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Clubplanet Nightlife Community

A to Z

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Everything posted by A to Z

  1. ur gonna have a great time bro...it's an awesome show
  2. UNREAL!!! It was one of the best times i had. Anyone who is going to see her in NJ you are in for a huge treat. The show itself was great and i didn't sit down for a minute!!! i won't give anything away but i promise you will have a blast!!! Mendez ps I'll be back @ XS in 2 weeks :)
  3. anytime i have been to tempts this year it was nothing but a great time!!! And Denny has been ripping it...i always enjoy it! Even when i play @ XS i always make my way back so i can get my house music fix Mendez
  4. what can i say, it was a sick night...especially playing w/ 2 great guys. See you guys the next time i'm back!!! thanks to Kosta and Dmitry. Andrew Mendez
  5. I'll be in to say my hello's before i head to XS
  6. Word up gangsta!!! looking foward to working w/ my boyz again
  7. Hey b-day girl...long time no see...come by the booth...shots on me befor i go on! Mendez
  8. ...TUNE IN!!! MENDEZ on the MIX!!! it's all about the DRUMZ!!!
  9. Just went record shopping...got some JAMS for this week!!! Mendez
  10. good seeing you saturday night...i got some jams for ya for this week Mendez
  11. >Just got the call...i'll be comming back to "The Party" this saturday @ XS. Myself, Unique and Klutch will rip it another weekend together. Last week was soo sick...this week will be even CRAZIER!!!!! see you saturday!!! ANDREW MENDEZ
  12. for having me this past saturday...i had a ton of fun playing for all of you. I'm looking foward to comming back soon Andrew Mendez
  13. WORD BRO...i really CAN'T WAIT to tear it up...i haven't been this excited to play in a while. Mendez
  14. @ XS My first time in seaside since Tempts and MERGE...It's been a long time comming...WE ARE ALL GONNA ROCK THE HOUSE!!!!!!!!!! i can't wait for saturday...playing w/ my old freinds is gonna be like a reuinion...Klutch @CHEETAH and UNIQUE @ MUSIC FACTORY way back in the day!!! see you this week...it's going to be a night to remember Mendez www.andrewmendezmusic.com
  15. This friday the 4th i'll be playing @ GLAM on 52 south secon street in philly from 10-2am and will be playing afterhours 4th of july weekend TBA. Any questions drop me a mail!!! DJ ANDREW MENDEZ www.andrewmendezmusic.com
  16. Comming in stright from philly...saturday will be sick!!! see you there Mendez
  17. too many good times to name...but if i had to name a few....of course my retro metro party's...and my b-day party when John Traina did my favorite song SILENCE and Byron Stingly sang happy b-day to me thanks Metro Family for the memories Mendez
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