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Clubplanet Nightlife Community


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Everything posted by LiVision

  1. First, let me let you know, I have a g/f, she wears the hottest clothes in whatever club we're in. She always looks amazing. Guys hit on her, and thats cool with me. She usually introduces them to me and I'm friends with some of them today. What everyone needs to realize is that a club is not environment in which the girls have all the control and the guys are all "after the girls". Most of the girls we meet in the clubs seem to have noses up in the air with no reason for it. I've seen guys offer to buy drinks for a girl that she just was rude to him for no other reason than "he's a guy". Its time to realize that the girls want to hook up just as much as the guys. When the girls and guys start respecting each other the same and stop putting the sexual part of it as the number one issue, EVERYONE will have a much better time.
  2. Anyone have any good hook ups for this element on long island....without going into the clubs LiVision
  3. Leaving for cancun in 3 days.... How difficult is it to find (as Teneglia would say....) elements? Are they pricy or better? help soon...thanks LiVision
  4. Leaving for cancun in 3 days.... How difficult is it to find (as Teneglia would say....) elements? Are they pricy or better? help soon...thanks LiVision
  5. Leaving for cancun in 3 days.... How difficult is it to find (as Teneglia would say....) elements? Are they pricy or better? help soon...thanks LiVision
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