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A to Z

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Everything posted by A to Z

  1. >I sure know what that is my brotha!!! One of my favorite jams peace Mendez
  2. >I have no idea...i was just notified 30 min ago. No details...Just told me my date has been moved.
  3. Yes MENDEZ sucks and should not be there that is alright we all know that. >So now i ask you this, why do i suck? I would totally appreciate your opinion if you where to give me reasons why. And i find it funny that you say i suck when i have recieved over 100 e-mails about how good i played last friday. Hey man no hard feallings, I am a kool guy and respect you opinion, but the only way someone can improve is if YOU THE PEOPLE critique what i do. peace out!!! happy clubbing... Andrew Mendez :)
  4. >I will not be spinning this friday @ Exit. I was just informed there will be a guest DJ playin. But i promise I will be back soon! keep it real Andrew Mendez :)
  5. >Yes i did!!! great job on it...i listened to it as soon as i got in my car. I like Potato heads!!!! my favorite song!!! peace Mendez ps I WILL NOT BE PLAYING @ EXIT THIS FRIDAY....i will be back soon!!!!!
  6. >I'd just like to say thank you to everyone who came to Exit last friday, I had a blast!!! I will be back this friday from open-close so i hope to see you all come out again. >Just to clear things up, I understand that you all love the harder beats. I do to, but as a DJ who plays all over, its not always about the hard beats. What i am trying to bring into the room is something different. If someone was to play hard beats all night wouldn't you get tired of that? the greatest thing about music is there's many different kings of MUSIC. When i play it is like an emotional trip. I DO NOT bang you out all night long w/ hard beats. I will bring the tempo up and down to keep you interested and make you think..."what will he do next." If i I feel the need to play a vocal record i will, Hard, Trance, breaks , i will play but EDUCATION is what everyone needs and an OPEN MIND. see you this friday keep it real Andrew Mendez :) www.AndrewMendez.com
  7. >IMO...it takes a lot to DJ down the shore. JV is good DJ but really think about this...what does he play? Hard fast trance. Is the NJ shore ready for that? or will accept it? Tempts will always do the numbers and this year i promise Merge will be a whole different ball game. IMO, from what i hear Teo get's the job done. He plays for the crowd w/ energy. why try and fix something that's not broken? Maybe a guest spot from JV, but residency??? gotta think about that one. my 2 cents PEACE Mendez :)
  8. >hope to see all of you come out for my 1st appearence in NY since LIMELIGHT!!!! I have taken a step away from NY so i can realy concentrate on my sound and come back fierce. Tonight will be nutz, I just hope you are ready to hang late...really late peace Andrew mendeZ
  9. >Get ready for some shit tonight people!!!! key word....ENERGY!!!!!!!! peace Mendez
  10. this friday night @ EXIT.........2.01.02 DJ ANDREW MENDEZ 10pm-close (main floor) see you there!!!! peace Mendez :) www.AndrewMendez.com
  11. >This friday night @ EXIT NYC........I'll be Spinning all night on the main floor from open-close.....hope to see you there!!!!!!!!! peace Andrew Mendez :) www.AndrewMendez.com
  12. >thanks for having me on friday i had a blast!!! look foward to next time peace Andrew Mendez www.AndrewMendez.com
  13. >WOW...was i @ the wrong Hunka Bunka on friday???? Pretty funny...the numbers that night were double than it has been, and all i saw from the booth was everyone on the floor all night. so quick to bash...but never enough to please. FUNNY!
  14. >i'm 23 and never felt better peace Mendez :)
  15. >Saturday the 26th Johnny Vicious will be @ METRO LOUNGE. It'll be his first appearence @ Metro in over 2 years!!!! gonna be great time. I will be spinning @ MERGE saturday night, getting geared up for one crazy summer!!!! Peace Mendez PS Don't Forget i will also be playing @ HUNKA BUNKA for RSL Live W/ Sal parm...see you there this friday too!!!
  16. Wait til you hear Merge's system ths summer...............nuff said peace Mendez
  17. >ADV get's my vote!!!! I love his selection, i listen to him as much as i can when i'm free. Plus he's mad kool.
  18. >Thank you soo much for the vote of confidence . I work really hard @ what i do. Plus I am glad to see 2 Metro Lounge/Merge DJ's up in your votes. This summer will be nutz. PLUR Andrew Mendez
  19. Steve, If u are the promoter why do u have 5 dj's spinning. I think if u have kluch and Mark Carucci spin and no one else this party will last a long time, and me and my friends will come next week
  20. Steve I just wanted to say that i agree but if u have the first dj's who were spinning, spin next week, alot of people arent going to go. I dont understand why you have 5 dj's spinning. Other then that, if keep the hip hop dj spinning and Mark Carucci i feel that dimis wed. will do well for a long time.
  21. >Thanks for the support cuz!!!!! peace Andrew Mendez www.AndrewMendez.com
  22. >Hey man..thanks for the thought . To be honest w/ you, I am a very loyal person when it comes to playing places. I've been w/ Petey K and Metro Lounge for the past 3 years and I will be back @ Merge this summer. Even if you say the crowd was weak, I'm just happy that that weak crowd came to hear me every saturday that i was there. If my skills are really as good as you say they are, I am hoping that more people like you who recognize it will come hear me for me...not for the venue i play in. I am very greatful to have a saturday night in the NJ shore. I had a BLAST working @ Surf for 2 years but i really didn't have enough time to play for everyone because everyone would go to tempts befor i cought my groove. >Just like anything else, It's going to take time for Merge to get its crowd and i am going to do as much as i can to help the process. We will get our loyal people who will come to merge for the music, just like loyal tempts fans go there. peace man Andrew Mendez www.AndrewMendez.com
  23. >good to see you too smokee!!! hope we can chil more often peace Andrew Mendez www.AndrewMendez.com
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