Nevada Smiths on Sat from 10-3:30. I think your question is a good one. Maybe you should start a new thread with that question.

  5. hmmm... Sorry dude I have no idea. I'm using Windows 2000 and I had to install it twice because i had setup two different profiles, but it seems to be working fine.

    I hope someone figures it out for you soon.

    Good luck

  6. Wednesday Aug. 14th: Sasha

    10pm till 4am

    Tickets will be pre-sold this Saturday @ arc.

    Or at Satellite Records Mon to Sun.

    Satellite Records

    259 Bowery btw Houston and Prince


    Admission $30

    No reduce list

    Only pre-sold!

  7. I heard/read that Sasha's coming to ARC in august sometime. Does anyone have any details?

    I thinks it's 14th (wednesday) but I'm there.

    Please post any information you may have of the event.


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