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A to Z

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Everything posted by A to Z

  1. I Have To Agree...i Was There Sautrday And I Had A Good Time. Jonathan Was In A Good Mood And It Showed It. Mendez
  2. Much love to you brotha. I see ur point...and ur absolutly right. but my comments are unrealistic??? I know a ton of people who buy vinyl and there not even DJ's. I'm not looking to get into a pissing match but the more downloading that goes on, the more it hurts the industry. >Before all this downloading crap even started...what did people do??? they bought it. No shit most people aren't DJ's, but what they need to understand IT HURTS EVERYBODY!!!! I'm not mad @ anyone who downloads music...but it has changed dance music so dramatically it has changed the scene. PEACE Mendez
  3. >get a cheap turntable and BUY IT ON VINYL. If you are a true music guru...it sounds better on vinyl anyway. You ask where u can get music? DECA DANCE, SATILITE, there's a TON of record stores in NY that you can get all the stuff I get, and those stores i mentioned...you will most likely run into BIG NAME DJ's buying all the bombs u are looking for. I guess i am bitter about people who download music because that's the reason why dance music is at an all time low. NO labels putting $$$ into mixes cause evryone doesn't BUY IT!!!! i guess what i'm trying to say is SUPPORT RECORD SALES peace out dude. Mendez
  4. >try this...GO OUT AND BUY UR MUSIC Mendez
  5. >Thanks for all you clubplanet peeps who showed up to XS last friday. I had a blast playing and you guys were great. >I'll see you all this saturday @ XS!!!! Andrew Mendez
  6. Hey prime!!! i got ur message a while back but you it was in and out...i need ur number again!!! Mendez stopping by friday or what???
  7. I'm working on a real dope night w/ Teo....hopefully it will go through...i don't want to jinx myself Mendez
  8. WORD UP!!! gonna be off the hook friday!!! FIST PUMPS ALL NIGHT LONG!!!
  9. dude i'm busting ur chops!!! you know ur my boy dog!
  10. on the mix sunday @ XS AM X 2 = DJ AM / DJ ANDREW MENDEZ WORD!!!!!
  11. NICE!!! i'm looking foward to it...i get to play straight through. I love playing saturday's but i get to flow easier since i have the whole night. see you there
  12. I guess i'll be seeing you tonihgt!!! Mendez
  13. Hopefully i'll see you there...if not..see you saturday !!!
  14. ARE YOU staring DRAMA??? i don't think you wanna go there... your boy mendez
  15. Here's an update DJ LUG HEAD opening w/ hip hop Yours truely from 11-close ADMISSION $10!!!!!! See you friday
  16. ...say WHAT???...HOUSE MUSIC ALL NIGHT LONG!!!!! this friday @ XS...beginnig @ 11pm... Mr. MENDEZ ON THE MIX ...LUG-HEAD opening... >i promise you this...I am going be dropping bombs on u...and EXPECT THE UNEXPECTED see you friday!!! Andrew
  17. >One of the best performances i have heard. I'm looking foward to working w/ him out in LA. Awesome guy and dope DJ. Nice seeing everyone last night...and don't worry...Riddler and I got home fine!!! Mendez
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