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Everything posted by sdeelite

  1. Erotica actually ended up selling 6 million copies which in Madonna terms is considered a flop (sick really)...for anyone else it would be considered a huge success. I didn't research this just now, I happen to be a huge fan that after yrs. of reading up on her and watching her, retains information. She did not hire babyface on Bedtime Stories to appeal to the mainstream...she happened to be more into an R+B/Jazzy vibe at the time and Babyface is included in that sound. And the reason she was on "my home" (that's not even a real magazine, but that's another story) a couple yrs. later was because she had become a mother, and that part of life had become important to her, as opposed to being a sexually expressive single woman a couple yrs. before. Her life goes thru changes just like anybody else, only she has everyone scrutinizing her as she lives her life. And whatever goes on in her life is seriously reflected in her music. She has never worried about what would be considered mainstream or not, she just produces a sound and vibe that she is feeling in her life at the time. All of her albums are complete proof of this, inlcuding her most recent work.
  2. As much as I love music for music...it is still very much a business (especially if we are talking about the labels). Even the ppl that do it for the love expect to eventually get something monetarily out of it.
  3. Agree.. If you want to download that's understandable...fast and easy access to music..but if you're gonna do that you have to balance it out by actually buying music as well and help support the dying business. If these artists don't have any more labels to turn to, they'll never be able to get their music out properly (as single individuals usually do not have the means to do that themselves, financially and otherwise). And then there will be less and less music to download as a result. I'm with cintron...if I like something I downloaded, I'll usually go out and by the 12", as well as shop for new music while I'm at it. For those of you that aren't dj's, dance singles usually come in cd maxi's which u can get as well. I know a lot of ppl say fuck you to this philosophy, but you have to look at the downward spiral we are all in...it will affect everyone in the end.
  4. Very well said... If you're a real fan you will accept and love any and all of her reincarnations or phases or whatever you want to call them. Her fans tend to be very open minded ppl that have no problem finding merit in anything that she does. [zlatang]It's funny that the sex phase was your favorite, cuz as much as I found that entertaining as well, that was considered a huge low point in her career from critics at the time. And they said she was over then too.... I don't think she regrets it at this point, but I wouldn't think the Madonna of now would pick that as her favorite time if asked about it now. Then again she doesn't really dwell on the past too much so maybe she doesn't think about it anyway.
  5. It's on the cd single, but I am sure u can find it other ways since no one likes to buy music anymore.
  6. She's making a statement about american life and society and she doesn't live in england the whole yr., and she did live in america 24/7 until a couple yrs. ago, let's not forget. Yeah, I can agree tho, Swept Away really blew. What can you do, movies were never her strong point. I think next week Madonna will be #1 on the charts outselling Kelly...Kelly has been selling well, but there should be the usual drop off in sales after the first few weeks of a debut anyway.
  7. If you're talking about the diff mixes... They are: 1. American Life (Missy Elliot remix) 2. American Life (Oakenfold Downtempo remix) 3. American Life (Felix Da Housecat's Devin Dazzle Club mix) 4. American Life (Peter Rauhofer's American Anthem) (Part 1) 5. American Life (Peter Rauhofer's American Anthem) (Part 2) Missy mix=ehh. next... Oakenfold=the mix they have switched over to playing on the radio. Felix=nice job (electro) Peter=1 and 2 are nice, sorta a mix between his older style and new, second mix more undergroundy Hope that answers your question.
  8. OK first of all, Madonna's career is not over! There will always be the ppl that hate, so that comment does not shock me. This cd is very different than anything she's done, or really, than anything anybody is doing right now... It's incredibly personal, and more open than any other artist out there right now, and it's way more guitar oriented than she's ever gone. It's a combo of folk, rock, electro...which is a mesh of genres that usually do not go hand in hand. Any time the ear hears something it's not used to, you'll second guess it. But give it a chance, I think it's great that she's getting experimental with her music. I'll admit...It's not a one listen cd. You don't get it immediately. But after a couple listens I have fallen in love with it. Granted I've been a fan for a very long time, but she's trying to say something with this record. And in this day and age, music with meaning is refreshing to me. I also happened to be at the Tower Records performance on wednesday and got to meet her, got her autograph, everything. The performance was absolutely amazing, she sounded amazing, looked amazing, and was happy to be there. The vibe in there was incredible. She was even in such a good mood that she did an acoustic version of Like a Virgin BY REQUEST from the audience. Having her perform the songs live made me appreciate the music even more. If you don't like the cd and have fully given it a chance, that's fine, it's your opinion. But if you've quickly judged the cd or even her this time, I think you should take another listen. My two cents
  9. sorry fliz, had to say my part:) but, way to alleviate the drama! upward and onward with the music talk now...
  10. Wasn't gonna get involved but... First off there is nothing wrong with being a DJ. And not everyone is capable of doing it properly...so just keep that in mind. And just because a person dj's does not mean that they don't have a life outside of that. There is also nothing wrong with wanting to go out and have fun, dance, meet new people, whatever at a bar/club/ or lounge. And for most people it is simply escapism from the week, NOT their life. No one ever said it was (I also don't believe wakeup ever said that either). Never thought I'd be sticking up for you wakeup, but life is full of surprises. Besides, the main focus on this board as it says at the top of the page IS clubplanet "nightlifestyle". So uh...it's kind of what we're supposed to be talking about on here.
  11. thanks for the editorial CHRles! very informative. I actually dig disco punk, but I have never been a fan of happy hardcore or scooter. But that's just my personal opinion. I know it is popular in certain areas in Europe. I do remember that I'm Raving I'm Raving track from way back (Based on "Walking in Memphis") which I liked at the time tho.
  12. so what we have learned is... there is such a genre as hardstyle! certain ppl please take note of this. and about the happy hardcore making a come back...please, godd no!!!!!!
  13. so because it supposedly came from holland that makes it less legit? trance did not originate in the states either buddy. and by the way anyone that knows dance music knows that there isn't just this or just that, genres these days are meshing like never before... making it even harder to categorize styles all together.
  14. Not that I'm into hard trance or the hardstyle thing, but pangelid is right there is such a sub genre as hardstyle.
  15. also there is an illicit white label mix going around--could be the cosmos mix or vice versa just not sure. mislabels galore as usual. it's really nice tho. to agree with the marco v comments...um yeah, have to second that, his mix is horrible.
  16. haha... really now? hey dino:)
  17. good to see that some ppl agree this song sucks, everyone is going on about it I don't see why...
  18. ahh...I do miss those bouncy chairs...
  19. get over it, worse problems in the world.
  20. I have to be honest here, I never heard of him either...
  21. and the argument usually involves sticking up for a certain club... (hint: the opposite of the word "entrance")...hehe
  22. Yup, good to see he's workin on that while he rants and raves about his anti smoking crusade...
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